WHOhan Flu. Trumps Letter to WHO


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Plain, simple to understand, and 100% factual.




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The easiest way to expose China in a passive-aggressive manner so that they can't retaliate, is to keep pushing and demanding that Taiwan be recognized in the W.H.O. It will expose the biased leadership of the W.H.O, force the current scumbag out, force the replacement to accept Taiwan, and give Taiwan a particular voice in this Crime Against Humanity perpetrated by China and the W.H.O. Everyone will be forced to ask, "why are we denying this nation that handled the virus so well!?"

We can then expect more support for Taiwan, Hong Kong and other key locations of "communist distress" from citizens of the west, whereas before this virus, most citizens in the West may not have cared. Why? We are ALL suffering from the abuses of the Wuhan Virus, so we will all pay closer attention to this issue.

I sincerely hope the West takes this opportunity. CIA, Mi6, CSIS, all Western intel should push this case hard behind the scenes.
Democrats will pronounce the letter nonsense, doesn't make sense could have been written by a third grader.
the World Health Organization represents everything Trump hates: The world. health. and organization.
Tom Fitton and Judicial Watch has sued to get documents pertaining to Tiny Tony Fraudi's correspondence with the sick, disgusting POS corrupt W.H.O.!

Tom Fitton IMO is going to get the Medal of Freedom in President Trump's second term.

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