Whole Foods vs. BLM

Of course it does, the federal government is attempting to force this private company to give voice to a specific message. Just how fascist are you willing to allow the government to become?

Actually they are telling the company they don't have a right to enforce a dress code. That is fascist, it's a private company.

wearing a mask is protecting the people around you & them wearing a mask protects you.

that's how it works, jethro.

anyhoo ... an N95 mask is better than what you are trying to peddle as the complete answer.
Totally false. The real-world evidence is massively in agreement that face coverings as mandated by the state do NOT reduce transmission rates. In fact, the evidence suggests that these things INCREASE transmission rates, the reasons for that are speculative but include reduced blood oxygen levels which leads to an opportunity for an opportunistic virus to gain a foothold.

And no, N95 is no better. Read the manufacturers warning.

This whole issue about wearing masks is purely political: it makes people feel better, even though it is in fact about as barbaric as wearing a garlic necklace to ward off an evil disease.
This whole issue about wearing masks is purely political: it makes people feel better, even though it is in fact about as barbaric as wearing a garlic necklace to ward off an evil disease.
Stephen Kissler, a research fellow in the Department of Immunology and Infectious Diseases at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, said in a February 11, 2021 Vox article that while more people received a flu vaccine this year, the sharp drop in cases was probably largely driven by mask-wearing and distancing. Kissler suggested that wearing masks in the future could be an effective way of helping control flu outbreaks. “Wearing masks in the wintertime, I think it’s something that might be here to stay,” he said.
A sharp drop in flu cases during COVID-19 pandemic

“Though caused by a different virus from the one that causes COVID-19, the flu is also a respiratory viral disease, so everything we are doing to slow transmission of COVID-19 should also reduce transmission of flu,” says Klein, an associate professor of emergency medicine at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. (Read about how to protect yourself from the flu and COVID-19.)
Flu Cases Decline Dramatically This Season

huh... well there's some logic in that there science.
you showed the kind of mask that's not the type recommended.

nice try though, cletus.
watch your news cast tonight and tell me that you don't see on almost every person that isn't wearing a home made one. It wasn't until today that the CDC recommended N95 or KN95. I know you're an old bat, but senility doesn't excuse your lack knowledge.

Whose side are you on? Whole Foods wants to remain neutral. Some employees want to wear BLM messaging. I am with WF. Ban all messaging so employees don’t feel pressured to be political. Just sell food and such and don’t get involved. Plus BLM is a terrorist group.

What are your thoughts? Free speech or is the employer correct?
Employers can set dress codes for work and that can include political messages. BLM is out of luck on this one.


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Whose side are you on? Whole Foods wants to remain neutral. Some employees want to wear BLM messaging. I am with WF. Ban all messaging so employees don’t feel pressured to be political. Just sell food and such and don’t get involved. Plus BLM is a terrorist group.

What are your thoughts? Free speech or is the employer correct?

My firm banned any "messaging" on our clothing - especially on "casual Fridays", when jeans and t-shirts were allowed. That included concert T-shirts as well. We weren't even a retail business and staff interactions with clients was infrequent. And visible tattoos.

I'm with Whole Foods. If you don't want employees wearing "messaging" on their clothing while they are at work, they're your stores and the workers are your representatives while on duty. Would these workers be happy if another group won the right to wear MAGA hats in opposition to the BLM hats? Not the time or the place.
I wonder about a Jewish person, who mocks the racism black people in the USA deal with all of their lives, regardless of their level of income or achievement, and while complaining about the suffering of his people and screaming anti-semitism at every turn.
“All of the time”? Nope

Try again
“All of the time”? Nope

Try again

I wonder about a Jewish person, who mocks the racism black people in the USA deal with all of their lives, regardless of their level of income or achievement, and while complaining about the suffering of his people and screaming anti-semitism at every turn.

Please point out where the phrase "all of the time" appears in this post. You can't even read, let alone comprehend.

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