Who's Going to Get Fired Over Petraeus Investigation?


Nov 13, 2012
Who's Going to Get Fired Over Petraeus Investigation?

So retired Gen. David Petraeus has resigned as CIA director in the wake of revelations of an affair and crazy email behavior on his part and that of his lover. That Petraeus cashiered himself just as he was about to testify before Congress about the total botch job surrounding the September 11 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya is disturbing for about a thousand reasons. Yesterday, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) said that she and others in the Senate had no idea that the FBI was investigating Petraeus until he resigned. The White House has said they didn't know... Well, who did?
FBI Looking Into How Broadwell Got Classified Files...
FBI investigating how Petraeus biographer Broadwell obtained classified files
Nov 14, 2012 - Wants to know the source of the documents seized from her home
The FBI is making a new push to determine how a woman who had an affair with retired Gen. David H. Petraeus when he was CIA director obtained classified files, part of an expanding series of investigations in a scandal that also threatens the career of the United States’ top military commander in Afghanistan. Senior law enforcement officials said that a late-night seizure on Monday of boxes of material from the North Carolina home of Paula Broadwell, a Petraeus biographer whose affair with him led to his resignation last week, marks a renewed focus by investigators on sensitive material found in her possession. “The issue of national security is still on the table,” one U.S. law enforcement official said. Both Petraeus and Broadwell have denied to investigators that he was the source of any classified information, officials said.

The surprise move by the FBI follows assertions by U.S. officials that the investigation had turned up no evidence of a security breach — a factor that was cited as a reason the Justice Department did not notify the White House before last week that the CIA director had been ensnared in an e-mail inquiry. The disclosure about the FBI’s renewed focus comes as investigations of the matter expanded on other fronts. The Defense Department said Tuesday that its inspector general is examining hundreds of e-mails between Marine Gen. John R. Allen, the U.S. commander in Afghanistan, and a Florida woman also linked to the Petraeus inquiry.

At the same time, key lawmakers signaled their intent to scrutinize the Justice Department’s handling of an inquiry that focused initially on a potential conflict between two private people but quickly morphed into an examination of the e-mail of two top national security officers. “My immediate gut is like this is the National Enquirer,” Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), the chairman of the Senate intelligence committee, said in an interview on CNN. “I mean, every day there is something new.” Feinstein added that she has “many questions about the nature of the FBI investigation, how it was instituted, and we’ll be asking those.”

White House spokesman Jay Carney said that President Obama maintains confidence in Allen and that the four-star general will continue to lead the war in Afghanistan even as he faces the inspector general’s inquiry. “I can tell you that the president thinks very highly of General Allen and his service to his country, as well as the job he has done in Afghanistan,” Carney said, adding that Obama “has faith in General Allen, believes he’s doing and has done an excellent job.” At the same time, Carney said Obama put on hold Allen’s nomination to serve as supreme allied commander for NATO forces in Europe, canceling Allen’s appearance before the Senate Armed Services Committee this week. The Allen investigation focuses on his extensive correspondence with Jill Kelley, a Tampa resident who had carved out a role as an ad hoc social ambassador to military personnel at MacDill Air Force Base.


See also:

Petraeus Scandal: Paula Broadwell in Classified Document Probe
Paula Broadwell, the author who allegedly had an affair with former CIA Director David Petraeus, is suspected of storing significant amounts of military documents, including classified material, at her home, potentially in violation of federal law.
A source familiar with case told ABC News that Broadwell admitted to the FBI she took the documents from secure government buildings. The government demanded that they all be given back, and when federal agents descended on her North Carolina home on Monday night it was a pre-arranged meeting. Prosecutors are now determining whether to charge Broadwell with a crime, and this morning the FBI and military are poring over the material. The 40-year-old author, who wrote the biography on Gen. Petraeus "All In," is cooperating and the case, which is complicated by the fact that as an intelligence officer in the U.S. Military Reserve she had security clearance to review the documents.

The FBI found classified material on a computer voluntarily handed over by Broadwell earlier in the investigation. Prosecutors will now have to determine how important the classified material is before making a final decision. Authorities could decide to seek disciplinary action against her rather than pursue charges. Senior FBI officials are expected to brief the House and Senate Intelligence Committees today on their handling of the Petraeus investigation. The officials are expected to lay out how the case was developed and argue that there were no politics involved. The case is so critical that FBI Director Robert Mueller may attend to defend the bureau, ABC News has learned. Members of Congress have been angry that they were not informed about the case before the story was reported by the media, but FBI officials maintain that their guidelines forbid them from discussing ongoing criminal cases.

This summer, Florida socialite and "honorary ambassador" to the military Jill Kelley received anonymous emails accusing her of flaunting a friendly relationship with military brass in Tampa. Kelley then called the FBI, which traced those emails back to Broadwell's computer. Investigators are said to have then found emails in Broadwell's inbox that pointed to an intimate affair with Petraeus, who on Friday admitted to the affair and announced his resignation as CIA director. The FBI has now uncovered "potentially inappropriate" emails between Gen. John Allen, the commander of American forces in Afghanistan, and Kelley, according to a senior U.S. defense official who is traveling with Defense Secretary Leon Panetta. The department is reviewing between 20,000 and 30,000 documents connected to this matter, the official said. The email exchanges between Kelley and Allen took place from 2010 to 2012.

The U.S. official said the emails were "innocuous" and mostly about upcoming dinner parties and seeing him on TV. Allen denies he was involved in an affair, a Pentagon official said. An intermediary for Allen told ABC News that Allen and his wife are friends with Kelley and her husband and most of the emails were sent from Kelley to Allen's wife. A U.S. official said Allen may have triggered the investigation when he got an anonymous email a few months ago that was traced to Broadwell. The email had a "Kelley Patrol" return address or subject line and painted Kelley as a seductress, which Allen found alarming and mentioned to Kelley in a subsequent email, the official said. The official described Kelley as a "nice, bored rich socialite who drops the honorary from her title... and tells people she is an ambassador. She gets herself in anything related to Centcom and all the senior people and has been for years."

Petraeus Scandal: Paula Broadwell in Classified Document Probe - Yahoo!

President Obama at press conference:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVG1q49yPaY]I See Nothing I Know Nothing - YouTube[/ame]
c..c..c..c..c. . . catfight!

Nothing more than a couple of spoiled elitist rich ladies got into a bitch fight over who is the 'prettiest girls' around the Generals.

Women are wonderful, but when they go into "girl extreme competitive combat mode" . . . wow!
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$.02---while driving---Limbaugh said--'Don't expect much of anything to happen', as a result of this.

shrug--i honestly don't.

further down 'the road'--there will be 'something else' and then something else and i suspect it is possible, if not probable---that some sort of crisis will occur -what will happen then I cannot say.

--Clinton/enjoying his life and respected by many. not by me, fyi.

-Richard Nixon--chose to resign

and so on and so forth. is there anyone like Bob Woodward available--I just don't know.


at times I really believe that Israel will take action and the US/like it or not will become involved.

and yes, I think the US is highly vulnerable to acts of terrorism of all kinds.

fertililzer and a few chemicals ---that will work--many ways to attack the US?
Who's Going to Get Fired Over Petraeus Investigation?

So retired Gen. David Petraeus has resigned as CIA director in the wake of revelations of an affair and crazy email behavior on his part and that of his lover. That Petraeus cashiered himself just as he was about to testify before Congress about the total botch job surrounding the September 11 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya is disturbing for about a thousand reasons. Yesterday, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) said that she and others in the Senate had no idea that the FBI was investigating Petraeus until he resigned. The White House has said they didn't know... Well, who did?

All this talk of a sex scandal, Congrats lemmings for assisting the Obama admin in Deflecting From Benghazi. I got to hand it to them, the Obama admin are masters of manipulating the press. They actually put forth the idea today in the press conference with McCain and others, that the Petreaus sex scandal is Much more important than Benghazi.


Lance Armstrong succumbed to temptation and cheated to win some bicycle races.

David Petraeus succumbed to temptation and cheated on his wife with a hanger-on.

They got caught. End of story.

Anything beyond that is sheer wishful thinking. The 24 hour news channels have a giant vacuum of time to fill, and there are only so many blond chicks missing in the Caribbean. They will invent things to keep your attention between commercials for gold coins.

Read a book. Take a critical thinking class. There are better ways to pass the time than participate in a conspiracy masturbation fest.

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