Who's responsible for the current high prices?


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2018

Half of recent US inflation due to high corporate profits, report finds

A new report claims “resounding evidence” shows that high corporate profits are a main driver of ongoing inflation, and companies continue to keep prices high even as their inflationary costs drop.

Prices for consumers rose by 3.4% over the past year, but input costs for producers increased by just 1%, according to the authors’ calculations, which were based on data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis and National Income and Products Accounts.

The corporations have been quick to pass on any increases in cost, but not inclined to pass on the savings when costs went back down.

So not really inflation anymore, but greedflation.

This, my republican friends, is why capitalism requires regulation and oversight.
But absolutely nothing to do with the $6+ trillion printed up out of thin air over the last 3 years!

How?.... businesses don't control the price they have to charge the economy does and this economy favors the elites at the expense of the poor and middle class... the exact thing you idiots say republicans would do...

Actually I've argued they are just different sides of the same coin, so..............................
They have obviously added to it.
High demand often results in high profits.

Inflation isn’t as complicated as people make it out.

During the pandemic, people esrned money they couldn’t spend, got more money from government handouts, and then when things came back everyone wanted all the things and it led to inflation.

Inflation now is being driven by a tight labor market and higher wages, but the bad inflation everyone is talking about was not a terribly complicated store.

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