Who's responsible for the current high prices?

The regulators and overseers have been bought off by the Wall Street scum infesting your party.

Best get that plank out of your own eye first, Dudley.
LOL, Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
Truth, fool.
I blame the Mid-East wars initiated by GW Bush and economic policies from GW Bush through Biden. Add to that the economy gearing back up from COVID. Then there's OPEC losing the battle to cripple our oil fracking industry through cheap oil. Seeing that didn't work they got off that kick. Which in turn has allowed our oil industry to increase shareholder value through huge profits. We also have the increases in the minimum wage.

After all this I'm pretty satisfied on how the Federal Reserve has handled the matter. Although I did wish they would have gradually increased interest rates during Obama's 2nd term.

Half of recent US inflation due to high corporate profits, report finds

The corporations have been quick to pass on any increases in cost, but not inclined to pass on the savings when costs went back down.

So not really inflation anymore, but greedflation.

This, my republican friends, is why capitalism requires regulation and oversight.
You guys are too funny. I thought your official line was that prices aren't high anymore? Now you are admitting they are.
Liberal billionaires aren't fighting increased taxation or regulation. They're the first to admit that the laws need to be changed. Nor are they denying climate change.
yea like wealthy democrats are not greedy fuckers...you are too tainted to know ....

Half of recent US inflation due to high corporate profits, report finds

The corporations have been quick to pass on any increases in cost, but not inclined to pass on the savings when costs went back down.

So not really inflation anymore, but greedflation.

This, my republican friends, is why capitalism requires regulation and oversight.
I imagine a lot of it is profiteering. A good sign of this is our gas vendor at the hospital. We got a letter stating that the price of a delivery would go up because of fuel costs rising. Strange how that never went down when fuel costs dipped and have remained pretty consistently lower than they were. Of course the comedic thing about all of this is that Linde isn't paying retail fuel prices; they are buying it wholesale via contracts and getting discounts because of the volume they are committed to purchasing. And I'm sure the wholesale price has gone up as well. But it didn't skyrocket overnight and it sure as heck hasn't come down. Perhaps their wholesaler is screwing them the same way Linde is screwing us. But it supports your point.

The bedrock issue though is this. There is too much money chasing too few goods. We really need to get rid of all of the tariffs and start importing the shit out of everything. Today was a good example. I went to the grocery store. I don't use a lot of cooking oil--I do air frying but for baking you need some oil from time to time. So I want to go buy a small bottle of Crisco. I get there and you have your choice of canola oil, grapeseed oil, corn oil, vegetable oil, avacado oil, olive oil by the barrel. I wanted a 16 ounce bottle of Crisco. They had the gallon, the half gallon, the shortening, the shortening sticks... but not that little bottle. SO I bought Wesson. We'll see how it goes.

BTW...my pecan pie came out perfect!!!
High demand often results in high profits.

Inflation isn’t as complicated as people make it out.

During the pandemic, people esrned money they couldn’t spend, got more money from government handouts, and then when things came back everyone wanted all the things and it led to inflation.

Inflation now is being driven by a tight labor market and higher wages, but the bad inflation everyone is talking about was not a terribly complicated store.
Smerconish had a good line about it today.

It went something like this. You go to Best Buy about once a year or so and buy a TV or a printer or a GoPro or Cell phone or whatever. The price of these goods has remained pretty static. Maybe it costs more than it did last year but you don't really notice the price increase because you don't remember what you paid in 2022.

You go to the supermarket and see that last week Butter costs you $4 a pack and now it costs you $4.50...you notice that.
Liberal billionaires aren't fighting increased taxation or regulation. They're the first to admit that the laws need to be changed. Nor are they denying climate change.
LMAO there's nothing stopping liberal billionaires from cutting a check to government TODAY. OH DEM HYPOCRISY SNAP!! Now run along fool.

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