Why a British guy keeps coming here and telling US we have racial problems, when he needs to address his own countries slavery..


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
So Tommy Taint, it is easy for you to join the liberal bandwagon and bash US for what Southern Democrats did with people they though were inferior, but it all goes back to the white supremists of Britain who were the original occupiers of the colonies. Again, worry about your own racist heritage and keep the fuck out of ours.

Slavery in the Colonies: The British Position on Slavery in the Era of Revolution
To turn a profit, the British established plantations within these islands and along the east coast of North America whose fertile soils could produce the necessary exports. The British concentrated their efforts within the Atlantic slave trade by sending cargo ships full of captive Africans to the Caribbean. There, they were held in bondage and worked mostly the sugar cane plantations.
In America, the importation of captives was less prevalent, at least in the first decades. The main force behind the plantations of sixteenth-century British America were indentured servants. These people, most of whom were white, were often criminals, runaways, or undesirables from England who either volunteered or were forced into service for a set amount of time.
Once their time had been worked, they often were eligible for freedom. African slaves could be indentured servants too, persons who were brought over and could work under a contract. Others who were enslaved were emancipated after a set number of years worked. In these early years, most colonial laws were flexible when it came to the structure of chattel slavery. Even former slaves who were now free could own enslaved Africans of their own.

Let's be gentle with people from the Mother Country.

From what I have read, the "ethnic situation" in England (specifically in London) is far from ideal.

From what I have read, "delicate" topics are censored much more in England than even in politically correct America.

Until President Biden takes over in a few months, we Americans can still express opinions that are already strictly forbidden in England.

In January, of course, the new administration will join England in demanding that everyone follow the party line.
So Tommy Taint, it is easy for you to join the liberal bandwagon and bash US for what Southern Democrats did with people they though were inferior, but it all goes back to the white supremists of Britain who were the original occupiers of the colonies. Again, worry about your own racist heritage and keep the fuck out of ours.

Slavery in the Colonies: The British Position on Slavery in the Era of Revolution
To turn a profit, the British established plantations within these islands and along the east coast of North America whose fertile soils could produce the necessary exports. The British concentrated their efforts within the Atlantic slave trade by sending cargo ships full of captive Africans to the Caribbean. There, they were held in bondage and worked mostly the sugar cane plantations.
In America, the importation of captives was less prevalent, at least in the first decades. The main force behind the plantations of sixteenth-century British America were indentured servants. These people, most of whom were white, were often criminals, runaways, or undesirables from England who either volunteered or were forced into service for a set amount of time.
Once their time had been worked, they often were eligible for freedom. African slaves could be indentured servants too, persons who were brought over and could work under a contract. Others who were enslaved were emancipated after a set number of years worked. In these early years, most colonial laws were flexible when it came to the structure of chattel slavery. Even former slaves who were now free could own enslaved Africans of their own.

Give the old socialist a break

the UK is such a boring place to be

in fact boring may not be the right word

Depressing is more accurate
Let's be gentle with people from the Mother Country.

From what I have read, the "ethnic situation" in England (specifically in London) is far from ideal.

From what I have read, "delicate" topics are censored much more in England than even in politically correct America.

Until President Biden takes over in a few months, we Americans can still express opinions that are already strictly forbidden in England.

In January, of course, the new administration will join England in demanding that everyone follow the party line.
You said much the same as I did

only better
In order to be fair and balanced we need to ban the display of the Union Jack here in the (former) Colonies. The confederate flag never flew from the stern of slave ships but the Brits proudly rounded up Africans and sold them for the better part of 200 years and still found time to treat their other worldwide conquests like sub humans well into the 19th century.
So Tommy Taint, it is easy for you to join the liberal bandwagon and bash US for what Southern Democrats did with people they though were inferior, but it all goes back to the white supremists of Britain who were the original occupiers of the colonies. Again, worry about your own racist heritage and keep the fuck out of ours.

Slavery in the Colonies: The British Position on Slavery in the Era of Revolution
To turn a profit, the British established plantations within these islands and along the east coast of North America whose fertile soils could produce the necessary exports. The British concentrated their efforts within the Atlantic slave trade by sending cargo ships full of captive Africans to the Caribbean. There, they were held in bondage and worked mostly the sugar cane plantations.
In America, the importation of captives was less prevalent, at least in the first decades. The main force behind the plantations of sixteenth-century British America were indentured servants. These people, most of whom were white, were often criminals, runaways, or undesirables from England who either volunteered or were forced into service for a set amount of time.
Once their time had been worked, they often were eligible for freedom. African slaves could be indentured servants too, persons who were brought over and could work under a contract. Others who were enslaved were emancipated after a set number of years worked. In these early years, most colonial laws were flexible when it came to the structure of chattel slavery. Even former slaves who were now free could own enslaved Africans of their own.

Leave your hands of Tommy a fellow Brit!

You'v e proved your racism by suggesting that only you Americans and no other race can comment.
What the fukcs the point of a political forum if only you yanks are allowed to speak!
So Tommy Taint, it is easy for you to join the liberal bandwagon and bash US for what Southern Democrats did with people they though were inferior, but it all goes back to the white supremists of Britain who were the original occupiers of the colonies. Again, worry about your own racist heritage and keep the fuck out of ours.

Slavery in the Colonies: The British Position on Slavery in the Era of Revolution
To turn a profit, the British established plantations within these islands and along the east coast of North America whose fertile soils could produce the necessary exports. The British concentrated their efforts within the Atlantic slave trade by sending cargo ships full of captive Africans to the Caribbean. There, they were held in bondage and worked mostly the sugar cane plantations.
In America, the importation of captives was less prevalent, at least in the first decades. The main force behind the plantations of sixteenth-century British America were indentured servants. These people, most of whom were white, were often criminals, runaways, or undesirables from England who either volunteered or were forced into service for a set amount of time.
Once their time had been worked, they often were eligible for freedom. African slaves could be indentured servants too, persons who were brought over and could work under a contract. Others who were enslaved were emancipated after a set number of years worked. In these early years, most colonial laws were flexible when it came to the structure of chattel slavery. Even former slaves who were now free could own enslaved Africans of their own.

Leave your hands of Tommy a fellow Brit!

You'v e proved your racism by suggesting that only you Americans and no other race can comment.
What the fukcs the point of a political forum if only you yanks are allowed to speak!

There's a forum for that.....
Let's be gentle with people from the Mother Country.

From what I have read, the "ethnic situation" in England (specifically in London) is far from ideal.

From what I have read, "delicate" topics are censored much more in England than even in politically correct America.

Until President Biden takes over in a few months, we Americans can still express opinions that are already strictly forbidden in England.

In January, of course, the new administration will join England in demanding that everyone follow the party line.
No need to be gentle with that fuckchop....He's as fulled with hubris and pinko propaganda as any Murican liberoidal.
So Tommy Taint, it is easy for you to join the liberal bandwagon and bash US for what Southern Democrats did with people they though were inferior, but it all goes back to the white supremists of Britain who were the original occupiers of the colonies. Again, worry about your own racist heritage and keep the fuck out of ours.

Slavery in the Colonies: The British Position on Slavery in the Era of Revolution
To turn a profit, the British established plantations within these islands and along the east coast of North America whose fertile soils could produce the necessary exports. The British concentrated their efforts within the Atlantic slave trade by sending cargo ships full of captive Africans to the Caribbean. There, they were held in bondage and worked mostly the sugar cane plantations.
In America, the importation of captives was less prevalent, at least in the first decades. The main force behind the plantations of sixteenth-century British America were indentured servants. These people, most of whom were white, were often criminals, runaways, or undesirables from England who either volunteered or were forced into service for a set amount of time.
Once their time had been worked, they often were eligible for freedom. African slaves could be indentured servants too, persons who were brought over and could work under a contract. Others who were enslaved were emancipated after a set number of years worked. In these early years, most colonial laws were flexible when it came to the structure of chattel slavery. Even former slaves who were now free could own enslaved Africans of their own.

Leave your hands of Tommy a fellow Brit!

You'v e proved your racism by suggesting that only you Americans and no other race can comment.
What the fukcs the point of a political forum if only you yanks are allowed to speak!
Typical Brit sissies run into an argument and then whine that Americans think an American forum is restricted to Americans. Nobody said that but it's a good idea. Not many people in the U.S. care about the convoluted world or politics or the inbred royal hillbillys in the U.K. Find a forum in India.
What stupidity. Having serious and respectful discussions with people outside of the U.S. “bubble” is healthy, and we need more of it.

Many Americans here on USMB believe that U.S. society and our economic and social system is uniquely moral and “exceptionally” righteous. Even as they denounce their fellow Americans left and right as traitors, communists, mullah-lovers, etc.

Rightwing populists who are Trump supporters especially think their own obsessions, their bizarre stereotypical views about Democrats, Republicans, conservatives, liberals, libertarians, socialists, communists, and fascists ... are accurate.

They accuse their opponents of having an “Orwellian” view of the world when they themselves have one. They don’t even realize Orwell was a democratic socialist Englishman and supporter of the Labour Party.

We are “exceptional,” but often we act only as exceptionally “Ugly Americans.”

Proud of our great truly exceptional democratic culture and history, U.S. citizens should defend our revolutionary and progressive traditions, our multi-ethnic society, and not yearn for a nakedly chauvinist and unreal idealized past.

Foreigners who speak English and praise — or criticize — what they consider good and bad aspects of our country — welcome to USMB!

By the way, let us not forget our Founding Fathers were proud defenders of their “rights as Englishmen“ long before they were ... “Americans.”
So Tommy Taint, it is easy for you to join the liberal bandwagon and bash US for what Southern Democrats did with people they though were inferior, but it all goes back to the white supremists of Britain who were the original occupiers of the colonies. Again, worry about your own racist heritage and keep the fuck out of ours.

Slavery in the Colonies: The British Position on Slavery in the Era of Revolution
To turn a profit, the British established plantations within these islands and along the east coast of North America whose fertile soils could produce the necessary exports. The British concentrated their efforts within the Atlantic slave trade by sending cargo ships full of captive Africans to the Caribbean. There, they were held in bondage and worked mostly the sugar cane plantations.
In America, the importation of captives was less prevalent, at least in the first decades. The main force behind the plantations of sixteenth-century British America were indentured servants. These people, most of whom were white, were often criminals, runaways, or undesirables from England who either volunteered or were forced into service for a set amount of time.
Once their time had been worked, they often were eligible for freedom. African slaves could be indentured servants too, persons who were brought over and could work under a contract. Others who were enslaved were emancipated after a set number of years worked. In these early years, most colonial laws were flexible when it came to the structure of chattel slavery. Even former slaves who were now free could own enslaved Africans of their own.

Leave your hands of Tommy a fellow Brit!

You'v e proved your racism by suggesting that only you Americans and no other race can comment.
What the fukcs the point of a political forum if only you yanks are allowed to speak!
Because you Brits are the whole reason why we had slavery in the states, you brought it here, and when we kicked your ass out of this country, then we had to deal with our own problems. You buck tooth fucks allow rag head, camel jockeys to run over innocent people on bridges, take care of your own house, before you start belly aching about ours...
So Tommy Taint, it is easy for you to join the liberal bandwagon and bash US for what Southern Democrats did with people they though were inferior, but it all goes back to the white supremists of Britain who were the original occupiers of the colonies. Again, worry about your own racist heritage and keep the fuck out of ours.

Slavery in the Colonies: The British Position on Slavery in the Era of Revolution
To turn a profit, the British established plantations within these islands and along the east coast of North America whose fertile soils could produce the necessary exports. The British concentrated their efforts within the Atlantic slave trade by sending cargo ships full of captive Africans to the Caribbean. There, they were held in bondage and worked mostly the sugar cane plantations.
In America, the importation of captives was less prevalent, at least in the first decades. The main force behind the plantations of sixteenth-century British America were indentured servants. These people, most of whom were white, were often criminals, runaways, or undesirables from England who either volunteered or were forced into service for a set amount of time.
Once their time had been worked, they often were eligible for freedom. African slaves could be indentured servants too, persons who were brought over and could work under a contract. Others who were enslaved were emancipated after a set number of years worked. In these early years, most colonial laws were flexible when it came to the structure of chattel slavery. Even former slaves who were now free could own enslaved Africans of their own.

Leave your hands of Tommy a fellow Brit!

You'v e proved your racism by suggesting that only you Americans and no other race can comment.
What the fukcs the point of a political forum if only you yanks are allowed to speak!
And thanks for totally ignoring the FACTS about the British judge who allowed a black man to keep his black people as slaves. Real fucking white of you..
So Tommy Taint, it is easy for you to join the liberal bandwagon and bash US for what Southern Democrats did with people they though were inferior, but it all goes back to the white supremists of Britain who were the original occupiers of the colonies. Again, worry about your own racist heritage and keep the fuck out of ours.

Slavery in the Colonies: The British Position on Slavery in the Era of Revolution
To turn a profit, the British established plantations within these islands and along the east coast of North America whose fertile soils could produce the necessary exports. The British concentrated their efforts within the Atlantic slave trade by sending cargo ships full of captive Africans to the Caribbean. There, they were held in bondage and worked mostly the sugar cane plantations.
In America, the importation of captives was less prevalent, at least in the first decades. The main force behind the plantations of sixteenth-century British America were indentured servants. These people, most of whom were white, were often criminals, runaways, or undesirables from England who either volunteered or were forced into service for a set amount of time.
Once their time had been worked, they often were eligible for freedom. African slaves could be indentured servants too, persons who were brought over and could work under a contract. Others who were enslaved were emancipated after a set number of years worked. In these early years, most colonial laws were flexible when it came to the structure of chattel slavery. Even former slaves who were now free could own enslaved Africans of their own.

Leave your hands of Tommy a fellow Brit!

You'v e proved your racism by suggesting that only you Americans and no other race can comment.
What the fukcs the point of a political forum if only you yanks are allowed to speak!
And thanks for totally ignoring the FACTS about the British judge who allowed a black man to keep his black people as slaves. Real fucking white of you..

That was the fukcing 16th centuary you fuckwit.
They hung kids for stealing a loaf back then.....get a grip!

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