Why a single senator is blocking US military promotions and what it means for the Pentagon

Shame it's not more than one. We need to block ALL APPOINTMENTS to ALL POSITIONS made by the Biden administration. They have proven time and again that genitals/skin color/mental illness are more important to them than qualifications for each position.


Congress blocking the executive from promoting members of its military branch, would be totally illegal.
Its called "Separation of Powers".
Very basic and important concept.
If you allow partisan beliefs to dictate, then you do not have a republic anymore.
Anyone who does not support abortion is evil and ignorant because that is not only supporting slavery, but the total extinction of the human species eventually.
Over population is our biggest threat.
It is the cause of all diseases, wars, crime, etc., and it is a matter of time before it totally wipes out the entire human race, if not all life on the planet.
Anyone who supports abortion is evil and ignorant - it is similar to, but worse than slavery.

Overpopulation is a stupid and harmful myth.
That is your moral choice... No one is stopping you do what you want to do...

You want to read obscure places in the bible to justify your choice while ignoring the crimes for your Dear Leader...

You want to ram your faith down other people's throats using big government...

I don’t have a dear leader. I don’t have a faith.

I think we shouldn’t kill innocent human beings.

Speaking of ramming things down throats, don’t moralize, just enjoy the ramming, because laws against rape are just you preaching, hurr de durrrrrr. Other people might choose to use your throat for their enjoyment and who are you to say otherwise?

It is so screwed up... They are bowing to the evangelical community who themselves were duped by a wedge issue... Evangelicals didn't give a fuck about abortion until 1977. It was used by evangelical churches to create a wedge issue which they could leverage against politicians that wanted to look at church tax status...

They had a few issues back then like moral panics and moral majorities... But none was as good as Abortion... They got a good sale on that, even though Jesus never mentioned it
Ya gotta love it, if Jesus didn't explicitly say something was wrong, we're supposed to be all for it, but if He did, we're not supposed to be against it. You know very well that a government set up on His teachings would have you tied in knots of outrage.
That is your moral choice... No one is stopping you do what you want to do...

You want to read obscure places in the bible to justify your choice while ignoring the crimes for your Dear Leader...
What obscurity? There are many references from the Bible that support letting babies get born. Heck, even basic biology tells you that we're slaughtering humans.
You want to ram your faith down other people's throats using big government...
Opposition to the rampant destruction of human life is a basic human moral value.
Anyone who does not support abortion is evil and ignorant because that is not only supporting slavery, but the total extinction of the human species eventually.
Over population is our biggest threat.
It is the cause of all diseases, wars, crime, etc., and it is a matter of time before it totally wipes out the entire human race, if not all life on the planet.
I see no volunteers removing themselves from the earth. Don't you think the loudest overpopulation preachers should have the shortest sermons?
“Moral choices.”

Yeah okay buddy, if you insist on framing not killing your own kid as that, then okay.

I also think you shouldn’t rape, rob, and lots of other awful violent things. Oh no, the morals.


Rape, rob, and other violent things violate the rights of others that you do not have the right to violate.
So it is legal to make laws against rape, rob, and other violent things.

The mother however has every right to decide if she wants to take the risk and burden of child birth.
No one else gets any say.
Ya gotta love it, if Jesus didn't explicitly say something was wrong, we're supposed to be all for it, but if He did, we're not supposed to be against it. You know very well that a government set up on His teachings would have you tied in knots of outrage.

What obscurity? There are many references from the Bible that support letting babies get born. Heck, even basic biology tells you that we're slaughtering humans.

Opposition to the rampant destruction of human life is a basic human moral value.

Any sane person can easily see that a fetus is not a person and the main threat to civilization, the whole human race, and life on the planet, is over population.
I see no volunteers removing themselves from the earth. Don't you think the loudest overpopulation preachers should have the shortest sermons?

No, the only possible survival of the human race will be if the normal people kill off all the people following ancient philosophies of birthing armies of conquest.
The normal people know how to prevent over population problems by only killing fetuses that are not sentient.
The religious fanatics who want to grow armies of conquest deliberately are trying to destroy all life on the planet.
Any sane person can easily see that a fetus is not a person and the main threat to civilization, the whole human race, and life on the planet, is over population.
Oh, no you don't. You don't get to move the goalposts. I said, "human being", which is an undeniable biological fact, NOT a person, which is a title conferred by the Lawyer Fairy, who sprinkles his magic dust on a newborn after verifying with the mother that the newborn is to actually become a person.

Now, you didn't answer what I said about the overpopulation preachers. Don't you agree that the loudest overpopulation preachers should have the shortest sermons, or are you of the camp that insists it's everyone ELSE's duty to shrink the world's population? Face it, the developed western world is already on that path. We're not replacing our population as it ages.
No, the only possible survival of the human race will be if the normal people kill off all the people following ancient philosophies of birthing armies of conquest.
Hate to tell you this, but in about 100 years the dominant people groups on the planet will be from third world countries who are not interested in keeping the number of people low. The western world is not replacing their population.
The normal people know how to prevent over population problems by only killing fetuses that are not sentient.
Yeah, China had that one child policy, and it didn't turn out too good for them, having a whole lot more men than women available to them. That kind of thing happens whenever government tries to get involved in the natural order of things.
The religious fanatics who want to grow armies of conquest deliberately are trying to destroy all life on the planet.
Look out! There's one right behind you! Now, change your underwear and get back to work.
To make the Constitution better, we need to actually follow it, like the fact there are not supposed to be any federal gun, drug, or medical laws at all.
Well, if that is true, then that means.

US4CC.meme.Smart_Guy - checks_balances.png
The policy does not fund abortions. Under federal law, Defense Department facilities can perform abortions only when the life of the mother is at risk or in cases of rape or incest, and those instances have been extremely rare. According to the department, there were 91 abortions performed in military medical facilities between 2016 and 2021.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

what a mess! Naturally he is from Alabama!
This is a new Pentagon policy that he's objecting to.

The military is accountable to parliament and swears an oath of loyalty.
I dont see the problem with that system becaue we have never had one.

Soldiers are the best judges of promotions not politicians.
Its just a waste of everyones time.
Or maybe your soldiers cant be trusted.

Don't you have a separations of power act as well?
In the US, we have the Legislative to make laws, the Executive to enforce the laws, and the Judiciary to ensure both the Legislative and Executive do not violate rights.

The military is under the Executive, so one would think that the Legislative parliament would get no say?
It is for the Executive and Judicial to control.
All of the four stars and half the three stars need to be retired-out anyway.....And every single one that made those ranks under Obama or Biden.

Reagan and both Bushes had militaries that committed the most war crimes.
Biden, Hillary, and Obama also committed war crimes, such as the Ukraine and economic sanctions against Russia.
So I don't see any reason for differentiating based on partisanship.
All parties seem to have committed serious war crimes.
Educate yourself.

I have tried to do some research, but find nothing in the Constitution.
All I find is Congressional legislation:

10 U.S. Code § 624 - Promotions: how made​

When the report of a selection board convened under section 611(a) of this title is approved by the President, the Secretary of the military department concerned shall place the names of all officers approved for promotion within a competitive category on a single list for that competitive category, to be known as a promotion list, in the order of the seniority of such officers on the active-duty list or based on particular merit, as determined by the promotion board. A promotion list is considered to be established under this section as of the date of the approval of the report of the selection board under the preceding sentence.
Except as provided in subsection (d), officers on a promotion list for a competitive category shall be promoted to the next higher grade when additional officers in that grade and competitive category are needed. Promotions shall be made in the order in which the names of officers appear on the promotion list and after officers previously selected for promotion in that competitive category have been promoted. Officers to be promoted to the grade of first lieutenant or lieutenant (junior grade) shall be promoted in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary concerned.

So I do not see any congressional aspect.
Seems promotions are totally up to the military and Sec of Defense?
I have tried to do some research, but find nothing in the Constitution.
All I find is Congressional legislation:

10 U.S. Code § 624 - Promotions: how made​

When the report of a selection board convened under section 611(a) of this title is approved by the President, the Secretary of the military department concerned shall place the names of all officers approved for promotion within a competitive category on a single list for that competitive category, to be known as a promotion list, in the order of the seniority of such officers on the active-duty list or based on particular merit, as determined by the promotion board. A promotion list is considered to be established under this section as of the date of the approval of the report of the selection board under the preceding sentence.
Except as provided in subsection (d), officers on a promotion list for a competitive category shall be promoted to the next higher grade when additional officers in that grade and competitive category are needed. Promotions shall be made in the order in which the names of officers appear on the promotion list and after officers previously selected for promotion in that competitive category have been promoted. Officers to be promoted to the grade of first lieutenant or lieutenant (junior grade) shall be promoted in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary concerned.

So I do not see any congressional aspect.
Seems promotions are totally up to the military and Sec of Defense?
The senator is doing his job. It is not illegal to NOT rubberstamp administrative demands.

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