Why are all our professional sports leagues ran by communist?


This is a specious argument. Any business could be considered "socialism" within itself. For that matter any FAMILY could be considered "socialism" within itself. The painfully obvious difference is that those functions and actions are not controlled and/or owned by an outside, public entity.

I'm not a Tea Partier, I'm not a "government is evil at all times" absolutist, but this whole premise is silly. Making it worse is the obtuse behavior of those pushing it. If you want more government control, fine, that's a separate argument. But putting a dog mask on a cat doesn't make it a dog.

Nothing of substance is accomplished until intellectual honesty is adhered to.

And by the way, the phrase should be spelled "...run by communists."


sports teams are owned by different people, they work together to make the league strong, not unlike a country owned by different people but working together to make the country strong, yes if you want a strong league you must redistribut some wealth, same if you want a strong country, as far as the size of government, I want it big enough to make sure I get a chance in the workplace ran by giants and to make sure I got clean water to drink, but not so big to post up in my bedroom or doctor's office.

I can't believe that you can't comprehend that the NFL is capitalism at it's best. They work together so they don't allow anything else to take its place as the King of US sports. Wealth is NOT redistributed, every team shares in TV revenue because every team is on TV. This is getting payed at its best. Players salaries are capped to control cost, a real source of collusion if you ask me.

The rest of your post is nonsense.
Perhaps it was meant that any form of any kind of sharing at all could possibly be ideologically linked to "the left".

This is a specious argument. Any business could be considered "socialism" within itself. For that matter any FAMILY could be considered "socialism" within itself. The painfully obvious difference is that those functions and actions are not controlled and/or owned by an outside, public entity.

I'm not a Tea Partier, I'm not a "government is evil at all times" absolutist, but this whole premise is silly. Making it worse is the obtuse behavior of those pushing it. If you want more government control, fine, that's a separate argument. But putting a dog mask on a cat doesn't make it a dog.

Nothing of substance is accomplished until intellectual honesty is adhered to.

And by the way, the phrase should be spelled "...run by communists."


sports teams are owned by different people, they work together to make the league strong, not unlike a country owned by different people but working together to make the country strong, yes if you want a strong league you must redistribut some wealth, same if you want a strong country, as far as the size of government, I want it big enough to make sure I get a chance in the workplace ran by giants and to make sure I got clean water to drink, but not so big to post up in my bedroom or doctor's office.

I can't believe that you can't comprehend that the NFL is capitalism at it's best. They work together so they don't allow anything else to take its place as the King of US sports. Wealth is NOT redistributed, every team shares in TV revenue because every team is on TV. This is getting payed at its best. Players salaries are capped to control cost, a real source of collusion if you ask me.

The rest of your post is nonsense.

nonsense to want government to stay out my bedroom and make sure the water is clean? I suppose that would be nonsense to you

There are more professional sport leagues than just the NFL, and the concept of wealth redistribution is a given if you want an overall strong system, America will fly apart like an unbalanced motor if we don't do something about the wealth concentration, it is now the worst since just before the Great Depression.
sports teams are owned by different people, they work together to make the league strong, not unlike a country owned by different people but working together to make the country strong, yes if you want a strong league you must redistribut some wealth, same if you want a strong country, as far as the size of government, I want it big enough to make sure I get a chance in the workplace ran by giants and to make sure I got clean water to drink, but not so big to post up in my bedroom or doctor's office.

I can't believe that you can't comprehend that the NFL is capitalism at it's best. They work together so they don't allow anything else to take its place as the King of US sports. Wealth is NOT redistributed, every team shares in TV revenue because every team is on TV. This is getting payed at its best. Players salaries are capped to control cost, a real source of collusion if you ask me.

The rest of your post is nonsense.

nonsense to want government to stay out my bedroom and make sure the water is clean? I suppose that would be nonsense to you

There are more professional sport leagues than just the NFL, and the concept of wealth redistribution is a given if you want an overall strong system, America will fly apart like an unbalanced motor if we don't do something about the wealth concentration, it is now the worst since just before the Great Depression.

Nonsense because it doesn't pertain to this thread. Sports are NOT run with wealth distribution in mind. MLB has teams with their own TV contracts, the NBA has a salary cap in place to prevent teams from losing money and had it written in the players CBA, in fact the NBA has teams that have lost money, doesn't sound like weather is being redistributed there, does it. Your whole thread is a massive failure.

Then if you want to redistribute wealth? How do you do it? Just tax the hell out of those that have money and give it to the government? What are they going to do with it?

You can't legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.
I can't believe that you can't comprehend that the NFL is capitalism at it's best. They work together so they don't allow anything else to take its place as the King of US sports. Wealth is NOT redistributed, every team shares in TV revenue because every team is on TV. This is getting payed at its best. Players salaries are capped to control cost, a real source of collusion if you ask me.

The rest of your post is nonsense.

nonsense to want government to stay out my bedroom and make sure the water is clean? I suppose that would be nonsense to you

There are more professional sport leagues than just the NFL, and the concept of wealth redistribution is a given if you want an overall strong system, America will fly apart like an unbalanced motor if we don't do something about the wealth concentration, it is now the worst since just before the Great Depression.

Nonsense because it doesn't pertain to this thread. Sports are NOT run with wealth distribution in mind. MLB has teams with their own TV contracts, the NBA has a salary cap in place to prevent teams from losing money and had it written in the players CBA, in fact the NBA has teams that have lost money, doesn't sound like weather is being redistributed there, does it. Your whole thread is a massive failure.

Then if you want to redistribute wealth? How do you do it? Just tax the hell out of those that have money and give it to the government? What are they going to do with it?

You can't legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.

Well since you asked, in the short term we need to apply a 99% inheritance tax directed only to pay down debt till the current debt is paid in full, that just paying back what we already spent, that is not redistribution at all and would have the added benefit of getting the attention of those people in the $50,000 lunches which would be good because they are closest and most listened to by the pols, so we need to get them to stop thinking they can run up all the debt they want cause they just plan to take it out of the little people's pension, it's not like their fortunes are threatened if we want them to care we got to let them know they're not getting away with that shit.

As far as the thread it's just a little poke at fools like you about how people who really know, know that a little wealth redistribution is good for one and all....
nonsense to want government to stay out my bedroom and make sure the water is clean? I suppose that would be nonsense to you

There are more professional sport leagues than just the NFL, and the concept of wealth redistribution is a given if you want an overall strong system, America will fly apart like an unbalanced motor if we don't do something about the wealth concentration, it is now the worst since just before the Great Depression.

Nonsense because it doesn't pertain to this thread. Sports are NOT run with wealth distribution in mind. MLB has teams with their own TV contracts, the NBA has a salary cap in place to prevent teams from losing money and had it written in the players CBA, in fact the NBA has teams that have lost money, doesn't sound like weather is being redistributed there, does it. Your whole thread is a massive failure.

Then if you want to redistribute wealth? How do you do it? Just tax the hell out of those that have money and give it to the government? What are they going to do with it?

You can't legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.

Well since you asked, in the short term we need to apply a 99% inheritance tax directed only to pay down debt till the current debt is paid in full, that just paying back what we already spent, that is not redistribution at all and would have the added benefit of getting the attention of those people in the $50,000 lunches which would be good because they are closest and most listened to by the pols, so we need to get them to stop thinking they can run up all the debt they want cause they just plan to take it out of the little people's pension, it's not like their fortunes are threatened if we want them to care we got to let them know they're not getting away with that shit.

As far as the thread it's just a little poke at fools like you about how people who really know, know that a little wealth redistribution is good for one and all....

You got your ass kicked by everyone on your point, and you had no rebuttal.

you are a troll.
Nonsense because it doesn't pertain to this thread. Sports are NOT run with wealth distribution in mind. MLB has teams with their own TV contracts, the NBA has a salary cap in place to prevent teams from losing money and had it written in the players CBA, in fact the NBA has teams that have lost money, doesn't sound like weather is being redistributed there, does it. Your whole thread is a massive failure.

Then if you want to redistribute wealth? How do you do it? Just tax the hell out of those that have money and give it to the government? What are they going to do with it?

You can't legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.

Well since you asked, in the short term we need to apply a 99% inheritance tax directed only to pay down debt till the current debt is paid in full, that just paying back what we already spent, that is not redistribution at all and would have the added benefit of getting the attention of those people in the $50,000 lunches which would be good because they are closest and most listened to by the pols, so we need to get them to stop thinking they can run up all the debt they want cause they just plan to take it out of the little people's pension, it's not like their fortunes are threatened if we want them to care we got to let them know they're not getting away with that shit.

As far as the thread it's just a little poke at fools like you about how people who really know, know that a little wealth redistribution is good for one and all....

You got your ass kicked by everyone on your point, and you had no rebuttal.

you are a troll.

Just like every other con in the world you think just saying it makes it so, the truth is I've kicked all your asses and none of you have explained away the fact that wealth redistribution makes these leagues stronger that's why the do it.

Just declaring that they are private business says nothing to why they do it, but I've seen you before you are just a little chicken shit with nothing to say....
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Well since you asked, in the short term we need to apply a 99% inheritance tax directed only to pay down debt till the current debt is paid in full, that just paying back what we already spent, that is not redistribution at all and would have the added benefit of getting the attention of those people in the $50,000 lunches which would be good because they are closest and most listened to by the pols, so we need to get them to stop thinking they can run up all the debt they want cause they just plan to take it out of the little people's pension, it's not like their fortunes are threatened if we want them to care we got to let them know they're not getting away with that shit.

As far as the thread it's just a little poke at fools like you about how people who really know, know that a little wealth redistribution is good for one and all....

You got your ass kicked by everyone on your point, and you had no rebuttal.

you are a troll.

Just like every other con in the world you think just saying it makes it so, the truth is I've kicked all your asses and none of you have explained away the fact that wealth redistribution makes these leagues stronger that's why the do it.

Just declaring that they are private business says nothing to why they do it, but I've seen you before you are just a little chicken shit with nothing to say....

You haven't explained how they redistribute, just saying they do, doesn't make it so.
Well since you asked, in the short term we need to apply a 99% inheritance tax directed only to pay down debt till the current debt is paid in full, that just paying back what we already spent, that is not redistribution at all and would have the added benefit of getting the attention of those people in the $50,000 lunches which would be good because they are closest and most listened to by the pols, so we need to get them to stop thinking they can run up all the debt they want cause they just plan to take it out of the little people's pension, it's not like their fortunes are threatened if we want them to care we got to let them know they're not getting away with that shit.

As far as the thread it's just a little poke at fools like you about how people who really know, know that a little wealth redistribution is good for one and all....

You got your ass kicked by everyone on your point, and you had no rebuttal.

you are a troll.

Just like every other con in the world you think just saying it makes it so, the truth is I've kicked all your asses and none of you have explained away the fact that wealth redistribution makes these leagues stronger that's why the do it.

Just declaring that they are private business says nothing to why they do it, but I've seen you before you are just a little chicken shit with nothing to say....

Do the professional sports leagues cut the weak players, or not?

Professional sports leagues are the truest form of capitalistic collusion, asshole.

In fact, they are protected against anti-trust action because they collude with the player unions.
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You got your ass kicked by everyone on your point, and you had no rebuttal.

you are a troll.

Just like every other con in the world you think just saying it makes it so, the truth is I've kicked all your asses and none of you have explained away the fact that wealth redistribution makes these leagues stronger that's why the do it.

Just declaring that they are private business says nothing to why they do it, but I've seen you before you are just a little chicken shit with nothing to say....

Do the professional sports leagues cut the weak players, or not?

Professional sports leagues are the truest form of capitalistic collusion, asshole.

In fact, they are protected against anti-trust action because they collude with the player unions.

only baseball is "protected" do some homework....while you're riding in on the short buss please...

You are correct in that the sport team owners are for the part a bunch of tough business people, makes it all the more interesting that they understand the need for wealth redistribution.
I was just wondering what with all revenue sharing they do, did they all study at the Kremlin or something?

Unlike your wetdream government, the weak and lame get cut.

I don't know where you live, but in America the only "weak or lame" that don't "get cut" are the ones born rich, I have already posted about how I think that is killing us, here's what I had to say:

The dangers of inherited wealth to our economy are not unlike monarchy to the health of any nation, when power is derived from birthright rather than one’s labor it is more often foolishly applied. As more and more of our economy becomes “inherited wealth” it becomes more of a target for con men and less a tool for innovators. The world’s financial power has been diverted from improving the human condition into money making schemes designed to enrich those who create them.

I wonder just how willing you are to get tough on the weak?

If you don't fulfill expectations as a "job creator" are you ready to "cut" them from the ranks?
The idiot is stiill arguing that rich people shouldn't have the right to run their own private league the way they want to ensure the best success and most wealth created long term???

Who cares if the NFL owners decide to share TV revenues, peanut sales, hat sales, or whatever....if they all agree that is how they keep the league alive and making money long term.

It does them no good if the Buffalo Bills go bankrupt because they can't keep up with te Dallas Cowboys in spending money on players, facilities, etc. Sooooooo Jerry Jones shares some of his money with the owner of the Bills to make sure Buffalo has a team each Sunday to prevent mass chaos in the schedule.....what a concept.
The idiot is stiill arguing that rich people shouldn't have the right to run their own private league the way they want to ensure the best success and most wealth created long term???

Who cares if the NFL owners decide to share TV revenues, peanut sales, hat sales, or whatever....if they all agree that is how they keep the league alive and making money long term.

It does them no good if the Buffalo Bills go bankrupt because they can't keep up with te Dallas Cowboys in spending money on players, facilities, etc. Sooooooo Jerry Jones shares some of his money with the owner of the Bills to make sure Buffalo has a team each Sunday to prevent mass chaos in the schedule.....what a concept.

Who's saying there's anything wrong with it?

And I think you assume too much when you say "they all agree" I don't think Steinbrenner is all that happy about it.
I was just wondering what with all revenue sharing they do, did they all study at the Kremlin or something?

The leagues realize, like our society apparently does not, that it takes a community of teams to have a league.

And they also realize that as "Nothing succeeds like success" that the winners in the leagues, will also, over time, win so much that they will own enough resources to keep winning until the losers can no longer can compete.

So in order to have leagues, the leagues have introduced WEALTH REDISTRIBUTION such that the losers of the games can still afford to PLAY the game.

There's a great lesson there for our society, but I doubt the MASTERS are much interested in us learning it.
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I was just wondering what with all revenue sharing they do, did they all study at the Kremlin or something?

The leagues realize, like our society apparently does not, that it takes a community of teams to have a league.

And they also realize that as "Nothing succeeds like success" that the winners in the leagues, will also, over time, win so much that they will own enough resources to keep winning until the losers can no longer can compete.

So in order to have leagues, the leagues have introduced WEALTH REDISTRIBUTION such that the losers of the games can still afford to PLAY the game.

There's a great lesson there for our society, but I doubt the MASTERS are much interested in us learning it.

Ticket sales for most sports are distributed between the two teams playing. Most major league sports get most of their money through national TV contracts and it is given to the league to distribute revenue to the teams. Most leagues, other than the NFL, individual teams have their own local or cable contracts, these are kept by the team. The NYY's have a huge TV contract that allows them to higher payrolls than the Kansas City Royals. Same is true in the NBA.

There is distribution, but no redistribution.

If there is redistribution please tell me where it is at, as Great Day has not answered the question.
Is this what the left has left?

It is a private enterprise, they have rules to ensure their product stays viable.

If someone really doesn't understand business and thinks socialists run sports, I can help with then being stupid.

The question here is given that they are private and can do what they want, why do they choose to redistributed wealth?

It is sad that you have no answer, the truth hurts, doesn't it?
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