Why are all you Anti-capitalists, socialists protecting lawyers???


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
I am amazed why this very simple solution is:

A) NOT discussed as I've put this solution here MANY times..
B) but more importantly when even the experts that CAUSE the problem are ignored but you anti-capitalists, socialists defend the millionaire ambulance chasing lawyers!

First What is so complicated in understanding there are less the 4 million people that truly WANT, are truly Legal and TRULY need health insurance??

OK let's do the numbers again!

18 million DON"T WANT HEALTH insurance because they don't need it and pay their expense out of their pocket! WHY force them to buy insurance?
That means 32 million either don't want or don't know they are covered.
Finally even the census says there are 10 million that are COUNTED AS UNINSURED that are ILLEGAL ALIENS!!! Do you understand?

That leaves 4 million NOT TENS of millions!!!

NOW you never ever addressed the issue of taxing lawyers at 10% since like tanning salons that Obama taxed cause tanning generates cancer /insurance claims,
TAX the lawyers $200 billion a year!

You anti-capitalists/socialists don't seem to respect the EXPERTS who are telling you that nearly $850 billion in DUPLICATE TESTS are caused by FEAR of
LAWYERS! Lawsuits!

So do as Obamacare did against the extremely low impact tanning salons. Take 10% tax on $200 billion lawyers make and use the $20 billion to buy insurance for the 4 million uninsured!

Then when the uninsured goes to hospital the hospital "means tests" the "uninsured" finds can't pay. The hospital registers the patient and then HOSPITAL BILLS the Uninsured Health Ins. Co.©!

The hospitals are audited to make sure they are NOT "padding and Passing" sometimes at 6,000% over costs and watch Medicare/insurance cos. claims cost drop!

Between the two less $850 billion defensive medicine and the padding and passing" easily $200 billion a year in cost savings!

Please think what I'm writing about!
A) There are only 4 million truly that want and need insurance... the rest don't want, are covered or not legal!
B) Lawyers cause $850 billion in defensive medicine costs.. tax them 10% and use to pay the 4 million that need coverage!

Why are these two concepts totally ignored by you anti-capitalists, socialists, that want more taxes! This is such a simple plan that DOESN"T destroy the health system!
What is even more amusing is that the government employees (those making six figures in salary) are whining about a bill that may be proposed that would put them on the same level as the citizens of this country. Many have flat out stated that they would simply retire than go on the affordable healthcare law that the rest of us will have to suffer under. Their stated reasons?

It would cost them 10,000 dollars in salary per year and they had families that they had to look after.

Because the rest of us don't.

.....and the hits just keep coming.
So what do you think about taxing lawyers which according to physicians are directly responsible for the wasteful duplicate spending of $850 billion a year?
Here are the facts regarding "defensive medicine"...

Physicians estimate the cost of defensive medicine in US at $650 to $850 billion per year. This is 26% to 34% of all US healthcare costs.
  • Up to 92% of US physicians practice defensive medicine.
  • 76% of physicians report that defensive medicine decreases patient access to healthcare.
  • 53% of physicians report delaying new techniques, procedures, and treatments due to fear of lawsuits.
  • Patients most affected by defensive medicine include those visiting emergency rooms and those requiring surgery.
  • Women are most affected by defensive medicine.
  • Emergency medicine, primary care, and OB/GYN physicians are most likely to practice defensive medicine.
  • 79 to 83% of surgeons and OB/GYNs have been named in lawsuits.
Health News Observer ? Physicians Estimate The Cost Of Defensive Medicine In Us At 650 To 850 Bill Articles

Tax lawyers like tanning salons since both cause claims!
Tanning salons cause cancer.
Lawyer cause fear of lawsuits which by doing duplicate tests, etc. cause the $850 billion a year in wasted claims to Medicare/insurance companies...driving up costs!
Come on you anti-capitalists, socialists... TAXING is right up your alley!

Why are you so protective of the people that are causing $850 billion a year in waste?
You same people that agitate against big oil, for environmental damages... why are you not protesting the lawyers that according to the
experts, i.e. people that submit the claims.. physicians... cause the $850 billion a year in fear of lawsuits?
Why are you so afraid to tax 10% the lawyers and use that to buy the health insurance for the 4 million that truly need health insurance???
Defensive Medicine: More Than Just Another Extra X-Ray
10:32 am June 5, 2013, by Wayne Oliver, Executive Director, Patients for Fair Compensation

Defensive medicine occurs when physicians order tests, procedures or consultations of doubtful clinical value in order to protect themselves from costly and frivolous malpractice suits. Doctors detest the very thought of being sued so they find every means possible to avoid litigation.

And that includes ordering numerous unnecessary and expensive tests and procedures.

While not all Georgia physicians practice defensive medicine, the overwhelming majority do. According to a recent survey conducted by Oppenheim Research, 82 percent of Georgia doctors say they perform unnecessary tests, procedures and referral consultations exclusively to avoid a medical malpractice claim.

A 2010 Gallup Poll of physicians found that one-in-four healthcare dollars is spent on defensive medicine. A great deal of money is “wasted” on the practice of defensive medicine. Last year, Georgians were subjected to $14 billion of unnecessary tests, procedures or consultations with little or no clinical or treatment value.

And who picks up that $14 billion defensive medicine tab? We all do.

Defensive Medicine: More Than Just Another Extra X-Ray | HealthFlock

Using Georgia's 9.9 million people at $1,411 per person, the total USA population of 310 million generates $445 BILLION!
18 million DON"T WANT HEALTH insurance because they don't need it and pay their expense out of their pocket! WHY force them to buy insurance?

18 million people do not have unlimited funds.

And what's that got to do with it???

You have no idea who these people are BUT Obama did count them as "uninsured"!
Some have catastrophic coverage OK... that make sense.
Most may not! But all make more the $50k and could afford if they wanted to take their employers' insurance!

Yet to pass Obamacare a bogus phony number that counted 10 million illegals and 14 million that need only to register and 18 million that don't want it!

And more importantly YOU think the Federal Government has UNLIMITED FUNDS????

Why can't you people attack the primary cause of the $850 billion that is wastefully spent i.e. defensive medicine as the experts tell us!
All because of fear of lawsuits by lawyers!
Fine! Tax the lawyers like Obamcare taxes tanning salons! I have nO problem with that because the lawyers have caused health care costs to explode!

Why seriously do you defend these guys? The doctors tell us they wouldn't run as many expensive duplicate tests if lawyers weren't breathing down their necks!
I mean in your job .. if you knew that everything you do would be liable for a lawsuit how would you react? Same as physicians... duplicate your work just so you won't be sued!
Are all of you conservatives included afraid of lawyers and as a result you don't want to tell me where my solution is all wet?
Again.. with less the 4 million that truly want and need insurance, whereas
Obamacare leading the way in taxing salons because tanning causes cancer,whereas
lawyers earning $200 billion a year would be taxed like tanning salons at 10%, whereas
"fear of lawsuits' force physicians to do defensive medicine resulting in $850 billion a year in wasteful duplicate practices, whereas
hospitals seeing the 4 million uninsured could means test and register thus submitting claims to the "Uninsured Health Ins. Co. ©"whereas
hospitals then would be audited to prevent further padding and passing of unreimbursed expenses sometimes overcharging 6,000% whereas

The 10% lawyers tax would pay the premium of the truly 4 million uninsured.
Problem solved.
Annual health care savings easily $100 to $200 billion in savings from reduced "defensive medicine" AND reduced "padding and passing" on by hospitals.
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Well If no one can pick apart my solution what is stopping this from becoming a reality?
Fear?? Fear of lawyers? Is that it?
You anti-capitalists, socialist have no problem spouting your idiotic chants and worn out cliched moans and groans about capitalists where are you now? You people that call bankers evil, oil companies perverted all sorts of name calling WHERE are you when it comes to lawyers?
Why are you afraid of taxing lawyers at 10% just as tanning salons? Do you hate tanning salons but ignore lawyers?

These ambulance chasing multimillionaire lawyers image John Edwards!!! making millions off lawsuits and laughing all the way to the bank!
Why are you people afraid of facing the truth that physicians have pointed out... the big elephant in the room is the $850 billion a year in strictly defensive medicine!
If this number were to drop by 20% that's almost $200 billion that wouldn't be billed and paid out by insurance/medicare!
NOW that's the way to lower insurance costs making it more affordable for more people!
At the same time provide coverage for ALL the 4 million truly uninsured!
Why are you afraid???
Most Democrat presidents have been lawyers while most Republican presidents have been business people. Same with other politicians. It certainly explains why most liberals tend to group people and then pit them against each other, rich vs poor, black vs white, etc.... They chose one side to defend and try to get money from the other side.
Well .......... we need the lawyers & judges to satisfy our agenda .......... but don't worry you little head about them.
Once guns and voting are gone ............. we will eliminate them.

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