Why Are Fools in Charge of the World Economy?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
I know of many cases of people outside the leadership circles of our economy calling for changes in economic policy and who predicted the disasters that eventually rolled out prving them right.

Here are two: Nigel Farage and Ron Paul.

Nigel Farage right about the Euro and predicting the end of genuine democracy in Europe if things dont change.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ez-88_hIrLY&feature=related]Epic Rant - 'Nigel Farage Was Right!' - YouTube[/ame]

Here is Ron Paul predicting the housing bubble, the rebuilding of Iraq and Afghanistan and the huge costs associated with both, our economic meltdown and more.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHNp1wf1T_k]Ron Paul accurately predicts the US economic meltdown 10 years ago - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGDisyWkIBM]Ron Paul - Predictions in Due Time (Original) - YouTube[/ame]

And yet the opponents of these men, despite being demonstrably wrong over and over, still are in charge. Greenspan had a record of incompetence when it came to economic prognastication and yet he was made Chairman of the Federal Reserve.

Why are the incompetent put in charge when there are so many more competent AMATEURS around? The amateurs get their knowledge and theories from experts, so why dont we hire them instead of the morons running things now?

I finally figured it out a few weeks ago; the people who are in charge of things no longer depend on democratic elections, but instead control elections well enough that they can get away with just about anything they like while they distract us with other issues from gay marriage to the war in Afghanistan.

Take a loo at the map here:

The banks are in charge, and they MAKE MONEY on economic failure.

So what are our chances, really, to avoid a huge depression when they guys calling the shots love depressions? In depressions they are the only ones with money and it being in short supply truly makes them 'Masters oif the universe'.

Our economic crisis is staged by those who plan to profit from it and rule over us against our will as they are presently setting up in the EU.
I know of many cases of people outside the leadership circles of our economy calling for changes in economic policy and who predicted the disasters that eventually rolled out prving them right.

Here are two: Nigel Farage and Ron Paul.

Nigel Farage right about the Euro and predicting the end of genuine democracy in Europe if things dont change.
Epic Rant - 'Nigel Farage Was Right!' - YouTube

Here is Ron Paul predicting the housing bubble, the rebuilding of Iraq and Afghanistan and the huge costs associated with both, our economic meltdown and more.

Ron Paul accurately predicts the US economic meltdown 10 years ago - YouTube

Ron Paul - Predictions in Due Time (Original) - YouTube

And yet the opponents of these men, despite being demonstrably wrong over and over, still are in charge. Greenspan had a record of incompetence when it came to economic prognastication and yet he was made Chairman of the Federal Reserve.

Why are the incompetent put in charge when there are so many more competent AMATEURS around? The amateurs get their knowledge and theories from experts, so why dont we hire them instead of the morons running things now?

I finally figured it out a few weeks ago; the people who are in charge of things no longer depend on democratic elections, but instead control elections well enough that they can get away with just about anything they like while they distract us with other issues from gay marriage to the war in Afghanistan.

Take a loo at the map here:

The banks are in charge, and they MAKE MONEY on economic failure.

So what are our chances, really, to avoid a huge depression when they guys calling the shots love depressions? In depressions they are the only ones with money and it being in short supply truly makes them 'Masters oif the universe'.

Our economic crisis is staged by those who plan to profit from it and rule over us against our will as they are presently setting up in the EU.

Why don't you write a short paragraph explaining just what you think socialism to be and then we can discuss that. From the looks of your post you really don't have a clue. You seem to be arguing from ignorance.
The Bankers in charge of the worlds economies know exactly what they're doing: Crashing the system so they come in afterward and buy everything up for cheap!

And they're so smart that they're actually having us PAY FOR IT ALL!
I predicted it all before Ron Paul did.
And was ridiculed for my efforts.
btw we have at least another decade of sluggishness coming at best and likely a couple more drops downward.
No they aren't.
Goldman Sachs has NO role in the Greek demise eh?

Not to deliberately crash the economy, no.
Well then tell us Toro, what happens to a gov'ts debt ratio when austerity is introduced?

Does it go UP or DOWN?

Sidebar: The New Greek PM is 64-year-old former vice president of the European Central Bank. Of course that's just a "coincidence" right? :D

If that doesn't scare you this will: He's a graduate of the Kennedy School Of Gov't and Harvard! Just like the White Shoe Boys at the Fed.
No they aren't.
You deny the Fed is printing the Dollar out of existence?

You are charging a nefarious conspiracy. It's silly.

I dont think the USD is likely to become valueless unless the US government allows JPO Morgan and BoA to protect their derivative contracts under FDIC insured parts of their operations. In that case the USD will become more useful as toilet paper than currency.

Nah, I am thinking that the banks in the Federal reserve want to preserve the system with them having almost all wealth either in their hands or those who have some wealth entirely dependent on them to sustain that wealth.

I think that they are greedy bastards who will get themselves all hung from lamp posts by their arrogance and hubris. The American people will never be lorded over like these MotU want to.
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Why don't you write a short paragraph explaining just what you think socialism to be and then we can discuss that.

Which version of socialism do you want me to essplain to you? Fabian? Marxist? Prouodhon's populism? Distributism (which isnt really socialism, but some call it that).

From the looks of your post you really don't have a clue. You seem to be arguing from ignorance.

And you seem to not have actually read my post.

Some of the elite are socialist, yes, but mostly of the Fabian variety like was once dominant in the UK till Thatcher fixed things, relatively speaking.

But the people doing the damage here are rocking the boat and putting useful fools in key positions to carry out their plans.

Why do we sit on our hands while this goes on?
The Bankers in charge of the worlds economies know exactly what they're doing: Crashing the system so they come in afterward and buy everything up for cheap!

And they're so smart that they're actually having us PAY FOR IT ALL!

No they aren't.
You deny the Fed is printing the Dollar out of existence?

So Bernanke is going to buy everything for cheap when this is over?
That is way beyond stupid.
No they aren't.
You deny the Fed is printing the Dollar out of existence?

So Bernanke is going to buy everything for cheap when this is over?
That is way beyond stupid.
So why has Ben Bernanke only done TWO things during his reign of terror?

Lower Interest Rates.
Print money.

If I wanted to destroy a nations currency, what better way is there than what he's been doing?

He did say "QE III is unlikely" so less of Ben Bernanke working his "magic" has given a temporary lift to the Markets.
The Bankers in charge of the worlds economies know exactly what they're doing: Crashing the system so they come in afterward and buy everything up for cheap!

And they're so smart that they're actually having us PAY FOR IT ALL!

Not just buying it up cheap, but using it as more reason to try and prove to the population that we need them to protect us from ourselves.
"A survey released by Federal Reserve on Monday tells a grim story in numbers what millions of Americans have been feeling in reality for nearly ten years.

"The Survey of Consumer Finances, conducted every three years and covering a span from 2007 to 2010, documents steep declines in family income and an overall loss of wealth, mostly fueled by the collapse of the housing market in the US following the subprime mortgage crisis caused by Wall Street in 2008..."

"The Fed found that median net worth fell 38.9 percent_ from $126,400 in 2007 to $77,300 in 2010. That essentially took net worth back to levels recorded in 1992, and reflects the steep erosion of housing wealth. Middle-class Americans have a greater proportion of net worth tied up in their home than do the rich.

"The decline of incomes follows a period from 2000 to 2007 where incomes stayed flat from the end of the Dot.Com recession throughout recovery and until the December 2007 start of the Great Recession.

"It marked the first time since the end of World War II that workers made almost no progress on wages throughout an entire business cycle, said Larry Mishel, president of the liberal think tank Economic Policy Institute."

'Lost Decade' for US Middle Class, says Economist | Common Dreams

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