Why are Iran,Saudi Arabia,Qatar, and other Muslim countries not accepting refugees??

Okay, guy, you are a liar. You keep repeating the same bullshit no matter how often you are corrected.

You're ignorant and you are proud of it.

Hey, there's a Health Insurance CEO who needs a reach around. you need to get right on that.

Repeating what "bullshit"?
I'm trying to understand why people like you that obviously get ALL your news from the biased MSM didn't ask the question I did.
I guess though the idea of "why Europe" to millions of refugees versus going to more familiar ME countries, i.e. Iran, Saudi Arabia, never came up with you or
minions of your ilk, much less the supposedly intellectually elite "professional journalists".
Dude you got your ass kicked, and should have left this thread 5 posts ago when you first stated taking a beating. But no, you just decided to embarrass yourself even more.

dude please; you losers always convince yourselves you won something when you didnt. stfu
Saudi Arabia does have Syrian nationals residing in the Gulf nation, but none of them have been taken in as refugees. According to the BBC, Syrian migrants are only allowed in with either a work permit or a tourist visa, and those are only given after a very thorough vetting process. Some lucky migrants have been granted extended stays in Saudi Arabia (as there were many Syrian nationals living in the country prior to the civil war), but very few of them will receive the kind of residency and benefits they’ll find in Western Europe.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2015/09/15/why-isnt-saudi-arabia-taking-in-any-migrants/#ixzz3mNHRIoSj
there are always left-wing losers making excuses for the world's worst people
And you are a co
if somebody was saying something untrue then the saudi wouldnt have said it was "unfair", he would have said it was FALSE, or UNTRUE

libs are losers who lie to themselves
And you are a complete fucking idiot.

you're an angry loser; and the fact you're so unhinged idiot, proves you arent "winning" shit charlie sheen
It’s not the first time Saudi Arabia has contributed to the rise of radical Islam. The oil empire has heavily financed Salafist extremists in the Syrian conflict, many of whom joined ISIS and ensured the violence spiraled out of control. Prominent Saudi nationals have even directly funded ISIS. Out of all state actors in Syria’s civil war, Saudi Arabia may be the most responsible for the atrocious bloodbath that’s pushing the migrant flow.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2015/09/15/why-isnt-saudi-arabia-taking-in-any-migrants/#ixzz3mNHqAKkV
The refugee crisis reveals the two very different philosophies operating in the migrant crisis. In the West, our leaders and chattering class views it as a humanitarian crisis that must be resolved by opening our borders. Open borders are a necessary sacrifice in order to live up to our liberal democratic ideals. What better way to show off your love of humanity than to let thousands of migrants stream over your border without prior permission?
In short, the West places platitudes over state (and citizen) interest.
Saudi Arabia is the opposite. The country doesn’t believe in liberal democracy, so it doesn’t have to take in migrants to prove its government loves liberty. Saudi leaders don’t want the migrants to come because they know the exodus contains terror elements. They also know that taking in thousands, if not millions, of migrants overnight is bound to lead social instability and to jeopardize future national prospects.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2015/09/15/why-isnt-saudi-arabia-taking-in-any-migrants/#ixzz3mNIAcrxb
there are always left-wing losers making excuses for the world's worst people
And you are a co
if somebody was saying something untrue then the saudi wouldnt have said it was "unfair", he would have said it was FALSE, or UNTRUE

libs are losers who lie to themselves
And you are a complete fucking idiot.

you're an angry loser; and the fact you're so unhinged idiot, proves you arent "winning" shit charlie sheen
Whatever you say, shit for brains.
Thousands of Middle Eastern migrants have swarmed into Europe, and Saudi Arabia is now finally offering to help.
No, the Gulf state isn’t offering to take in any of the so-called refugees. The Saudis are offering something much nicer to the European states having to deal with the migrant surge — paying for the construction of 200 mosques in Germany.
To any sane person, this overture would come across as a slap in the face. Saudi Arabia, despite being much closer in terms of geography and culture to the Syrian diaspora, has resisted all calls to take a single refugee in.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2015/09/15/why-isnt-saudi-arabia-taking-in-any-migrants/#ixzz3mNITYY5s
there are always left-wing losers making excuses for the world's worst people
And you are a co
if somebody was saying something untrue then the saudi wouldnt have said it was "unfair", he would have said it was FALSE, or UNTRUE

libs are losers who lie to themselves
And you are a complete fucking idiot.

you're an angry loser; and the fact you're so unhinged idiot, proves you arent "winning" shit charlie sheen
Whatever you say, shit for brains.


go cry leftard. you were already getting your clock cleaned by healthmyths; as was JoeB; who always posts nothing but nonsense
The Saudi Press Agency (SPA) on Friday cited an official source in the foreign ministry as saying the kingdom wanted to make clear its role in helping refugee in light of charges it was doing nothing.

but they can name this "official source"

idiots and hypocrites
Why is it not "easy to get from Syria to Iran"?
Looks like a straight shot from Syria to Iran through Iraq.
Are you telling me Iran's borders are so secure people CAN"T GET IN????

If we had 200 miles of war zone and rape-crazy terrorists between Tijuana and Los Angeles, we wouldn't have a lot of Mexicans in this country, either.

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