Zone1 Why are Jehovah Witnesses SO closed-minded to anything not written by the JWs?


Platinum Member
Nov 17, 2023
I have had encounters w/ JWs throughout my life. Most of the time, no matter what facts you give them.. facts about the history of Christianity or related matters, they argue, argue, argue... and won't even discuss the topics you bring up, to s peak of... except to refer you back to their literature, which I gave up on validating in any way long years ago...

For one thing, the JWs don't believe in eternal punishment after an unrepentant sinner dies. That is a direct contradiction of Jesus Christ who used those EXACT words (Mt 25:31-46)

Also, they do not believe Jesus is God. But Jesus SAID He is God--

a little problem there

"If you have seen Me, you have seen the Father" Jesus said

He also said: "The Father and I are one"
I have had encounters w/ JWs throughout my life. Most of the time, no matter what facts you give them.. facts about the history of Christianity or related matters, they argue, argue, argue... and won't even discuss the topics you bring up, to s peak of... except to refer you back to their literature, which I gave up on validating in any way long years ago...

For one thing, the JWs don't believe in eternal punishment after an unrepentant sinner dies. That is a direct contradiction of Jesus Christ who used those EXACT words (Mt 25:31-46)

Also, they do not believe Jesus is God. But Jesus SAID He is God--

a little problem there

"If you have seen Me, you have seen the Father" Jesus said

He also said: "The Father and I are one"
Let me introduce you to the true God=YHVH(Jehovah)
Deut 32:4--All of Gods ways are justice)=perfect balance on his justice scales-uncorruptable, he taught all his perfect balance he judges by=an eye for an eye--Lets apply that to eternal suffering teaching
For 70-100 years of an unrepented life, you say and certain religions say-trillions x trillions x trillions, etc of never ending years of punishment--Do you see perfect balance there? Because thatsan eye for a gazillion eyes-thus not the true Gods justice. Here is the fact on what the true put before men=Deut 30:19= LIFE or DEATH--both will be everlasting.
Jesus is clear-those walking the broad and spacious path will be destroyed( not given eternal life to suffer)
The NT describes the place of eternal suffering( symbolism) like this-The place where the worm( maggot)dieth not( Mark 9:48)--No worm or maggot could survive 1 single hour in a hot fireyplace. Proving it is symbolic( eternal suffering)

This is the reality of the symbolism= As each new day dawns in Gods kingdom, those not allowed in miss each day, they miss each day of Gods love, it never ends. Likened to be an eternal suffering.
God is love, not a vindictive sadist that could create a literal eternal suffering. Only religions living in darkness teach it as literal.

One in purpose(John 5:30) As the true followers are as well( Matt 7:21)--that is how a follower becomes one with them= in purpose.

I hope this helps you.
Someone asked me if I wanted to be a Jehovah's Witness, but I told them I didn't see the accident.

Okay, seriously folks, the thing about the JW's is that they split off from the Millerite movement after the world didn't end in 1844 like Miller said it would.

But most of the JWs I've known have been okay, compared to some other religions, which are just awful.
I have had encounters w/ JWs throughout my life. Most of the time, no matter what facts you give them.. facts about the history of Christianity or related matters, they argue, argue, argue... and won't even discuss the topics you bring up, to s peak of... except to refer you back to their literature, which I gave up on validating in any way long years ago...

For one thing, the JWs don't believe in eternal punishment after an unrepentant sinner dies. That is a direct contradiction of Jesus Christ who used those EXACT words (Mt 25:31-46)

Also, they do not believe Jesus is God. But Jesus SAID He is God--

a little problem there

"If you have seen Me, you have seen the Father" Jesus said

He also said: "The Father and I are one"
Actually, I could say the same thing about you: why are you so close-minded that Jews who abide by traditional Judaism are damned to hell unless they adopt Christian beliefs?
Actually, I could say the same thing about you: why are you so close-minded that Jews who abide by traditional Judaism are damned to hell unless they adopt Christian beliefs?
Jesus said that no one goes to the Father (Heaven) except through HIM

He is the WAy, the truth and the life

He alone
Someone asked me if I wanted to be a Jehovah's Witness, but I told them I didn't see the accident.

Okay, seriously folks, the thing about the JW's is that they split off from the Millerite movement after the world didn't end in 1844 like Miller said it would.

But most of the JWs I've known have been okay, compared to some other religions, which are just awful.
Apart from an annoying tendency to proselytize I agree
If you believe that the wages of sin is death, then your theology is off OP.

Let's start by defining sin.

We all agree sin is the transgression of God's Law. Transgressors are defined as "the wicked."

Scripture also tells us that the wages of sin is death.

When you believe that the wicked will burn forever you're saying that they will live forever.

Only the righteous will live forever, according to Scripture, not the wicked.

Which brings us back to Genesis to the first lie ever told "thou shalt not surely die."

This is what the Serpent told Eve.

This point has a large chunk of Christendom caught up in a lie, which includes the idea that we have dead relatives and loved ones looking down at us from heaven, which is nowhere at all in Scripture.

I hope this clears things up for you.
I approached a couple women outside a govt building once years ago promoting JW literature

I felt it was my duty to tell them some facts about Jesus...

about how .. It was some time ago so I don't recall details well.. but I believe I mentioned how only the Catholic Church goes back to the time of the Ascension. I'm pretty sure I mentioned other things, all based on FACTS because I don't like talking about iffy things that it takes theologian to get to the bottom of..

So yeh... they acted like I hadn't said anything at all... talked right past me.. promoting the literature, which I refused to take... read some of it b4..

Imagine that, not wanting to take "info" from members of a false religion. I guess I am rude... :(
Actually, I could say the same thing about you: why are you so close-minded that Jews who abide by traditional Judaism are damned to hell unless they adopt Christian beliefs?
Because that's what Jesus actually said. At lease according tot he bible.

Please note, I don't believe that. I think that on the off chance there is a God, he'll judge you by how you lived your life, not what church you went to.
Scripture also tells us that the wages of sin is death.

When you believe that the wicked will burn forever you're saying that they will live forever.
Hell has been described as eternal death

Jesus called it Eternal punishment

The soul never dies... whether the soul found forgiveness in Christ

or not
Jesus said that no one goes to the Father (Heaven) except through HIM

He is the WAy, the truth and the life

He alone
Funny. You complain that JWs are close-minded, and then you insist your beliefs are the only right ones.

So your question really was: why won’t JW give in and believe the way I do?
Funny. You complain that JWs are close-minded, and then you insist your beliefs are the only right ones.

So your question really was: why won’t JW give in and believe the way I do?

So the possibility that I have found the TRUTH

doesn't even occur to you?

The JWs have a different Bible from most Christians (not that JWs are Christian. Anyone who says Jesus is not God is IMO not a Christian)
I approached a couple women outside a govt building once years ago promoting JW literature

I felt it was my duty to tell them some facts about Jesus...

about how .. It was some time ago so I don't recall details well.. but I believe I mentioned how only the Catholic Church goes back to the time of the Ascension. I'm pretty sure I mentioned other things, all based on FACTS because I don't like talking about iffy things that it takes theologian to get to the bottom of..

So yeh... they acted like I hadn't said anything at all... talked right past me.. promoting the literature, which I refused to take... read some of it b4..

Imagine that, not wanting to take "info" from members of a false religion. I guess I am rude... :(
Maybe YOUR religion is the false one, hmmm?

You really shouldn’t call others intolerant and close-minded and then insist YOUR religious beliefs are the only correct one. You sound like a leftist with the “my way is the only way” crap.

My religion is much more tolerant: we reach that people of all religions can get to heaven.
Hell has been described as eternal death

Jesus called it Eternal punishment

The soul never dies... whether the soul found forgiveness in Christ

or not
You're preaching heresy.

If you're preaching that a soul is never truly dead.

It's the exact same lie the Serpent told Eve, "thou shalt not surely die."

Literally word for word.

This is what caused Saul to lose his Kingship to David, because he consulted people who claimed to speak to the dead.

Which God specifically told him not to do.

Go back to the Word brother.
Maybe YOUR religion is the false one, hmmm?

You really shouldn’t call others intolerant and close-minded and then insist YOUR religious beliefs are the only correct one. You sound like a leftist with the “my way is the only way” crap.

My religion is much more tolerant: we reach that people of all religions can get to heaven.
What a tyrant! sitting there telling someone what to do and how to believe... How ironic!

I know Jesus Christ. I have been in His actual Presence.

You and millions of others can't say that, apparently... But in any case, I don't usually talk to uncivilized sounding folks so Ignore is looking pretty good.

sorry you appear to have such anger...

But I didn't cause it

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