Zone1 And Jesus said "Depart from me, all you..." What? Evil believers? No, "Evildoers"

well, I understood the first sentence

the 2nd one

not so much
the religion of antiquity may go a bit further than doing - requires triumph over evil - to be worthy of judgement and a chance for admission to the everlasting.

nothing new there, what those in the 1st century gave their lives for - the heavenly religion of antiquity taught by jesus. given to a&e as their goal as their request for their self determination and remission to paradise. than servitude and denial, the desert religions.

why works matter subject to your post.
I normally don't respond to chopped up posts that too often destroy context and content of other people's posts.
I'll attempt to reply more to how you prefer.
I am one who thinks Darwin got a lot of things right and also one who believes God created the universe and everything in it.
See the Catholic church's reply to what you believe. Wikipedia quotes it accurately.
Darwin does not dispute Genesis but only that a 'day' in Genesis did not necessarily have to be 24 hours.
No, that's incorrect, Darwin directly contradicts Genesis and doesn't try to interpret any length of day as meaning something else. Most of the Christian church's do.
Creation in itself is a miracle but in my opinion has been a very long miracle. I also have no problem with those who take it as literally 24 hour days.
Again, see the Catholic church's interpretation of the question. That works for some Catholics and it might work for you too?
I personally think it far more evil to judge people for their beliefs and to try destroy people's faith most especially the children.
For me, it all depends on whether or not some people's faith can be considered to be doing good or doing evil.
And if you do not believe Jesus existed, why bother to chime in on a thread quoting Jesus? Why do you do that?
Likely for the opposite reason that believers offer up their beliefs. Why do they do that?

I think that Christians who feel comfortable and secure with their beliefs don't feel any need to debate the questions that cause discomfort.

My reason is that I want to convince them to ask themselves the difficult questions on creation/evolution and become better and more intelligent and understanding people for it.

You can deny me by simply walking away.
Will that bring you comfort?
our statement that the Catholic church is misleading their flock to believe Darwinism, and that is evil... you are right about that.
No, he's wrong. The Church doesn't point to any physical theory on creation. Start with "God created...." and then must all you want on the many ways God may have done the creating. We don't know, but some sure have a lot of fun trying to figure out the nuts and bolts. Others are happy with the idea that all popped into existence from nothing in 144 hours (six current days). We all start with the same belief: God created...
No, he's wrong. The Church doesn't point to any physical theory on creation. Start with "God created...." and then must all you want on the many ways God may have done the creating. We don't know, but some sure have a lot of fun trying to figure out the nuts and bolts. Others are happy with the idea that all popped into existence from nothing in 144 hours (six current days). We all start with the same belief: God created...
The quick explanation goes something like: Evolution happened and the god supervised.

Wikipedia quotes the CC if anybody wants the long answer.

Either way, Genesis is allowed Genesis to be rejected by the flock according to the CC.
You don't ever want to get into trying to explain fossil remains while touting Adam and Eve. Maybe Ding will buy into it?
No, he's wrong. The Church doesn't point to any physical theory on creation. Start with "God created...." and then must all you want on the many ways God may have done the creating. We don't know, but some sure have a lot of fun trying to figure out the nuts and bolts. Others are happy with the idea that all popped into existence from nothing in 144 hours (six current days). We all start with the same belief: God created...

When I agreed with Donald on that point, I wasn't talking about any official writings of the CC. I was talking about statements by the Pope.

But if what you're saying is that the Pope didn't say anything wrong, then I disagree.

I don't believe that Darwinian evolution is compatible with biblical Christianity....even if you tack God on to it.

It's yet another example of following worldly ideas and worldly ways which to me reveals where one puts their faith and trust. I simply don't buy evolution at all. I used to, many years ago, before I became a believer. But now I see it as one of the biggest lies ever perpetrated on mankind.

But this is not an salvific issue, so....believe what you want, I'm not going to spend any more time arguing about it.
And if you do not believe Jesus existed, why bother to chime in on a thread quoting Jesus? Why do you do that?
Good question..

But I don't need to hear the so called answer because I've read enough of DH

I guess people can change, though

I'll attempt to reply more to how you prefer.

See the Catholic church's reply to what you believe. Wikipedia quotes it accurately.

No, that's incorrect, Darwin directly contradicts Genesis and doesn't try to interpret any length of day as meaning something else. Most of the Christian church's do.

Again, see the Catholic church's interpretation of the question. That works for some Catholics and it might work for you too?

For me, it all depends on whether or not some people's faith can be considered to be doing good or doing evil.

Likely for the opposite reason that believers offer up their beliefs. Why do they do that?

I think that Christians who feel comfortable and secure with their beliefs don't feel any need to debate the questions that cause discomfort.

My reason is that I want to convince them to ask themselves the difficult questions on creation/evolution and become better and more intelligent and understanding people for it.

You can deny me by simply walking away.
Will that bring you comfort?
For somebody who claims such wisdom, you don't read very well do you.
When I agreed with Donald on that point, I wasn't talking about any official writings of the CC. I was talking about statements by the Pope.

But if what you're saying is that the Pope didn't say anything wrong, then I disagree.

I don't believe that Darwinian evolution is compatible with biblical Christianity....even if you tack God on to it.

It's yet another example of following worldly ideas and worldly ways which to me reveals where one puts their faith and trust. I simply don't buy evolution at all. I used to, many years ago, before I became a believer. But now I see it as one of the biggest lies ever perpetrated on mankind.

But this is not an salvific issue, so....believe what you want, I'm not going to spend any more time arguing about it.
Exactly as you should be as a Christian. People such as Meriweather and Ding try to make it work by using double talk to satisfy their partial acceptance of evolution. As I suggested. They say: Evolution happened and the god supervised.

You get to make the valid claim that you believe it all, lock, stock, barrel, and life in the big fish's stomach!
I say this Scripture where Jesus says Depart from me, you evildoers, I never knew you

definitely, all by itself (but there are others that support it)

shows us there is NO


it is a FALSE belief and if one holds onto it without changing, the person will end up in Hell, and Jesus implied most people do.

Mt 7:21
I don't and didn't claim wisdom. I send the impression and much of that is by staying on topic and being polite.
I don't think it polite to judge others by what they believe in matters of faith. But that's just me.
I don't think it polite to judge others by what they believe in matters of faith. But that's just me.
If I judge any other, I'll back it up with a reason. If you're looking for a reason to leave the discussion, just do it.
I say this Scripture where Jesus says Depart from me, you evildoers, I never knew you

definitely, all by itself (but there are others that support it)

shows us there is NO


it is a FALSE belief and if one holds onto it without changing, the person will end up in Hell, and Jesus implied most people do.

Mt 7:21

I was going to respond to the OP, but I haven't yet because I don't want to write a rushed reply, and in the last few days I've just been popping in here for short bits of time.

So I definitely want to get back to this later, but for now I have to say... once again you are flatly wrong and butchering that passage to try to use it to support other unbiblical views.

I'm sorry to be blunt, but there's really no way to sugarcoat it.

I have to go now (real life calls) but like I said I'm going to try to get back to this later.
If I judge any other, I'll back it up with a reason. If you're looking for a reason to leave the discussion, just do it.
I don't need a reason to leave a discussion. But I do prefer to discuss concepts, ideas, beliefs, principles, realities with people who are interested in doing that rather than putting down people for their beliefs. Most especially those who denigrate others for their beliefs.

An honest assessment would be that the Catholic Church has never made an issue of Darwin. You won't find any reference to it in their catechisms. But they wisely assure their members that it is okay to believe and teach Darwin or not as they choose. I would be very unhappy with any school that did not teach Darwin that is such an important scientific theory among many scientific theories and children should know that it exists. I also am unhappy with any school that does not allow a concept of intelligent design to be discussed and considered most especially when billions of people on Earth believe in it. I think the Catholic Church and I know I think that Darwin and Creation can co-exist quite peacefully and amicably.

If you believe in Genesis literally as written, I might question your lack of curiosity and critical thinking, but I have no problem with your belief or you because of what you believe. And I certainly would not presume to tell you that you were evil because of your belief. Likewise I have no problem with those whose religion is the big bang theory and Darwin as the answer to all questions of creation and I also question their lack of curiosity and critical thinking but I have no problem with their belief or them because of what they believe and certainly would not tell them they were evil because of what they believe.
I don't need a reason to leave a discussion. But I do prefer to discuss concepts, ideas, beliefs, principles, realities with people who are interested in doing that rather than putting down people for their beliefs. Most especially those who denigrate others for their beliefs.

An honest assessment would be that the Catholic Church has never made an issue of Darwin. You won't find any reference to it in their catechisms. But they wisely assure their members that it is okay to believe and teach Darwin or not as they choose. I would be very unhappy with any school that did not teach Darwin that is such an important scientific theory
From my best info, Darwin was not very scientific. He didn't have the best character either... but I can't recall specifics so I'll just mosey along.

I really don't have any natural interest in Darwin or evolution... that's just me. I've been in Christ's real presence in the Church and that is proof enough for me that Jesus is REAL, hence the term Real Presence...

It looks like I am a rather rare Catholic, though... It is sad that many of them don't even seem to know about theRP

I tell people, but ... well, that's another topic for another day..
I say this Scripture where Jesus says Depart from me, you evildoers, I never knew you

definitely, all by itself (but there are others that support it)

shows us there is NO


it is a FALSE belief and if one holds onto it without changing, the person will end up in Hell, and Jesus implied most people do.

Mt 7:21
And now for the truth:

John 10:27 My sheep listen to My voice; I know them, and they follow Me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one can snatch them out of My hand. My Father who has given them to Me is greater than all. No one can snatch them out of My Father’s hand.
yeh, those who have no real, logical argument always do "have to go now"

I've noticed that...
Here's the thing misery, buttercup relies on scripture for the truth. She doesn't change her name to hide among us. She doesn't need to. She is bold in her belief.

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