Zone1 And Jesus said "Depart from me, all you..." What? Evil believers? No, "Evildoers"

Jesus didn't pussy foot around about the Truth. and he spoke of Hell often and said that those who don't , for example, care about the downtrodden are going there.. Mt 25:31

In Mt 5:48 we are told to be like God

Being like Jesus is the only way we can do that. And again, Jesus did NOT pussy foot around... we recall what He did in the temple.. :eek:

All this "love" BS in our day.. Accept gays because to not accept what they do is not loving

Right... we should encourage them in a sin that leads to eternal damnation..

that is SO loving, isn't it?
You are entitled to your beliefs. I don't share a lot of them apparently. But oh well. Hope you're having a great day.
You are entitled to your beliefs. I don't share a lot of them apparently. But oh well. Hope you're having a great day.
sounds kind of weasely

But I didn't know a thing about real love either... until I prayed the rosary and got back into CHRIST's Church..

I wasn't born knowing anything about Jesus.. no one is.

The thing is, SO many people reject whatever they don't naturally like about Jesus...

That will get you into Hell
sounds kind of weasely

But I didn't know a thing about real love either... until I prayed the rosary and got back into CHRIST's Church..

I wasn't born knowing anything about Jesus.. no one is.

The thing is, SO many people reject whatever they don't naturally like about Jesus...

That will get you into Hell
I think those being told they are going to hell by somebody who has no authority to say that probably don't feel a lot of love?
I think those being told they are going to hell by somebody who has no authority to say that probably don't feel a lot of love?
I don't CARE,


I care more about people NOT going to Hell than I do about them liking me


And Jesus said clearly that most people go there.
I don't CARE,


I care more about people NOT going to Hell than I do about them liking me


And Jesus said clearly that most people go there.
I didn't say a single word about people liking you or not liking you. I care about people having a relationship with the living Christ too and have to speak out to those who drive people away from God by their judgmentalism and pronouncements that somebody is going to hell and other unloving behavior. Jesus told nobody to do that. He did have a lot to say about those who presume to condemn others for sin and not themselves.
I didn't say a single word about people liking you or not liking you. I care about people having a relationship with the living Christ too and have to speak out to those who drive people away from God by their judgmentalism and pronouncements that somebody is going to hell and other unloving behavior. Jesus told nobody to do that. He did have a lot to say about those who presume to condemn others for sin and not themselves.
so you give people a fake Jesus who will overlook all their egregious sins just because, as the liberals think, that is the "loving thing to do."

geez... so much heresy everywhere
I didn't say a single word about people liking you or not liking you. I care about people having a relationship with the living Christ too and have to speak out to those who drive people away from God by their judgmentalism and pronouncements that somebody is going to hell and other unloving behavior. Jesus told nobody to do that. He did have a lot to say about those who presume to condemn others for sin and not themselves.
Knock it off, Ms Sanctimonious. You are DISHONEST. I never said some particular person was going to Hell and ou know it.

It is YOU judging me and you are too blind to see it... so much easier to see the splinter in someone else's eye than the plank in your own, isn't it?

Accuse me of that again, and I am not responding... Ignore works
That is dishonest. I never told anyone he or she is going to hell.

Get real
I didn't say you did. But you say you would tell them that did you not? Or that a Christian doing the right thing would tell them that? Is that not implied in your posts #62 and #64? I am neither accusing you nor judging you. I just don't want the seekers here, if there are any, to think that's what most Christians think as that could be drawn from your posts.
You have to wonder how he became so hate filled.
I don't know that he is. I just know how many people think Christians think like that. If you don't belong to the right church or you don't believe as they do, then you're going to hell. I think Jesus was pretty strong in his advice that such is not the case.
A lot of people think they can do all manner of evil and still end up in Heaven.

What a bunch of delusional *&^%$ that is! I can't think of a worse "belief."

Who is “a lot of people”? Be specific. Non-Catholic Christians?

If so, that’s a big fat straw man. (When I say straw man, that’s at best… at worst it’s a vicious lie, but I can’t say what’s inside your head.)

I think the problem may be that you just don’t get non-Catholic Christianity. I say that based on your own repeated false claims and the fact that you constantly start threads with a very “us against them” malicious tone, always pitting non-Catholics and Catholics against each other.

Let me clear something up for you, once and for all. Because you keep repeating the same lie over and over, and it needs to be put to rest for good.

I can’t speak for ALL Christians, but for me and the Christians I know….we don’t believe that salvation is about just saying a quick little prayer to accept Christ but then doing “all manner of evil” and never changing and still end up in Heaven.

That’s not the way it works. Not even close.

I and the Christians I know believe what the Bible says, and what Jesus clearly stated… AND our own personal experience and testimony. All of the above go directly against the straw man you presented

Here’s the reality, when it comes to salvation. Jesus was very clear, YOU MUST BE BORN AGAIN.

And when you’re truly born again, you are a NEW creation. You have a new nature, a new heart, a new perspective, new priorities, new interests, everything is new! (2 Corinthians 5:17)

When you’re truly born again, you no longer want to keep doing the same things you did in your B.C (before Christ) life.

So your dishonest, ridiculous caricature of non-Catholic Christians saying a little prayer and then “doing all manner of evil” is simply not the reality for anyone who has truly come to faith in Jesus.

Don’t get me wrong. That doesn’t mean that new believers become perfect overnight. Sanctification is a process, and it takes years to learn, grow and mature spiritually.

HOWEVER, once one has truly put their faith in Jesus and become born again, they now have the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 1:13-14) they now have the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16) so it’s inevitable that transformation will take place, in someone who is truly saved. Again, that transformation is a process. Justification (getting saved, becoming born again) happens in an instant and is a one time thing. But sanctification is a process, that takes years.

But then again, belief doesn't appear to have much to do with our Judgment, according to this and other Scriptures.

"Even the demons believe and tremble" (Book of James, 2nd chapter)

So much for what you believe. A lot of Protestants wax superior in the fake knowledge that their beliefs are better than... totally superior to, those of the Catholics..

But again, belief itself doesn't matter. What matters is what you DO.

^ Again, another straw man. Of course even the demons believe, and tremble. Did you think that non-Catholic Christians don’t understand the difference between mere mental belief and actual faith?

There’s a difference between merely believing God exists and putting one’s faith and trust in God. Obviously the demons fall into the former category, not the latter.

A saving faith starts with an understanding that we’re a sinner in need of forgiveness, and it is about believing the Gospel. Believing that JESUS is the way, that Jesus died was buried and rose again for us, to pay the penalty for our sin…and we just need to trust in Christ and Christ alone… NOT our own works, because the Bible is clear that works do not save. We are saved by God’s grace, through FAITH.

If a person’s faith is genuine, if they have repented and made the decision to surrender and follow Jesus, then that person will go through spiritual birth, being BORN from above, as a true son or daughter of the living God of the universe.

And when that happens, there is no way that there will be NOT be good fruit and good works. (Assuming the person doesn’t die immediately after getting saved, like the thief on the cross.)

No one can be saved by “being a good person” because the Bible is clear, NO ONE Is good in their natural state. (Romans 3:10-12) And God’s standard is perfection. That’s why NO ONE can be saved by their works, because no one can be perfect. That’s why Jesus said you must be born again. Once we are justified (saved) God then sees CHRIST’s righteousness in us, he no longer sees us as sinners. (Ps. 32:2; Rom. 3:22; 4:3, 8, 21-25; 2 Cor. 5:21)

Jesus says in this psg (I will fetch it for you)

Depart from Me, all you evil DOERS

not believers

Matthew 7:23

Aramaic Bible in Plain English
And then I will confess to them, 'I have never known you, remove yourselves far from me, you workers of evil.'

You are misusing that passage. In fact, it teaches the exact opposite of what you seem to think it teaches!

The people in that passage who said “Lord, Lord” trusted in their own works, as opposed to having a real relationship with God and KNOWING God.

We can see that by their own words:

Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

^ Read those words, those people are presenting their “wonderful works” as if their own works are what it takes to be saved. That shows where they put their trust, in their OWN works, as opposed to what GOD did for us!

God wants a relationship with us, and He wants you to be born again. Why do you think Jesus said, “I never knew you: depart from me, you who practice iniquity.” (keywords: "I never knew you")

So that passage actually teaches AGAINST works-based salvation, not for it! You have it completely backwards.
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When one Christian religion says THEY are the only way to Jesus, that's a MASSIVE RED flag. That's authoritarian and only hurts the nation. And it hurts christianity.
Believing you can do all manner of evil is NOT repentance of sin. We all know that, and anyone who thinks they can do that is not repentant.

King David was a terrible sinner, committing adultery and murder, yet was a man after God's own heart. Why did God call him that? Because, when confronted with his sin, he repented of it, and grieved over it. A repentant sinner does not try to find out how far he can push it or how close he can get to sin before becoming a sinner. No, a repentant sinner leaves the sin behind.

Yes, belief in Christ saves you, but if you're not showing the fruit of that salvation in your life, it's not for real.

  • Romans 10:9 - "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved."

Thank you for this post, I was trying to say the same thing, but man oh man... I gotta stop being so wordy, lol!

You said it in a much more concise, clear way.
well, again scripture can seem to contradict other scripture. If one were to go only by this one you give here, that person would think all he has to do is believe. But then there is James 2 something and other psgs.. like the one in the OP

Then there is the one wheere Jesus says

If you love Me you will keep my commandments
No one is denying that we are commanded to obey God's commands, the sticking point is what actually justifies a person before God, and Scripture is clear that it's faith and not works. That is pounded in over and over again. Now, I've stated before and will continue to state that someone who claims they have faith but are not obeying God's commands has no proof of that faith, and in fact, Jesus Himself says that every branch in Him that doesn't produce fruit will be cut off. Let's put it this way:

1. A person who prays a prayer once, then gets off their knees and returns to a life of selfishness and sin is not saved. Being in Christ is NOT trying to find out where the boundaries are and going as close to them as possible. That's not a contrite heart or faith.
2. A person who cynically does good works their entire life but never submits their heart to God and never has a relationship with Him is also not saved. Being in Christ requires a contrite and reborn heart. There will be those who claim to have done all sorts of even miraculous things in Jesus' name that He will send away because He never knew them.

Two examples:

1. The Pharisees of Jesus' day that He called a den of vipers. They spent their entire lives obeying the Law and doing everything it commanded but did not submit their hearts to God. Think they were justified by their works? No.
2. The thief on the cross beside Jesus didn't obey the law and never gave a thought to doing good works (that we know of), yet Jesus took him to Paradise that very day, solely because of his faith. Quite frankly, if Jesus can do it for him, He can do it for me.

Yes, we are to obey Christ's commands, but WHY we do so is very, very important. If we obey because we think doing so justifies us before God, we deceive ourselves. We might as well try to swim from California to Hawaii. Sure, some will make it further than others, but no one is going to survive the attempt. If, OTOH, we disobey God's commands because we presume that He's just going to forgive everything anyway, we also deceive ourselves. Faith is required for salvation and works are the evidence of that faith. Abraham's faith was credited to him for righteousness, but he acted on that faith and moved from Ur. He acted on it and prepared his son for sacrifice. Faith means action.

Another in a long line of examples. A daredevil crosses Niagra Falls on a tightrope, pushing a wheelbarrow in front of him. After he successfully returns, he asks the audience if they believe he could safely take one of them across the falls in the wheelbarrow. Impressed by his skill, many say yes. Is it belief and faith if none of them get in the wheelbarrow?
the sticking point is what actually justifies a person before God, and Scripture is clear that it's faith and not works.
I've never understood Protestant belief that this is a "sticking point" for them. It has never been for Catholics. We have such faith in God that when he calls us to do something (puts a need in front of us), we respond and obey. We have that much faith in God and his ways. Why so little faith in obedience and the ways of God? We are participants in God's Plan and his Ways.

Consider this: Are you a participant in God's Plan, his Ways? Or are you just along for the ride? If someone dismisses the value of obedience or fulfilling a need calling for help, then they are just along for the ride. If someone discourages others to ignore the need/work to be done, they might want to consider the weight of a millstone, because ignoring need is not participating in God's Plan or his Ways.
All those who think they know better than others about who is saved and who is not saved, may very well not be saved. Those less fortunate and on hard times will enter the kingdom of heaven before those of great wealth.
I've never understood Protestant belief that this is a "sticking point" for them. It has never been for Catholics. We have such faith in God that when he calls us to do something (puts a need in front of us), we respond and obey. We have that much faith in God and his ways. Why so little faith in obedience and the ways of God? We are participants in God's Plan and his Ways.

Consider this: Are you a participant in God's Plan, his Ways? Or are you just along for the ride? If someone dismisses the value of obedience or fulfilling a need calling for help, then they are just along for the ride. If someone discourages others to ignore the need/work to be done, they might want to consider the weight of a millstone, because ignoring need is not participating in God's Plan or his Ways.
It's a sticking point because there will be many whom Christ will reject who will be trotting out all the good things they did during their lives, thinking that would justify them before God. People who do not think they need to be reborn, who do not think that they need to cultivate a relationship with Christ. Apparently, for many Catholics Protestants appear to believe that they can express belief in Christ, then live selfish sinful lives and be justified before God. It appears to many Protestants that Catholics believe they can earn their way into heaven, can simply do penance as assigned by a priest and have their sins forgiven without actually repenting. Both beliefs are wrong.
And Jesus said clearly that most people go there.

having left paradise of their own volition was not a certainty for their return rather granted by the heavens as their goal by their own self determination ... has nothing to do with those that would be candidates for punishment, no sentence would exceed their crimes and would last only that long to satisfy their victims.

jesus taught the heavenly religion of antiquity, the golden rule - nothing about hell ...

not found in the basic context of any desert religion - that's you 7.
I didn't say you did. But you say you would tell them that did you not? Or that a Christian doing the right thing would tell them that? Is that not implied in your posts #62 and #64? I am neither accusing you nor judging you. I just don't want the seekers here, if there are any, to think that's what most Christians think as that could be drawn from your posts.
You are arguing w/ Jesus himself, who said that most people go to Hell (in so many words). Jesus warned of this

But I am not supposed to warn others ?

OK, we see how much YOU care about people going to Hell

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