Why are older Americans not optimistic and/or excited for humanity's future?


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
Johnstown Never Believed Trump Would Help. They Still Love Him Anyway.

“I think we’re going to see the end of the world in our generation.”

I proudly call myself a moderate Republican and I believe in optimistic future for freedom, democracy, and space exploration!

How would they feel if I told them that in the future spaceships named after key battles will patrol our galaxy and keep humanity and any alien culture who practices freedom and democracy safe?

Humanity's most powerful and advanced spaceship will be called the Normandy!

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i don't think that we will see the end of the world in this / MY generation though things involving freedom , liberty and individual Rights and Freedoms seem to be going to heck in the USA , imo . Then again , as an older guy i really don't much care as i see lots of good or bad future events only affecting people younger than me . -------------- also , i didn't read the article , i'm just responding to your opening post . Plus i don't much care about SPACESHIPS patrolling the Universe and keeping freedom loving space ALIENS safe Jake .
The way I see it, we old farts are gonna die anyway and my kids are at almost retirement age so,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,we don't much GAF.


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