Why are Progressives afraid to address MENTAL ILLNESS AND MASS MURDER?

It has nothing to do with financial expertise which is how you misrepresent it.

Trump signs bill revoking Obama-era gun checks for mental illness
The rule, which was finalized in December, added people receiving Social Security checks for mental illnesses and people deemed unfit to handle their own financial affairs to the national background check database.

Cute try.

What President Trump rescinded was a law preventing someone receiving Social Security benefits who needed help with their finances. Which mass shooter was receiving SS benefits that needed help with the finances?
Should. Someone with Alzheimer’s have a gun?

How many people with Alzheimer's disease have committed mass murder?
How many children commit mass murder?

Yet you do not give a child guns.
We have been begging for YEARS to get better funding and programs for mental illness in this country and red states are THE WORST. You nitwits suddenly jump on the bandwagon pretending you CARE about mental illness when it is the first funding you cut? Seriously? I wouldnt even go there if I were you because you only you give a fuck about is to distract from your precious right to assault style guns.

In the meantime, how many of those mass shooters were diagnosed with a mental illness?

Who is "We"?

You must have forgotten but I didn't notice where you supported your allegations? I provided FACTS, where are yours or are you just whining?
We are the left. And “we” have LONG argued for parity in mental health care and more funding! Where were YOU!? You didn’t provide facts, you provided opinion.

So...you have nothing. Got it!

All I've seen is that you (Progressives) want is to take guns from law abiding citizens.
We have been begging for YEARS to get better funding and programs for mental illness in this country and red states are THE WORST. You nitwits suddenly jump on the bandwagon pretending you CARE about mental illness when it is the first funding you cut? Seriously? I wouldnt even go there if I were you because you only you give a fuck about is to distract from your precious right to assault style guns.

In the meantime, how many of those mass shooters were diagnosed with a mental illness?

Who is "We"?

You must have forgotten but I didn't notice where you supported your allegations? I provided FACTS, where are yours or are you just whining?
We are the left. And “we” have LONG argued for parity in mental health care and more funding! Where were YOU!? You didn’t provide facts, you provided opinion.

So...you have nothing. Got it!

All I've seen is that you (Progressives) want is to take guns from law abiding citizens.

You have never given a damn about mental health until now.

Why do you continiously cut funding for it?
Since WHEN have Republicans given a fuck about the mentally ill? It is truely a slap in the face after all the budget cuts for mental health funding.

Please show us the reliable source and working link supporting your allegation. Thank you!
It has nothing to do with financial expertise which is how you misrepresent it.

Trump signs bill revoking Obama-era gun checks for mental illness
The rule, which was finalized in December, added people receiving Social Security checks for mental illnesses and people deemed unfit to handle their own financial affairs to the national background check database.

Cute try.

What President Trump rescinded was a law preventing someone receiving Social Security benefits who needed help with their finances. Which mass shooter was receiving SS benefits that needed help with the finances?
Should. Someone with Alzheimer’s have a gun?

How many people with Alzheimer's disease have committed mass murder?
How many children commit mass murder?

Yet you do not give a child guns.

Say wut?
We have been begging for YEARS to get better funding and programs for mental illness in this country and red states are THE WORST. You nitwits suddenly jump on the bandwagon pretending you CARE about mental illness when it is the first funding you cut? Seriously? I wouldnt even go there if I were you because you only you give a fuck about is to distract from your precious right to assault style guns.

In the meantime, how many of those mass shooters were diagnosed with a mental illness?

Who is "We"?

You must have forgotten but I didn't notice where you supported your allegations? I provided FACTS, where are yours or are you just whining?
We are the left. And “we” have LONG argued for parity in mental health care and more funding! Where were YOU!? You didn’t provide facts, you provided opinion.

So...you have nothing. Got it!

All I've seen is that you (Progressives) want is to take guns from law abiding citizens.

You have never given a damn about mental health until now.

Why do you continiously cut funding for it?

Show us, please.
Since WHEN have Republicans given a fuck about the mentally ill? It is truely a slap in the face after all the budget cuts for mental health funding.

Please show us the reliable source and working link supporting your allegation. Thank you!
I did. Here it is again and more.

2016 Election Platforms | NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness
Ranking the States 2018 | Mental Health America

Now you answer. Since when have tbe Republicans given a damn about mental health? Hint: it sure isn’t part of their platform.
Take their guns!
They can’t. TheRepublicansinsist that the mentally ill and incompetent have a right to guns.

They have a ducked up sense of priorities and this the first intimation they give a damn about mental illness,

Why don't you think people who have asked for help fulfilling their financial affairs should be able to protect themselves?

Why do you want these people to die?

Why do you hate people who aren't experts at finances?
Why do you misrepresent it?
Why are you stupid?
Because stupid is the only language you understand.
Why are Progressives afraid to address MENTAL ILLNESS AND MASS MURDER?

Is the Mental Illness lobby preventing Progressives from addressing the REAL CAUSE OF MASS MURDER?

The left wants to discount the role of mental disturbance in mass shootings. By doing so, it can keep all of the focus on guns and “white supremacy.”

In addition, allowing mental disturbance to enter the conversation might lead to a discussion of family breakdown and loss of religious faith. The left wants to steer clear of that discussion at all costs.
In July 2019, the U.S. Secret Service released its report “Mass Attacks in Public Spaces—2018.” The report covered 27 attacks that resulted in 91 deaths and 107 injuries. The investigators found that 67% of the suspects displayed symptoms of mental illness or emotional disturbance. In 93% of the incidents, the authorities found that the suspects had a history of threats or other troubling communications.

The results were similar to those of another study published by the Secret Service on 28 such attacks in 2017.
Mental illness and mass murder

We have been begging for YEARS to get better funding and programs for mental illness in this country and red states are THE WORST. You nitwits suddenly jump on the bandwagon pretending you CARE about mental illness when it is the first funding you cut? Seriously? I wouldnt even go there if I were you because you only you give a fuck about is to distract from your precious right to assault style guns.

In the meantime, how many of those mass shooters were diagnosed with a mental illness?

Why do liberals think throwing more money at a problem solves it?

And why does it need money anyway?? It's guaranteed with Obamacare. Remember how great it was?

How Obamacare improved mental health coverage
Why are Progressives afraid to address MENTAL ILLNESS AND MASS MURDER?
That would be equivalent to addressing PERSONAL HYGIENE AND MASS MURDER.


People commit mass murder out of frustration

Frustrated people commit mass shootings because they have guns

Remove guns from the population and mass shootings will cese immediately.
Take good care of your population and all mass murder will cease.

It's simple. Provide jobs with fair wages and adequate housing. Then the U.S. will finally amount to something worthy of being proud of.
I guess liberals approve of these mass shootings, they never have any real solutions to stop them.
Who told you that lie? You never heard them say that guns should be banned? How many people will be shot without guns? Duh!
Why are Progressives afraid to address MENTAL ILLNESS AND MASS MURDER?

Is the Mental Illness lobby preventing Progressives from addressing the REAL CAUSE OF MASS MURDER?

The left wants to discount the role of mental disturbance in mass shootings. By doing so, it can keep all of the focus on guns and “white supremacy.”

In addition, allowing mental disturbance to enter the conversation might lead to a discussion of family breakdown and loss of religious faith. The left wants to steer clear of that discussion at all costs.
In July 2019, the U.S. Secret Service released its report “Mass Attacks in Public Spaces—2018.” The report covered 27 attacks that resulted in 91 deaths and 107 injuries. The investigators found that 67% of the suspects displayed symptoms of mental illness or emotional disturbance. In 93% of the incidents, the authorities found that the suspects had a history of threats or other troubling communications.

The results were similar to those of another study published by the Secret Service on 28 such attacks in 2017.
Mental illness and mass murder
Obviously, so called progressives believe that mass murders are completely the result of reading President Trump's tweets and other violent criminal activities are completely the result of economic inequities so obviously until the progressives turn America into a workers' paradise the only way to stop murders is to force people who want guns to buy them illegally the same way people who want banned drugs buy them illegally.
Are Americans crazier than the rest of the industrialized world? We have more mass murders, therefore we must be crazier. Or so the specious logic goes.
Are Americans crazier than the rest of the industrialized world? We have more mass murders, therefore we must be crazier. Or so the specious logic goes.
The Democrats have already explained this to you: people don't commit mass murders, guns do.
Are Americans crazier than the rest of the industrialized world? We have more mass murders, therefore we must be crazier. Or so the specious logic goes.
The Democrats have already explained this to you: people don't commit mass murders, guns do.
Guns are the American madman's outil de choix as the French say. The tool of choice.

I ask again, are Americans crazier than other societies?
Are Americans crazier than the rest of the industrialized world? We have more mass murders, therefore we must be crazier. Or so the specious logic goes.
The Democrats have already explained this to you: people don't commit mass murders, guns do.
Guns are the American madman's outil de choix as the French say. The tool of choice.

I ask again, are Americans crazier than other societies?
We are freer, and with freedom come risks.
We have been begging for YEARS to get better funding and programs for mental illness in this country and red states are THE WORST. You nitwits suddenly jump on the bandwagon pretending you CARE about mental illness when it is the first funding you cut? Seriously? I wouldnt even go there if I were you because you only you give a fuck about is to distract from your precious right to assault style guns.

In the meantime, how many of those mass shooters were diagnosed with a mental illness?

Who is "We"?

You must have forgotten but I didn't notice where you supported your allegations? I provided FACTS, where are yours or are you just whining?
We is the those who genuinely care about mental health care and have been working hard to improve it while you lot just keep cutting funding and programs. Now, suddenly you rightists notice it? Really? Only when your gun rights are questioned? And then you blame it on the left who have generally been the ones lobbying for mental health? Can you be any more FAKE?
Are Americans crazier than the rest of the industrialized world? We have more mass murders, therefore we must be crazier. Or so the specious logic goes.
The Democrats have already explained this to you: people don't commit mass murders, guns do.
Guns are the American madman's outil de choix as the French say. The tool of choice.

I ask again, are Americans crazier than other societies?
We are freer, and with freedom come risks.
Canada is free. As is the U.K., Germany, France, Belgium, Japan, Italy, Australia. Do they have as many crazy people per capita as we?

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