Why Are The Churches and Schools Being Targeted So Much With The Woke Agenda?

I made another topic on here last night about how my UM church went woke so I decided to leave it, but so I wouldn't derail the thread since it's just supposed to be about the agenda at church, I want to know why the heck has been going on with public schools and now the churches?

As if just indoctrinating children with the woke agenda crap wasn't enough and now these crazy people are commiting [sic] the ultimate blasphemy and trying to change the Word of God. My question is why and to what purpose?

Satan turns his efforts where he thinks they will be most effective. Many schools and churches have been making themselves unreasonably vulnerable, and Satan is taking advantage of it.
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“Tolerance” of evil and madness is not a virtue. It never has been, and it never will be.
The biggest heresy that Liberals/Leftists embrace is that mankind is good in every way. That just is not true at all, and history is replete with examples of that. Plus the inviolate Word of God has REPEATEDLY declared the true nature of mankind and his fate should he fail to repent.
The Great Flood
Sodom & Gomorrah
Egyptian Captivity
The 40 years' wandering in the wilderness of Israel
The Great Tribulation, Sevenfold Judgement, and Great White Throne pronouncement after the Millenial Reign

These are all examples of a Just and Holy G-d's Judgements who cannot, nor will not bend His Law to people for the sake of "tolerance and acceptance". Heaven is very exclusive, and so is G-d.
I made another topic on here last night about how my UM church went woke so I decided to leave it, but so I wouldn't derail the thread since it's just supposed to be about the agenda at church, I want to know why the heck has been going on with public schools and now the churches?

As if just indoctrinating children with the woke agenda crap wasn't enough and now these crazy people are commiting the ultimate blasphemy and trying to change the Word of God. My question is why and to what purpose?
/——/ Their end game is to have everyone accept their perversion as normal. Nothing more complicated than that.
/——/ Their end game is to have everyone accept their perversion as normal. Nothing more complicated than that.
Many of us have been warning of this for decades now. Without G-d as the moral foundation AND authority, schools became a wasteland of sin and perversion. For example, even though I finished HS in 1986, there were already several of my female classmates WITH children. By my Senior year, one had two kids in tow with another on the way.
That's it? That's all they hope to gain out of it? No offense or anything, but I have to believe that there's something a lot more than that going on.
/——/ I wish there was a more complex answer. The Church is their obstacle to acceptance in mainstream life. The schools are sympathetic and will help promote it.
MAGAts want hate and anger taught.

Even if that were true (which it is most certainly not), it would be far better than the sick, fucked-up shit that your kind want to “teach” to children.

Your fucked-up kind just need to stay the fuck away from children. The time is coming when your safety—your very lives—will depend on you doing so.

One of these days, you're going to fuck with the wrong child, and that child's father will see to it that you are never able to do so ever again to his child or to any other child.
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/——/ I wish there was a more complex answer. The Church is their obstacle to acceptance in mainstream life. The schools are sympathetic and will help promote it.
Christ had prophesied about the great "falling away" of the church in the last days, with all but a faithful few remaining true to the Word. Most of the mainline denominations don't even open Scripture, let alone preach against sin and evil.
I made another topic on here last night about how my UM church went woke so I decided to leave it, but so I wouldn't derail the thread since it's just supposed to be about the agenda at church, I want to know why the heck has been going on with public schools and now the churches?

As if just indoctrinating children with the woke agenda crap wasn't enough and now these crazy people are commiting the ultimate blasphemy and trying to change the Word of God. My question is why and to what purpose?
The State shall be your object of worship and devotion....All others are verboten.
Remove their faith in any and every institution other than The State.
Communists use the LGBTQ+ community to do their dirty work.......then they arrest them....convict them of sexual-deviance.....and they shoot them and bury them in mass graves.
Muslims pretty much do the same exact thing.
Nothing is evil or mad about homosexuality
Not according to the Sovereign G-d of Creation. His design for sex is very specific as to who can engage in it and not sin. And that is one man-one woman within the bonds of lifetime marriage. What is so hard for you to comprehend about that?
The biggest heresy that Liberals/Leftists embrace is that mankind is good in every way. That just is not true at all, and history is replete with examples of that. Plus the inviolate Word of God has REPEATEDLY declared the true nature of mankind and his fate should he fail to repent.
The Great Flood
Sodom & Gomorrah
Egyptian Captivity
The 40 years' wandering in the wilderness of Israel
The Great Tribulation, Sevenfold Judgement, and Great White Throne pronouncement after the Millenial Reign

These are all examples of a Just and Holy G-d's Judgements who cannot, nor will not bend His Law to people for the sake of "tolerance and acceptance". Heaven is very exclusive, and so is G-d.
So, you don't believe Ezekiel when he said WHY Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed? It's in your bible.

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