Why are the LibTarian / Third Party platforms so bad that they can’t find a viable candidate to run against a couple 80 year olds?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Can the opportunity to win get any better than now? Wouldn’t now be the time to run and give it all you got?
Lib-lites have to beat two 80 year olds…the incumbent has an approval rating of 38% and a shit record across the board and the other candidate is a twice impeached, fraud committing rapist game show host with really bad hair and felony charges up the ass.
COME ON MAN…..if you don’t have a chance now YOU NEVER WILL.
Can the opportunity to win get any better than now? Wouldn’t now be the time to run and give it all you got?
Lib-lites have to beat two 80 year olds…the incumbent has an approval rating of 38% and a shit record across the board and the other candidate is a twice impeached, fraud committing rapist game show host with really bad hair and felony charges up the ass.
COME ON MAN…..if you don’t have a chance now YOU NEVER WILL.
The libertarian platform is OK (at least it was the last I looked at it)...It's just that they haven't fielded a candidate worth a fuck since Harry Browne.
Can the opportunity to win get any better than now? Wouldn’t now be the time to run and give it all you got?
Lib-lites have to beat two 80 year olds…the incumbent has an approval rating of 38% and a shit record across the board and the other candidate is a twice impeached, fraud committing rapist game show host with really bad hair and felony charges up the ass.
COME ON MAN…..if you don’t have a chance now YOU NEVER WILL.
The duopoly has configured the playing field in such a way that the only viable path to office is through one of them. Hence the libertarians finding a home with republicans and the marxists taking over the democrats.
The duopoly has configured the playing field in such a way that the only viable path to office is through one of them. Hence the libertarians finding a home with republicans and the marxists taking over the democrats.
It would be an extremely smart idea if Trump picked Rand Paul, Thomas Massie, or Jason Lewis for veep, if he were the least bit interested in adding libertarians to his side....It's smart, so he probably won't do it.
3rd party candidates never do well. The American people are addicted to voting for Democrats or Republicans. This is why our country has become a mess.

The libertarian platform is OK (at least it was the last I looked at it)...It's just that they haven't fielded a candidate worth a fuck since Harry Browne.
It’s bizarre as hell… Lib-lites like dblack JWBooth Golfing Gator gipper constantly tell us how much of a no-brainer it is to vote third-party yet it’s such a no-brainer that they can’t find a way to get a no-brainer message out there in political times such as these and with todays technology and range of methods to ‘spread the word’?

The bottom line….their policies are unsellable dogshit, if they weren’t the platform would spread like wildfire right now.
It’s bizarre as hell… Lib-lites like dblack JWBooth Golfing Gator gipper constantly tell us how much of a no-brainer it is to vote third-party yet it’s such a no-brainer that they can’t find a way to get a no-brainer message out there in political times such as these and with todays technology and range of methods to ‘spread the word’?

The bottom line….their policies are unsellable dogshit, if they weren’t the platform would spread like wildfire right now.
Don't lump me in with those dudes (well, except JWB)....I stopped voting altogether after the 2000 train wreck.

BTW, if the usual hack suspects could throw cold water on the Biden laptop, how tough would it be to bury any mention of LP candidates?
It’s bizarre as hell… Lib-lites like dblack JWBooth Golfing Gator gipper constantly tell us how much of a no-brainer it is to vote third-party yet it’s such a no-brainer that they can’t find a way to get a no-brainer message out there in political times such as these and with todays technology and range of methods to ‘spread the word’?

The bottom line….their policies are unsellable dogshit, if they weren’t the platform would spread like wildfire right now.
People are programmed to vote either Republican or Democrat. I never fell into that trap.
Can the opportunity to win get any better than now? Wouldn’t now be the time to run and give it all you got?
Lib-lites have to beat two 80 year olds…the incumbent has an approval rating of 38% and a shit record across the board and the other candidate is a twice impeached, fraud committing rapist game show host with really bad hair and felony charges up the ass.
COME ON MAN…..if you don’t have a chance now YOU NEVER WILL.
It's not that they are so bad but the Establishment won't give them oxygen.

The only way a libertarian will win in a major Western nation is once they suffer from economic and social issues as Argentina has. Then you realize "time to reign in the expansive government (once too large to sustain) which history has shown NEVER leads to prosperity for the masses".
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It would be an extremely smart idea if Trump picked Rand Paul, Thomas Massie, or Jason Lewis for veep, if he were the least bit interested in adding libertarians to his side....It's smart, so he probably won't do it.
I'd love to see a Paul in the WH.
His father is the only reason I became political after a long bout of apathy.
This video, to be exact (amazing how prescient it still is):

Can the opportunity to win get any better than now? Wouldn’t now be the time to run and give it all you got?
Lib-lites have to beat two 80 year olds…the incumbent has an approval rating of 38% and a shit record across the board and the other candidate is a twice impeached, fraud committing rapist game show host with really bad hair and felony charges up the ass.
COME ON MAN…..if you don’t have a chance now YOU NEVER WILL.
Maybe because Americans aren't as independent as they would like to believe themselves to be, or that there aren't enough independents to matter much. In the past independents have been spoilers, with disastrous results, mainly for Republicans, who ironically are closer to independents than are Democrats.
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People are programmed to vote either Republican or Democrat. I never fell into that trap.

He's talking about among those who do vote.....And it's far closer to only half.
I would agree that Democrats are indoctrinated / programmed to vote on social issues alone to take the focus off the dogshit political policies of the Dem Party. BUT every Republican I know seems pretty open minded to vote for whoever has the best plan to advance America and the quality of life for Americans.

I do however believe wise/sane voters will and do vote for whoever has a real chance at winning.
Sane Carolina Panther fans won’t bet on the 2-15 Panthers to win the Super Bowl in 2024.
In the past independents have been spoilers, with disastrous results, mainly for Republicans, which ironically are closer to independents than are Democrats.
That stale trope erroneously presumes the indy voters would automatically vote for the (R) or (D), in the absence of the 3rd choice....Nobody is a mind reader, so that cannot be known.
That stale trope erroneously presumes the indy voters would automatically vote for the (R) or (D), in the absence of the 3rd choice....Nobody is a mind reader, so that cannot be known.
Liberals aren't known for independent thought, so there's that. Also, most independents tend to be more conservative than liberal.
Liberals aren't known for independent thought, so there's that. Also, most independents tend to be more conservative than liberal.
More mind reading.

That stale old talking point is meant to scare the party man back into line...The Uniparty™ is terrified that if given a legitimate choice, few would choose them.
3rd party candidates never do well. The American people are addicted to voting for Democrats or Republicans. This is why our country has become a mess.
Americans are a mess because we still have options other than doing the right thing.

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