Why are the LibTarian / Third Party platforms so bad that they can’t find a viable candidate to run against a couple 80 year olds?

Can the opportunity to win get any better than now? Wouldn’t now be the time to run and give it all you got?
Lib-lites have to beat two 80 year olds…the incumbent has an approval rating of 38% and a shit record across the board and the other candidate is a twice impeached, fraud committing rapist game show host with really bad hair and felony charges up the ass.
COME ON MAN…..if you don’t have a chance now YOU NEVER WILL.
It’s the money. Citizens United was one of the worst SC rulings in history. Allow for public financing of elections and many of the most egregious abuses fall away and the choice of candidates widens, as parties become clearing houses for ideas rather than funds.
All they had to do is marginalize him. The now is always more important than the future to politicians in most ways.
The GOP hack-a-rama was so terrified of that old man, that the had to steal his delegates and rightful speaking spot in the '12 RNC.
The GOP hack-a-rama was so terrified of that old man, that the had to steal his delegates and rightful speaking spot in the '12 RNC.

I was there. It was a bad scene, man. I've detested the Republican party ever since.

The only ones I'll promote or support now are our own who have held their noses and ran as Republicans. Massie. Rand. Amash. That group...
The problem is the electorate itself.

Collectively speaking, they're morons and wouldn't uderstand the relevance of the message if you smacked em in the mouth with it.
The problem is far too many can’t ditch their social Liberalism for an election Cycle ( or two) even to save America from a Marxist inspired collapse
I was there. It was a bad scene, man. I've detested the Republican party ever since.

The only ones I'll promote or support now are our own who have held their noses and ran as Republicans. Massie. Rand. Amash. That group...

"Archane rules"...Meaning that he knew how the system works and won by the rules.

I had already written them off as the sleazy worms that they are back in '95, when they snatched defeat from the jaws of victory on purpose.
Trump might be 80 but he is viable. Biden on the other hand had two brain embolisms and is obviously declining mentally. So the question is "why can't democrats find a viable candidate". The short answer is they don't need to because the mainstream media will cover up Biden's problems.
Trump might be 80 but he is viable. Biden on the other hand had two brain embolisms and is obviously declining mentally. So the question is "why can't democrats find a viable candidate". The short answer is they don't need to because the mainstream media will cover up Biden's problems.
Trump is still in his 70s
Can the opportunity to win get any better than now? Wouldn’t now be the time to run and give it all you got?
Lib-lites have to beat two 80 year olds…the incumbent has an approval rating of 38% and a shit record across the board and the other candidate is a twice impeached, fraud committing rapist game show host with really bad hair and felony charges up the ass.
COME ON MAN…..if you don’t have a chance now YOU NEVER WILL.

Until a 3rd party is strong enough to supplant an existing one, all it does is siphon votes from the party it is most similar to.
Until a 3rd party is strong enough to supplant an existing one, all it does is siphon votes from the party it is most similar to.
They won't get strong enough to supplant an existing party unless you vote for them.
The post is indicative of the last desperate agenda by democrats who realize that they made a big mistake by electing old Brandon and now their only hope is to pretend that Trump is impaired.. For some reason the mainstream media including Fox seems to conveniently forget that then senator Biden collapsed from a brain embolism. A former professor from a formerly respected hospital, Johns Hopkins, is on record for giving Biden a pass and diagnosing Trump with mental deterioration. Were they in the habit of switching charts at Johns Hopkins?
They won't get strong enough to supplant an existing party unless you vote for them.
What comes first…the policy or the voter?
Roll out a legitimate, sustainable, SELLABLE policy and you’ll win.
As much as I like it….The stoned hippy, little house on the prairie era bullshit isn’t going to work with todays American.
What are you waiting for?
Every time you LibLites post this bullshit you lose credibility.
Everyone sane knows the parties have never been further apart on ALL issues.
You are clearly way out of touch…OR you’re just lying.
Democommies are Gungrabbers and Police State Advocates and Pathway / Amnesty pushers
It’s the money. Citizens United was one of the worst SC rulings in history. Allow for public financing of elections and many of the most egregious abuses fall away and the choice of candidates widens, as parties become clearing houses for ideas rather than funds.
You can trace a straight line from Citizens United and other suits back to the 1974 campaign finance reform act. That law deluded political parties and empowered PACs and other soft money. Yes that law was the result of the 72 Nixon campaign abuses but the Democrats went way overboard with this so called reform law,

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