Why are the LibTarian / Third Party platforms so bad that they can’t find a viable candidate to run against a couple 80 year olds?

Ron Paul would have probably been the best President we ever had..

If he would've had the support of the congress, he would've. Otherwise, he may have ended up like Carter. I ain't saying Carter was good. But he didn't really have the support of even his own party. So it's hard to say.

One things for sure, he would've needed a lot of ink to veto all those spending bills. And it's possible, he could've gotten a LOT of our soldiers home & reopened a lot of the military bases that were closed during W's term.
I still think Ranked Choice Voting would go a long way toward pulling us out of the downward spiral. That would eliminate lesser-of-two-evils voting and point us toward consensus rather than division. But the R and D establishment will fight it tooth and nail. I'm not sure we can get there without FIRST rejecting the R and D status quo.

It's who counts the votes now.

And they're gonna prove that again in the '24.

They can dictate outcome in any way they want now that they've learned how easy it is to manipulate the results of mail-in voting.

Do you think for a second that out of the ten millon illegals they've trafficked into the country, that many of them won't be mailing in a ballot?

If you don't, then I have to bridge to sell you.

They're not brazenly redistributing billions of taxpayer dollars to the NGO's to traffick them in for nothing.

At some point you have to be a realist and understand that if voting made a damned bit of difference in the modern age of that level of politics, it'd be illegal.
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If he would've had the support of the congress, he would've. Otherwise, he may have ended up like Carter. I ain't saying Carter was good. But he didn't really have the support of even his own party. So it's hard to say.

One things for sure, he would've needed a lot of ink to veto all those spending bills. And it's possible, he could've gotten a LOT of our soldiers home & reopened a lot of the military bases that were closed during W's term.
A reaction to a Ron Paul presidency would have looked a lot like Trump's....The Uniparty™ would have joined forces to thwart him at every turn, and unleashed their media toadies to smear and demean him 24/7.
They won't get strong enough to supplant an existing party unless you vote for them.

They won't get strong enough nationally until they start winning locally and supplanting Republicans at that level.

Then Counties, Then States, Then Congress, THEN the Presidency.

Unless the Republican party collapses, like the Whigs did, and a new party comes into take it's place in the binary.
Mittens actually had a chance of winning....He deliberately threw the fight.
I suppose, with no policy differences from the opposition he wasn't a threat to anybody. Why have watered down lite beer when you can have the real thing?
You can trace a straight line from Citizens United and other suits back to the 1974 campaign finance reform act. That law deluded political parties and empowered PACs and other soft money. Yes that law was the result of the 72 Nixon campaign abuses but the Democrats went way overboard with this so called reform law,
Citizens United wasn’t a law. It was a SC ruling, that expanded the law in an unexpected direction due to activist judges.
Most 3rd party voters are Independents like me but the majority of voters are either Republican or Democrat. This is why our nation is so fucked up.
That's the leftist spin, but that's not true.
Money is speech? It’s the root of all evil, at least that’s what my preacher told me, boy now MAGA preachers have turned that into, “So give it all to me”!
I still think Ranked Choice Voting would go a long way toward pulling us out of the downward spiral. That would eliminate lesser-of-two-evils voting and point us toward consensus rather than division. But the R and D establishment will fight it tooth and nail. I'm not sure we can get there without FIRST rejecting the R and D status quo.

I've seen the ballots. Way too confusing and thousands of ballots are trashed if someone doesn't reach 50 percent. Ultimately, you can have a fourth place finisher win the race after several recounts. Occams razor is your best. Keep it simple. Whoever gets the most votes wins. You don't need a smoke and mirror fest.
A reaction to a Ron Paul presidency would have looked a lot like Trump's....The Uniparty™ would have joined forces to thwart him at every turn, and unleashed their media toadies to smear and demean him 24/7.

I think they would have given Ron the JFK treatment.

Trump wasn't much of a threat to the swamp. Not really.

It still thrives.

Unlike Trump, Ron would have followed through.
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I think they would have given Ron the JFK treatment.

Trump wasn't much of a threat to the the swamp. Not really.

It still thrives..

Sure they would have. The swamp doesn't like people who adhere to the constitution, outsiders like trump and perot. Any bit of light exposing their nefarious activities just can not happen.
I've seen the ballots. Way too confusing and thousands of ballots are trashed if someone doesn't reach 50 percent. Ultimately, you can have a fourth place finisher win the race after several recounts. Occams razor is your best. Keep it simple. Whoever gets the most votes wins. You don't need a smoke and mirror fest.
He still refuses to acknowledge the results of rigged choice voting, which just gives us even more shitlibs than the either/or choice.

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