Why are the LibTarian / Third Party platforms so bad that they can’t find a viable candidate to run against a couple 80 year olds?

Can the opportunity to win get any better than now? Wouldn’t now be the time to run and give it all you got?
Lib-lites have to beat two 80 year olds…the incumbent has an approval rating of 38% and a shit record across the board and the other candidate is a twice impeached, fraud committing rapist game show host with really bad hair and felony charges up the ass.
COME ON MAN…..if you don’t have a chance now YOU NEVER WILL.
What are the libertarian policies? Who is their candidate for President? Can you name a Libertarian person you read or listen to?
He still refuses to acknowledge the results of rigged choice voting, which just gives us even more shitlibs than the either/or choice.

I donlt think that people who try to sell that whole ranked choice gag have thought it through all the way.

If they did, then I think they'd understand that dose of reality that you just provided.
Can the opportunity to win get any better than now? Wouldn’t now be the time to run and give it all you got?
Lib-lites have to beat two 80 year olds…the incumbent has an approval rating of 38% and a shit record across the board and the other candidate is a twice impeached, fraud committing rapist game show host with really bad hair and felony charges up the ass.
COME ON MAN…..if you don’t have a chance now YOU NEVER WILL.
It's mostly because Republicans and Democrats are such closed minded shitty selfish people that they refuse to change their minds on anything and they like engaging in tit for tat politics.
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Last independent/third party winning anything was George Wallace capturing 5 states in 1968 as the Democrat's Solid South came to its end. John Anderson in 1980 and Ross Perot in 1992 received a good bit of media coverage but didn't chalk up any wins.

From 1972 to 2016 I voted for 3 Democrats, 2 Republicans, and 7 independent/third party presidential candidates. Before Trump was nominated, I was looking forward to the symmetry of those numbers being 3, 3, and 6.

Beginning in 2020 I lost hope and decided if I didn't care for either of the major political party's candidate, I'll just go with the Democrat for the wife's sake and influence her against some Democrat further down the ballot.
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I've seen the ballots. Way too confusing and thousands of ballots are trashed if someone doesn't reach 50 percent. Ultimately, you can have a fourth place finisher win the race after several recounts. Occams razor is your best. Keep it simple. Whoever gets the most votes wins. You don't need a smoke and mirror fest.
Are you sure yoh really understand ranked choice voting?
I donlt think that people who try to sell that whole ranked choice gag have thought it through all the way.

If they did, then I think they'd understand that dose of reality that you just provided.
He just spews the talking points...Then when you point to Janet Mills and Lisa Murkowski as the absurdly shitty results, he accuses you of not thinking it through and using the talking points of the critics.

He's the libertarian version of Mac, without the overbearing self-righteous piety.
Well why don't you explain it to us like we're the type of idiots who just took a shot for a free doughnut?

You’re deriding it I assume you understand it. It’s just run off voting without having to come back and vote again. It’s really not all that complicated if your IQ is above room temp.
You’re deriding it I assume you understand it. It’s just run off voting without having to come back and vote again. It’s really not all that complicated if your IQ is above room temp.
lt's so "uncomplicated" that it needs a computer algorithm that nobody -and I mean NOBODY- can explain to the average layman, and three days to tell us who "won"!

Sign me up! :icon_rolleyes:
You’re deriding it I assume you understand it. It’s just run off voting without having to come back and vote again. It’s really not all that complicated if your IQ is above room temp.

You take something simple where the person who gets the most votes should be the winner and turn it into a liberal outhouse gong show where ballots get trashed and the fourth place finisher eventually wins after 7 recounts. Yeah, real simple. No thanks.
You take something simple where the person who gets the most votes should be the winner and turn it into a liberal outhouse gong show where ballots get trashed and the fourth place finisher eventually wins after 7 recounts. Yeah, real simple. No thanks.


Thank You!

Tossing legitimate voters' ballots in the trash when no candidate receives a majority of the vote just wreaks of democracy, don't it? lolol...
I'm not sure about that. #1 would still be the winner.

Looking more into this, I can see how it might bring about a different outcome sometimes. But if you take an election like we have today, I still don't see how Trump wouldn't come out ahead.

When I used to compete in a little singing thing, if it was just one vote, then who ever brought the most people to support them, would always win. (very small venue, with like 30 audience members)
But the one competition that did the ranked choice, it was usually the best artist.
Ranked choice voting does away with lesser-of-two-evils.

Thank You!

Tossing legitimate voters' ballots in the trash when no candidate receives a majority of the vote just wreaks of democracy, don't it? lolol...
That's non-sense, and it's not how it works. Don't fall for the bs.
You take something simple where the person who gets the most votes should be the winner and turn it into a liberal outhouse gong show where ballots get trashed and the fourth place finisher eventually wins after 7 recounts. Yeah, real simple. No thanks.
So no you don’t?

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