Why are the LibTarian / Third Party platforms so bad that they can’t find a viable candidate to run against a couple 80 year olds?

So, it doesn't really matter whether it's local or not. You'll reject them regardless. LO2E owns you.

The 3rd party ones that run in my locality are usually further left then the democrats, or are the democrats under multiple party lines.
Bull sugar. lolol...
I could post article after article showing that's the case. But I've done that before. For you in particular. It's bounces right off. If you can't look at the proposed system and judge for yourself, it won't matter.

Ahhhhh.........and now the picture becomes clear. "Although liberals extol ranked choice voting as an appealing alternative to the status quo, it’s actually a disaster in disguise."

But the ranked choice voting nightmare only gets worse.

"Ranked choice voting claims to protect majority rule, but in reality, ranked choice voting merely creates an artificial majority. One study of elections in Maine found that, of 98 recent ranked choice voting elections, 60% of ranked choice voting victors did not win with a majority of the total votes cast. By the final round of one San Francisco local election, more ballots had been thrown out than were counted toward the winner’s total."
I could post article after article showing that's the case. But I've done that before. For you in particular. It's bounces right off. If you can't look at the proposed system and judge for yourself, it won't matter.
I'd want to change the subject if Janet Mills, Lisa Murkowski, and Mary Petola were my results too.

Ahhhhh.........and now the picture becomes clear. "Although liberals extol ranked choice voting as an appealing alternative to the status quo, it’s actually a disaster in disguise."

But the ranked choice voting nightmare only gets worse.

"Ranked choice voting claims to protect majority rule, but in reality, ranked choice voting merely creates an artificial majority. One study of elections in Maine found that, of 98 recent ranked choice voting elections, 60% of ranked choice voting victors did not win with a majority of the total votes cast. By the final round of one San Francisco local election, more ballots had been thrown out than were counted toward the winner’s total."
Murkowski being the prime driver of rigged choice in AK tells the story.
I could post article after article showing that's the case. But I've done that before. For you in particular. It's bounces right off. If you can't look at the proposed system and judge for yourself, it won't matter.

Anyone can go find some web site on the Internet to serve as confirmation for what ever it is that they're trying to sell.

I've no interest in chasing anyone's carrot around on a stick.

I really just prefer actual dialogue.

Which we were having. And it was quite stimulating.

But now it stinks.

Ahhhhh.........and now the picture becomes clear. "Although liberals extol ranked choice voting as an appealing alternative to the status quo, it’s actually a disaster in disguise."

But the ranked choice voting nightmare only gets worse.

"Ranked choice voting claims to protect majority rule, but in reality, ranked choice voting merely creates an artificial majority. One study of elections in Maine found that, of 98 recent ranked choice voting elections, 60% of ranked choice voting victors did not win with a majority of the total votes cast. By the final round of one San Francisco local election, more ballots had been thrown out than were counted toward the winner’s total."


Thank You!
This is why its bad. The two top vote getters were democrats and they lost after several rounds. It should have been a runoff between the two top dems. Hey, lets go best of three, no how about best of 5, no best of 7, no best of 9, no, how about best of 11 and thats final............

I'm not sure about that. #1 would still be the winner.

Looking more into this, I can see how it might bring about a different outcome sometimes. But if you take an election like we have today, I still don't see how Trump wouldn't come out ahead.
That's not really the point. The point is stop the death spiral created by lesser-of-two-evils fear mongering. That's the primary reason we keep electing shitty candidates. Once that's gone, and people can't vote honestly instead of "strategically", we'll see what they actually prefer. And so will the major parties. When they see all the votes they're leaving on the table they'll change their tune. When their empty fear mongering no long works, they'll change how they campaign. It won't all change with one election, but it would change.
That's not really the point. The point is stop the death spiral created by lesser-of-two-evils fear mongering. That's the primary reason we keep electing shitty candidates. Once that's gone, and people can't vote honestly instead of "strategically", we'll see what they actually prefer. And so will the major parties. When they see all the votes they're leaving on the table they'll change their tune. When their empty fear mongering no long works, they'll change how they campaign. It won't all change with one election, but it would change.

That is some world class fantasy, right there.
Of course, I do.

Don't antagonize me, man.

So RCV is just run off voting without having to come back and vote in a special election. Not sure why that's so hard to wrap your head around.

You vote for the candidate of your choice in slot 1. Then you assume your candidate was eliminated for not getting enough votes and vote for who you would have voted for in a run off in slot 2, Rince and repeat for slots 3, 4, 5 depending on how many candidates there are. Again if your IQ is above room temp this is easy to understand.

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