Why are the LibTarian / Third Party platforms so bad that they can’t find a viable candidate to run against a couple 80 year olds?

So RCV is just run off voting without having to come back and vote in a special election. Not sure why that's so hard to wrap your head around.

You vote for the candidate of your choice in slot 1. Then you assume your candidate was eliminated for not getting enough votes and vote for who you would have voted for in a run off in slot 2, Rince and repeat for slots 3, 4, 5 depending on how many candidates there are. Again if your IQ is above room temp this is easy to understand.
Uh-huh....One man, 1.7392654187 votes!
This is why its bad. The two top vote getters were democrats and they lost after several rounds. It should have been a runoff between the two top dems. Hey, lets go best of three, no how about best of 5, no best of 7, no best of 9, no, how about best of 11 and thats final............

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Why should 2 people who combined didnt have 50% of the voters eliminate everyone else?
So RCV is just run off voting without having to come back and vote in a special election. Not sure why that's so hard to wrap your head around.

You vote for the candidate of your choice in slot 1. Then you assume your candidate was eliminated for not getting enough votes and vote for who you would have voted for in a run off in slot 2, Rince and repeat for slots 3, 4, 5 depending on how many candidates there are. Again if your IQ is above room temp this is easy to understand.

You just illustrated how retarded it is. You don't need to go vote 40 times and play mix and match.
What are the libertarian policies? Who is their candidate for President? Can you name a Libertarian person you read or listen to?
They all run on the same shit…Borders suck, drugs are cool, no spending, no government….I love the no spending, no government part but it’s just not a sellable platform in todays America….They need to go back to the drawing board and polish the platform.
So RCV is just run off voting without having to come back and vote in a special election. Not sure why that's so hard to wrap your head around.

You vote for the candidate of your choice in slot 1. Then you assume your candidate was eliminated for not getting enough votes and vote for who you would have voted for in a run off in slot 2, Rince and repeat for slots 3, 4, 5 depending on how many candidates there are. Again if your IQ is above room temp this is easy to understand.
They don't care how it works. Their party has told them it's bad. Mkay?
They all run on the same shit…Borders suck, drugs are cool, no spending, no government….I love the no spending, no government part but it’s just not a sellable platform in todays America….They need to go back to the drawing board and polish the platform.
So you don’t know what their policies are you just want to rail against something. Cool
Continuing to dig.... this should easily tell you who is behind rcv.

In 2020, several pro-RCV groups, backed mainly with dark money from Arnold Ventures and Kathryn Murdoch, spent millions of dollars attempting to pass RCV initiatives in Massachusetts and Alaska.

Kathryn Murdoch-- Kathryn Murdoch is co-founder and president of Quadrivium, which supports practical, evidence-based solutions for critical societal problems. Kathryn currently serves on the boards of Unite America, the Climate Leadership Council and Climate Central.

She served as Director of Strategy and Communications for the Clinton Climate Initiative from 2006 until 2011.
Democrats try to pass election reform so that third parties have a chance.

Libertarians always respond by spitting hatred at Democrats and making loony claims of censorship. Libertarians just love the "BUT MONEY IS FREE SPEECH" weirdness that the Founders would have laughed at.

That is, libertarians are constantly sabotaging themselves. It's as if they don't actually ever want to govern, and all they really want to do is whine and grift.
No, its just that RCV is heavily pushed by liberals. I'm pretty surprised that you would fall for such a scheme, d.
I don't care who it's "pushed by". I've looked carefully at the system and I believe it would be a genuine improvement.
I don't care who it's "pushed by". I've looked carefully at the system and I believe it would be a genuine improvement.

You don't need quote marks. Thats childish. I wouldn't take anything being offered by either of these two nutbag parties.
Continuing to dig.... this should easily tell you who is behind rcv.

In 2020, several pro-RCV groups, backed mainly with dark money from Arnold Ventures and Kathryn Murdoch, spent millions of dollars attempting to pass RCV initiatives in Massachusetts and Alaska.

Kathryn Murdoch-- Kathryn Murdoch is co-founder and president of Quadrivium, which supports practical, evidence-based solutions for critical societal problems. Kathryn currently serves on the boards of Unite America, the Climate Leadership Council and Climate Central.

She served as Director of Strategy and Communications for the Clinton Climate Initiative from 2006 until 2011.
You've never explained why RCV is bad only "it's dumb" or "liberals push for it". Clear evidence either you don't understand it or didn't bother to look past who was proposing it. Solid work.

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