Why are the LibTarian / Third Party platforms so bad that they can’t find a viable candidate to run against a couple 80 year olds?

You've never explained why RCV is bad only "it's dumb" or "liberals push for it". Clear evidence either you don't understand it or didn't bother to look past who was proposing it. Solid work.
That's how partisan politics works, and why we so badly need to dump it. They don't think anymore. They just fight.
5th party
That's the only real choice.

Actually the more parties outside the main 2 the more likely another one could sneak in.

Just adding a 3rd party similiar to one of the others does noting more than let the least similar main party win.
Libertarians have FAR more in common with Democommies than they do Conservatives
Look if you're not interested that's fine. Just don't act like you are and expect someone to go through the trouble of discussing it with you.
Look…I hate the Republican Party almost as much as I hate Democrats…I am very interested in a third-party with viable, sustainable policies but the LibLite platform turns to dogshit fast with the “everyone peaceful is welcome across our borders” and “all narcotics should be legal” bullshit.
Look…I hate the Republican Party almost as much as I hate Democrats…I am very interested in a third-party with viable, sustainable policies but the LibLite platform turns to dogshit fast with the “everyone peaceful is welcome across our borders” and “all narcotics should be legal” bullshit.

Libratarians need to start at the state and local levels.
A failed Presidential run every 4 years does nothing to help them.
3rd party with a tiny tent.
Good strategy.
I don't believe it's tiny. People are just afraid to vote 3rd party. Ironically, that's because the two major party candidates are so bad. It makes no sense, but that's what we're doing.
The Libertarian Party isn't trying to attract voters like you. Your values are pretty much the polar opposite of what we believe in.
You believe in Sensible Firearms Restrictions , Legalized Drugs , separation of Church & Snake , ...
You believe in Sensible Firearms Restrictions
Sensible is in the eye of the beholder, but in general - no. From the platform:
"We oppose all laws at any level of government restricting, registering, or monitoring the ownership, manufacture, or transfer of firearms, ammunition, or firearm accessories."
Legalized Drugs , separation of Church & Snake , ...
Yep. Both of those.

Anyway, what's your point? Clearly we're not aligned with Broke Loser.
Sensible is in the eye of the beholder, but in general - no. From the platform:
"We oppose all laws at any level of government restricting, registering, or monitoring the ownership, manufacture, or transfer of firearms, ammunition, or firearm accessories."

Yep. Both of those.

Anyway, what's your point? Clearly we're not aligned with Broke Loser.
Do Lie- Bertarians support finishing the wall and Deporting Illegals / Criminal Illegals ?
The Libertarian Party isn't trying to attract voters like you. Your values are pretty much the polar opposite of what we believe in.
Hahaha…the premise of this thread highlights the fact that the LibLite Party isn’t attractive to anyone other than yourself and 73 others…They have to stop pitching such a dogshit platform and you have to stop pretending such a dogshit platform will ever be embraced by todays American.
Hahaha…the premise of this thread highlights the fact that the LibLite Party isn’t attractive to anyone other than yourself and 73 others…
No, it doesn't. It asks why Libertarians aren't "viable"? It's the same reason any third party candidate has the cards stacked against them. People fall for the lesser-of-two-evils fear mongering. Positions and platforms don't enter into it.
I don't believe it's tiny. People are just afraid to vote 3rd party. Ironically, that's because the two major party candidates are so bad. It makes no sense, but that's what we're doing.

Ima leave this here -

The Libertarian Party isn't trying to attract voters like you.

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