Why are we blaming Russia for our problems? If we allowed ourselves to be hacked


VIP Member
Apr 23, 2018
This is our fault...………. You cant say to the enemy, stop that we don't want you to do that anymore.

The CIA and NSA and clearly the FBI need be trashed if they can't do their jobs

They should hack Russia's election and have David Hasselhoff win over there
This is our fault...………. You cant say to the enemy, stop that we don't want you to do that anymore.

The CIA and NSA and clearly the FBI need be trashed if they can't do their jobs

They should hack Russia's election and have David Hasselhoff win over there

This was primarily the DNC's fault. As with Hillary's email, when you have a King in charge who will cover for you and all your follies you get sloppy. She felt entitled, just as she felt her ascension to Queen was a foregone conclusion.

The FBI wanted to see their servers, they decided to protect their big donors and God knows what else rather than to hand it over. I don't know all the circumstances, maybe they had a right to say no, but wouldn't it be a serious danger to not address it at the time?

Maybe those who voted for the Democrats and/or had their information hacked should sue the DNC for being so sloppy? I don't know, maybe there is a case there assuming there was negligence.

You can't prevent all hacks, that's the nature of the beast, unless they were purposely sloppy, there's no way to defend it all. You hack them, they hack you, may the best nation win. Without question though, this entire "Trump won because of Russia" was always a crock. Unless they hacked your voting booths, it's impossible.
This is our fault...………. You cant say to the enemy, stop that we don't want you to do that anymore.

The CIA and NSA and clearly the FBI need be trashed if they can't do their jobs

They should hack Russia's election and have David Hasselhoff win over there
So don't blame the enemy and trash all our defenses since the enemy had a victory?

Sounds like something someone who hates the United States and freedom would say.
All hearsay, no proof. Somebody got ahold of demwitted emails. Not edited emails but actual copies (truth), posted some of them. DNC blocked looking at their disk drives. Podesta got Phished. Too bad. Not one vote was changed.

Blame Russian hackers? Why not Chinese? Who killed Seth Rich? Where did those 3 muslim Pakistan crooks stash all their stolen info?.
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This is our fault...………. You cant say to the enemy, stop that we don't want you to do that anymore.

The CIA and NSA and clearly the FBI need be trashed if they can't do their jobs

They should hack Russia's election and have David Hasselhoff win over there
Lol, pretty much the ultimate in "blaming the victim" right here folks.
This is our fault...………. You cant say to the enemy, stop that we don't want you to do that anymore.

The CIA and NSA and clearly the FBI need be trashed if they can't do their jobs

They should hack Russia's election and have David Hasselhoff win over there

Tell your boss Putin we said "ha ha, nice try".
All hearsay, no proof. Somebody posted demwitted emails. Not edited emails but actual copies (truth). DNC blocked looking at the disk drives. Podesta got Phished. Too bad. Not one vote was changed.

Blame Russian hackers. Who killed Seth Rich? Where did those muslim Pakistan crooks stash all gheir stolen info?.
The Seth Rich conspiracy was a lame attempt to cover up that Russia hacked all the info. Only true pieces of shit and the most vile humans amongst us use someones death for propaganda. Sickening.
This is our fault...………. You cant say to the enemy, stop that we don't want you to do that anymore.

The CIA and NSA and clearly the FBI need be trashed if they can't do their jobs

They should hack Russia's election and have David Hasselhoff win over there
So don't blame the enemy and trash all our defenses since the enemy had a victory?

Sounds like something someone who hates the United States and freedom would say.
Look kiddy, you seem to not know that the USA actively and purposely hacks Russia literally every day. So how can the USA possibly say, Russia has no right to do that, but we do?
This is our fault...………. You cant say to the enemy, stop that we don't want you to do that anymore.

The CIA and NSA and clearly the FBI need be trashed if they can't do their jobs

They should hack Russia's election and have David Hasselhoff win over there
So don't blame the enemy and trash all our defenses since the enemy had a victory?

Sounds like something someone who hates the United States and freedom would say.
Look kiddy, you seem to not know that the USA actively and purposely hacks Russia literally every day. So how can the USA possibly say, Russia has no right to do that, but we do?
^Can't get their head out of putin's ass.

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