Why california cant stop the rise in violent crime


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2019

Cali used to be a great state

But its sinking fast thanks entirely to liberal democrat leadership
I have lived in Los Angeles since the 1940s.

Crime has never been this bad -- that is, in previously nice areas.

Many people simply cannot believe what is happening.

In my opinion, not much can be done.

A family, a company, a country is only as good as its members.

Without being specific, more and more members of the United States of America are bad people.
I have lived in Los Angeles since the 1940s.

Crime has never been this bad -- that is, in previously nice areas.

Many people simply cannot believe what is happening.

In my opinion, not much can be done.

A family, a company, a country is only as good as its members.

Without being specific, more and more members of the United States of America are bad people.

They voted for it....smugly....they sure did teach us conservatives a lesson by voting for democrats....

Cant feel sorry for them.....they are stabbing knives into the heart of this country amd they do it gleefully amd they do it while they mock comservatives who warn them over and over...

fuck em.......
Maybe, but it's unrealistic when you demonize entire groups of people.

Not entire groups of people but certainly the people that elect their failed leaders. it doesn't take much intelligence to look at DAs or prosecutors that favor the criminal over the law abiding and say "hey! Something is wrong here, we have to make a change!"
Not entire groups of people but certainly the people that elect their failed leaders. it doesn't take much intelligence to look at DAs or prosecutors that favor the criminal over the law abiding and say "hey! Something is wrong here, we have to make a change!"
I think Republicans in California probably feel overwhelmed and like they're fighting a lost cause.
Not entire groups of people but certainly the people that elect their failed leaders. it doesn't take much intelligence to look at DAs or prosecutors that favor the criminal over the law abiding and say "hey! Something is wrong here, we have to make a change!"

Here in Chicago they did.....they voted out a horrible democrat and replaced her with an even more horrible one
What are you trying to say, that it is alright for California to be a shithole as long as it isn't the #1 shithole? You're GLOW died out long ago.

Huh. It seems that the Red States have much higher crime according to the link. But odd isn’t it that the Had Core Law and Order types who live there, don’t want to do anything about it. Well other than scream look at how awful those Leftists are.

There are Biblical sayings. But I think I’ll go with this. Clean up your own house and then talk about mine.

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