Why Can't Liberals Clean Up After Themselves?

Nasty women vote AND make lots of mess. Women's March TRASHES cities across the country

"Gosh, you’d think a bunch of women gathered in one spot for a protest wouldn’t leave a mess …
Who’d like to bet that when this #WomensMarch in DC is over, the clean up of trash & liter will be massive & atrocious? #tcot #maga
— Elisha Crews, EC(P) (@ThinkSayGo) January 21, 2017

Apparently if you’re talking about NASTY women they not only vote but make a YUGE mess and leave it for someone else to clean up because equality or something.

Seeing this pic all over time lines. How can leaving signs as trash all over be 'beautiful'?? – "Beautiful end to the #WomensMarch" pic.twitter.com/vrvw7yT7zG
— FionaRavenHunter (@LisaFlanery) January 22, 2017"

The 'Occupy' Protests were the same - when it was all over they left a MESS for someone else to clean up. The TEA Party events, however, left almost ZERO messes behind as the attendees policed their own areas. Go figure.

Trump cut back the garbage...lol...

Yeah because all those women and no one thought to bring trash bags. That would have required thinking a day in advance.

Tea party people only know how to make black lynching props...and matches on church grounds......Along with hate

Nasty women vote AND make lots of mess. Women's March TRASHES cities across the country

"Gosh, you’d think a bunch of women gathered in one spot for a protest wouldn’t leave a mess …
Who’d like to bet that when this #WomensMarch in DC is over, the clean up of trash & liter will be massive & atrocious? #tcot #maga
— Elisha Crews, EC(P) (@ThinkSayGo) January 21, 2017

Apparently if you’re talking about NASTY women they not only vote but make a YUGE mess and leave it for someone else to clean up because equality or something.

Seeing this pic all over time lines. How can leaving signs as trash all over be 'beautiful'?? – "Beautiful end to the #WomensMarch" pic.twitter.com/vrvw7yT7zG
— FionaRavenHunter (@LisaFlanery) January 22, 2017"

The 'Occupy' Protests were the same - when it was all over they left a MESS for someone else to clean up. The TEA Party events, however, left almost ZERO messes behind as the attendees policed their own areas. Go figure.

Trump cut back the garbage...lol...

Yeah because all those women and no one thought to bring trash bags. That would have required thinking a day in advance.

Tea party people only know how to make black lynching props...and matches on church grounds......Along with hate

Church grounds are private, leaving your shit on public property means we the people have to pay to clean up after the juvenile sows.
Nasty women vote AND make lots of mess. Women's March TRASHES cities across the country

"Gosh, you’d think a bunch of women gathered in one spot for a protest wouldn’t leave a mess …
Who’d like to bet that when this #WomensMarch in DC is over, the clean up of trash & liter will be massive & atrocious? #tcot #maga
— Elisha Crews, EC(P) (@ThinkSayGo) January 21, 2017

Apparently if you’re talking about NASTY women they not only vote but make a YUGE mess and leave it for someone else to clean up because equality or something.

Seeing this pic all over time lines. How can leaving signs as trash all over be 'beautiful'?? – "Beautiful end to the #WomensMarch" pic.twitter.com/vrvw7yT7zG
— FionaRavenHunter (@LisaFlanery) January 22, 2017"

The 'Occupy' Protests were the same - when it was all over they left a MESS for someone else to clean up. The TEA Party events, however, left almost ZERO messes behind as the attendees policed their own areas. Go figure.

Trump cut back the garbage...lol...

Yeah because all those women and no one thought to bring trash bags. That would have required thinking a day in advance.

Tea party people only know how to make black lynching props...and matches on church grounds......Along with hate

Church grounds are private, leaving your shit on public property means we the people have to pay to clean up after the juvenile sows.

Should showing the difference between pink hats and the hate ...
[QUOTE="Eaglewings, post: 16384885, member: 38913

Trump cut back the garbage...lol...

See the trash can, its too full of trash, which should be impossible because no one showed for his inauguration according to the left.

Nasty women vote AND make lots of mess. Women's March TRASHES cities across the country

"Gosh, you’d think a bunch of women gathered in one spot for a protest wouldn’t leave a mess …
Who’d like to bet that when this #WomensMarch in DC is over, the clean up of trash & liter will be massive & atrocious? #tcot #maga
— Elisha Crews, EC(P) (@ThinkSayGo) January 21, 2017

Apparently if you’re talking about NASTY women they not only vote but make a YUGE mess and leave it for someone else to clean up because equality or something.

Seeing this pic all over time lines. How can leaving signs as trash all over be 'beautiful'?? – "Beautiful end to the #WomensMarch" pic.twitter.com/vrvw7yT7zG
— FionaRavenHunter (@LisaFlanery) January 22, 2017"

The 'Occupy' Protests were the same - when it was all over they left a MESS for someone else to clean up. The TEA Party events, however, left almost ZERO messes behind as the attendees policed their own areas. Go figure.

Trump cut back the garbage...lol...

Yeah because all those women and no one thought to bring trash bags. That would have required thinking a day in advance.

Tea party people only know how to make black lynching props...and matches on church grounds......Along with hate

Church grounds are private, leaving your shit on public property means we the people have to pay to clean up after the juvenile sows.

Should showing the difference between pink hats and the hate ...
The pink hatters hate democracy but you're changing the subject.
Vandalizing and setting fir to someone's limousine is not a 'peaceful' march demanding 'justice' - it is a criminal act, if not 'political terrorism'.

During this election GOP HQs have been vandalized and firebombed - that IS terrorism. Hillary's own campaign was proven to have funded groups that hired thugs and criminals to intimidate, beat, and bloody Trump supporters. George Soros funded marches like this and was proven to have paid people to protest'. These are not acts by Americans seeking justice. They are people seeking to - as Hillary proclaimed - 'undermine the pillars on which our democracy rests'.

Want to claim an irrelevant number of votes matter? Go for it.
Want to call for a recount? Go for it.
Want to try to sway electoral college voters? Subversive and disrespectful of the existing process, but go for it.

We, the American people and the country can put up with people exercising their Constitutional right to peacefully protest...but VIOLENCE, DESTRUCTION? Sorry, time to shut that shit down!
Snowflakes have had their 3 days of denial, despair, anger, etc - time to get over that shit and move on. All those up on charges of felonies for crossing the line? I say make an example of them. We had 8 years of non-accountability. That needs to end NOW!

Actions - like elections - have consequences!
Nasty women vote AND make lots of mess. Women's March TRASHES cities across the country

"Gosh, you’d think a bunch of women gathered in one spot for a protest wouldn’t leave a mess …
Who’d like to bet that when this #WomensMarch in DC is over, the clean up of trash & liter will be massive & atrocious? #tcot #maga
— Elisha Crews, EC(P) (@ThinkSayGo) January 21, 2017

Apparently if you’re talking about NASTY women they not only vote but make a YUGE mess and leave it for someone else to clean up because equality or something.

Seeing this pic all over time lines. How can leaving signs as trash all over be 'beautiful'?? – "Beautiful end to the #WomensMarch" pic.twitter.com/vrvw7yT7zG
— FionaRavenHunter (@LisaFlanery) January 22, 2017"

The 'Occupy' Protests were the same - when it was all over they left a MESS for someone else to clean up. The TEA Party events, however, left almost ZERO messes behind as the attendees policed their own areas. Go figure.

Trump cut back the garbage...lol...

Yeah because all those women and no one thought to bring trash bags. That would have required thinking a day in advance.

Tea party people only know how to make black lynching props...and matches on church grounds......Along with hate

You're confusing the Tea Party with Southern Democrats

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