Why companies will hire "highly skilled" immigrants over uneducated Republicans.

Americans across the board are not attractive employees. There is a new stereotype of Americans that is going to be very hard to overcome.
Canada is a country that welcomes highly skilled immigrants. Something that will happen here. But I suspect Canada will refuse to let Republicans go there for cheap labor. We can't get them to work here. Look at you.

So do we.
Legal ones.

Not really. Not if you look at the actual law. They are allowed to come here for a short period of time and they are not allowed to bring their families here. Some projects, like the one I'm currently involved in is scheduled for 5 to 7 years because of the amount of research involved and because the engineering department also supports manufacturing and to spread the cost out. Development is expensive. In the past, many companies worked with the government to develop new equipment even based on existing technologies. Especially with the military. Republicans have ended a lot of that. They want tax cuts for companies, but often don't understand the time it takes to do research. They don't want to learn what it takes to do things. They only "imagine" how things work. With projects being that long, the company can only afford to hire immigrants that already have their families here.
Companies represented in a single engineering department. Oh, and zero Republicans. We had one a few years ago but he drank and left a mess. True story.
Americans across the board are not attractive employees. There is a new stereotype of Americans that is going to be very hard to overcome.

The recent presidential debates only reinforced that image.

Let him die?

Applauding executions?

Education is for snobs?

What would you think seeing people like this. On national TV? At presidential debates?
Americans across the board are not attractive employees. There is a new stereotype of Americans that is going to be very hard to overcome.

The recent presidential debates only reinforced that image.

Let him die?

Applauding executions?

Education is for snobs?

What would you think seeing people like this. On national TV? At presidential debates?

oh dear gawd, repeat spit and repeat again and again and again..

you're the one who is a SNOB
Americans across the board are not attractive employees. There is a new stereotype of Americans that is going to be very hard to overcome.

The recent presidential debates only reinforced that image.

Let him die?

Applauding executions?

Education is for snobs?

What would you think seeing people like this. On national TV? At presidential debates?

None of these are considerations. In my company, which is an international company with all foreign principles, the perception is that Americans are lazy drug addicts who won't take a bath and iare always looking for some reason to phony up a lawsuit. As far as education, Americans are perceived as being illiterates who depend on audio tapes to read comic books and demand college degrees for waking up in the morning.

The problem with hyper partisanship is that you totally forget that there is a great unwashed, rapidly becoming the greater unwashed, that companies really look at when they hire. All the presidential debates in the world can't overcome the sight of OWS shitting in the street.

Los Angeles has a very large immigrant population from around the world. They are interested and diligent workers without having to tolerate the drugged out American thuggishness. If the American public wants to legalize drugs because it worked out well for Portugal, we will have the economy of Portugal.
Americans across the board are not attractive employees. There is a new stereotype of Americans that is going to be very hard to overcome.

The recent presidential debates only reinforced that image.

Let him die?

Applauding executions?

Education is for snobs?

What would you think seeing people like this. On national TV? At presidential debates?

None of these are considerations. In my company, which is an international company with all foreign principles, the perception is that Americans are lazy drug addicts who won't take a bath and iare always looking for some reason to phony up a lawsuit. As far as education, Americans are perceived as being illiterates who depend on audio tapes to read comic books and demand college degrees for waking up in the morning.

The problem with hyper partisanship is that you totally forget that there is a great unwashed, rapidly becoming the greater unwashed, that companies really look at when they hire. All the presidential debates in the world can't overcome the sight of OWS shitting in the street.

Los Angeles has a very large immigrant population from around the world. They are interested and diligent workers without having to tolerate the drugged out American thuggishness. If the American public wants to legalize drugs because it worked out well for Portugal, we will have the economy of Portugal.

And yet, those same foreigners are waiting in line to get into American Colleges and Universities.

The Democrats are a coalition Party with a wide variety of people and interests. You will NEVER hear a Democratic presidential nominee say, "Education is for snobs". Or "vaccines cause disability". And "we should be teaching the controversy of magical creation verses science". There is a divide among the parties for a very good reason.
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Rdean you are soo full of BS that your eyes are turning brown.

I am a Mechanical Engineer and have worked for several large companies.

Almost every engineer that I know is a Republican including me.

It's that way even here in ultra liberal Massachusetts where I currently work.

Why is that you ask?

Because we deal with facts and numbers that have to be precise in order for the machines to work.

Democrats/liberals/ minds like squishy facts and sloppy numbers with plenty of wiggle room.

That just doesn't work in the "real" world.

Which is why the vast majority of mechanical and electrical engineers, (not I.T. computer jockeys) but real engineers, are usually Republicans and not Democrats.
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Canada is a country that welcomes highly skilled immigrants. Something that will happen here. But I suspect Canada will refuse to let Republicans go there for cheap labor. We can't get them to work here. Look at you.

So do we.
Legal ones.

Not really. Not if you look at the actual law. They are allowed to come here for a short period of time and they are not allowed to bring their families here. Some projects, like the one I'm currently involved in is scheduled for 5 to 7 years because of the amount of research involved and because the engineering department also supports manufacturing and to spread the cost out. Development is expensive. In the past, many companies worked with the government to develop new equipment even based on existing technologies. Especially with the military. Republicans have ended a lot of that. They want tax cuts for companies, but often don't understand the time it takes to do research. They don't want to learn what it takes to do things. They only "imagine" how things work. With projects being that long, the company can only afford to hire immigrants that already have their families here.
Companies represented in a single engineering department. Oh, and zero Republicans. We had one a few years ago but he drank and left a mess. True story.

Bolded = Legal

Can anybody tell me what "point" Rdean was trying to make? All I got was his Gollum-like hatred for Republicans who stole the precious Florida chads

Rdweeb is supposed to make sense? I thought he was just here for entertainment.

Having analyzed Rdweeb's posts, scientists have concluded that he really is dumber than dirt. Shocking research result!
Rdean you are soo full of BS that your eyes are turning brown.

I am a Mechanical Engineer and have worked for several large companies.

Almost every engineer that I know is a Republican including me.

It's that way even here in ultra liberal Massachusetts where I currently work.

Why is that you ask?

Because we deal with facts and numbers that have to be precise in order for the machines to work.

Democrats/liberals/ minds like squishy facts and sloppy numbers with plenty of wiggle room.

That just doesn't work in the "real" world.

Which is why the vast majority of mechanical and electrical engineers, (not I.T. computer jockeys) but real engineers, are usually Republicans and not Democrats.

I know you wish that to be true but the facts don't support that at all. Think about all the wacky positions GOP presidential nominees hold and have said during the Republican Debates. I have never met an engineer that believe in "magical creation". Never heard an engineer say "education is for snobs" or "universities are hotbeds of liberalism" or called scientists "lazy" or said we should abolish the EPA. Engineers deal with "facts" and not these zany positions held by this Republican Party.

And the things you say:

Because we deal with facts and numbers that have to be precise in order for the machines to work.

What engineer talks like that? This seems more like how Republicans "imagine" an engineer talks.
So do we.
Legal ones.

Not really. Not if you look at the actual law. They are allowed to come here for a short period of time and they are not allowed to bring their families here. Some projects, like the one I'm currently involved in is scheduled for 5 to 7 years because of the amount of research involved and because the engineering department also supports manufacturing and to spread the cost out. Development is expensive. In the past, many companies worked with the government to develop new equipment even based on existing technologies. Especially with the military. Republicans have ended a lot of that. They want tax cuts for companies, but often don't understand the time it takes to do research. They don't want to learn what it takes to do things. They only "imagine" how things work. With projects being that long, the company can only afford to hire immigrants that already have their families here.
Companies represented in a single engineering department. Oh, and zero Republicans. We had one a few years ago but he drank and left a mess. True story.

Bolded = Legal


Republicans change the law all the time. What do you think it was that brought down the economy. That's what happens when you abolish laws wholesale. The "market" didn't stop it or sort it out. How many times have you heard Republicans say, "let the market sort it out"? Like Republicans would give their children unsafe food or drive them around in "unsafe cars". Imagine if there were no laws at all? What a horrible place to live.
Rdean you are soo full of BS that your eyes are turning brown.

I am a Mechanical Engineer and have worked for several large companies.

Almost every engineer that I know is a Republican including me.

It's that way even here in ultra liberal Massachusetts where I currently work.

Why is that you ask?

Because we deal with facts and numbers that have to be precise in order for the machines to work.

Democrats/liberals/ minds like squishy facts and sloppy numbers with plenty of wiggle room.

That just doesn't work in the "real" world.

Which is why the vast majority of mechanical and electrical engineers, (not I.T. computer jockeys) but real engineers, are usually Republicans and not Democrats.

I work in IT. IT is also a field that deals with precision, facts and clarity -- not squishy.
Most of the folks I work with are conservative leaning because they are also analytical thinkers.
I work in IT. IT is also a field that deals with precision, facts and clarity -- not squishy.
Most of the folks I work with are conservative leaning because they are also analytical thinkers.
LOL, Sorry about that!! That's how we joke with the I.T. guys at work. :eusa_angel:
Rdean actually brings up an excellent point. Foreigners do come here to attend colleges and universities. You just won't find them in the same classes as Americans. The foreigners dominate in science and math. Americans cling to courses like "Lebianism and the preschool female" or "Understanding obama". Charles Ogletree | Understanding Obama | Harvard Law School | The Daily Caller

If it were not for foreign students in our science and math programs, there wouldn't be enough American students to fill the seats.
You guys are so funny.

I wonder how Republicans got so sure of themselves? So confident? And yet, everything they touch is a disaster. It's hilarious.

Go ahead. Vote for leaders who want to cut education. Ensure you end up with nothing. Even that tent you will be living in will say, "Made in China".

Go ahead. Vote for leaders who want to cut education. Ensure you end up with nothing. Even that tent you will be living in will say, "Made in China".

And just how are we stacking up against China during the Obama disaster....
90% of everything around us is made in China....:D
If we are to remain competitive, there should be drastic cuts in education as in cutting out social relevancy courses that give degrees to unemployable people out completely.

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