Why Did My Friends Die in Iraq?

Everyone who died in Iraq was a volunteer. Given that fact, all that old 70s rhetoric just doesn't work. I have worked with veterans of all wars since WWII. The younger veterans simply don't have the bitterness toward the government that the draftees of the 60s and 70s had.

Vietnam got cranked up when JFK was going to pull out because LBJ had a financial interest in that war. He made millions off it. You libs got issues with a war? Take that one on.

That (not)war cost me more than I ever thought possible.

You bet I have "issues" with it.

I think its wrong for us to desert our vets.


LOL. How many vets have you EVER worked with? My guess is zero. You are a puffed up pontificating toad frog and all you do is sit and post on a message board all day.
Every single death, American and otherwise, in Iraq was "in vain".

The US does not fight for freedom.

We go into third world countries, devastate them beyond any hope of recovery and then give them money forever.

And yet you think Big Ears is better than W. Why?

I have no idea who you're talking about but it was George Bush who sent our people to their deaths and to be maimed for nothing at all. It was George Bush who put us into debt and all but bankrupted us.

The worthless little asshole didn't even get the oil he was really after.

I agree, but how is Big Ears any different?
Every single death, American and otherwise, in Iraq was "in vain".

The US does not fight for freedom.

We go into third world countries, devastate them beyond any hope of recovery and then give them money forever.

And yet you think Big Ears is better than W. Why?

I have no idea who you're talking about but it was George Bush who sent our people to their deaths and to be maimed for nothing at all. It was George Bush who put us into debt and all but bankrupted us.

The worthless little asshole didn't even get the oil he was really after.

All of 'our people' who went to Iraq volunteered. No one forced them to go. Get that straight first.
The "why" depends on whether they died when Bush was president or after Obama had been anointed.

If under Bush then the obvious answer, in lib-speak, is "for nothing".

If under Obama - well, they couldn't have died there because He brought everybody safely home before the stroke of midnight on January 9, 2009.

Didn't He?
Too bad Iraq did not end up with a Constitution that guaranteed equal Rights and Protection for All without Partiality, be they Male or Female, Believer or Non Believer. Without that, Everyone loses. Some are just either too stupid to see that, or were too busy trying to undermine the Bush Administration for Political gain, during War, to give a shit about doing the right thing. You threw it all away, like you do everything else.
Every single death, American and otherwise, in Iraq was "in vain".

The US does not fight for freedom.

We go into third world countries, devastate them beyond any hope of recovery and then give them money forever.

And yet you think Big Ears is better than W. Why?

I have no idea who you're talking about but it was George Bush who sent our people to their deaths and to be maimed for nothing at all. It was George Bush who put us into debt and all but bankrupted us.

The worthless little asshole didn't even get the oil he was really after.

Luddly please and I mean it truly stop lying.

Canada is your supplier of oil.

Bush was not after oil.
Why did we invade Iraq?


Even if you're able to forgive bush and his cronies for putting us so deeply in debt that it will take generations to dig us out, the wanton and needless killing and maiming of so many Americans and others is just unforgivable.

Especially since vets ow have to keep fighting for every little crumb they get.

seems to me the republicans were only echoing the same cries made by the Clinton administration before them. seems to me the democrats were in agreement with the decision to go to war and continued to vote to fund the war as it progressed.
Why did we invade Iraq?


Even if you're able to forgive bush and his cronies for putting us so deeply in debt that it will take generations to dig us out, the wanton and needless killing and maiming of so many Americans and others is just unforgivable.

Especially since vets ow have to keep fighting for every little crumb they get.

seems to me the republicans were only echoing the same cries made by the Clinton administration before them. seems to me the democrats were in agreement with the decision to go to war and continued to vote to fund the war as it progressed.

Damn. I'm out of rep. IOU.
And siding against Japan with China (Flying Tigers ring a bell) or embargoeing their oil imports wasn't an act of war requiring military response? Pearl Harbor was in response to prior provocations and what we term now acts of war. To say nothing of we then shot first at Pearl Harbor sinking a Japanese midget submarine before the planes arrived or were even known about.

Study history so not drinking the cool-aid all your life.

I repeat. You are a fucking idiot. And a blame America firster. So we should have done nothing about Pearl Harbor and waited until they invaded the west coast? And we should have let their sub wonder about the harbor? Talk about drinking cool-aid.
Because, as I and many others have been saying all along, if you fight for America now you're not fighting to protect American freedom, you're fighting to make corporations who supply everything used in wars, richer.

US hasn't had a justifiable war since 1812. If no one's invading the mainland US, stay out of it.

You are a fucking idiot. I guess we should have just said thank you to Japan for Pearl Harbor.

That's not just apples compared to oranges.

That's apples compared to tennis rackets.

What the fuck are you mumbling about ,Comrade? You agree we should have done nothing about Pearl Harbor because the mainland wasn't attacked? Killing 2700 Americans was not cause to retaliate?
You really think 5 years is long enough to fix what has been wrong since before WWII?

He's good but, believe it or not, he's not a god.

Baja Democrats - News & events of AZ Democratis, with emphasis on Southern Arizona Democrats

One million Vets wait for care – A National Disgrace

... For example, in 2010 Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric Shinseki announced that three diseases — ischemic heart disease, Parkinson’s disease and b-cell leukemia — would be considered the result of Agent Orange exposure for veterans who served in Vietnam. More than 240,000 claims for those diseases have been filed since that announcement. ...

... the VA spent 4 years and $537 million on a new computer to streamline the claims process. It was less than a resounding success; 97% of veteran’s claims are still filed on paper, and that’s the single biggest reason that stands out for the backlog – they VA is literally being buried in a mountain of paperwork....


That [photo above] the mountain of paperwork at the Winston-Salem NC VA office, the weight of all that paperwork compromised the structural integrity of the building – they were worried the floor would collapse.

Quit blaming President Obama for everything. Its childish and counter-productive.


I am not blaming him...I am merely pointing out he has done nothing more for them than any other President - besides lip service.
You are the one that said "especially NOW vets have to fight for crumbs"
I assumed by "now", you meant now. :eusa_eh:

Republicans kept first responders from health care for 10 years. What makes you think they don't work tirelessly to block anything that would help veterans?

Senate GOP blocks veterans jobs bill - CBS News

Senate GOP Obstructionists Throw Veterans Under The Bus-Vote Down Bill To Help Vets In Need Of Jobs - Forbes

GOP Looks at Cutting Veterans Health Benefits for 2011-12 Session to Fulfill Pledge | Veterans Today
You are a fucking idiot. I guess we should have just said thank you to Japan for Pearl Harbor.

That's not just apples compared to oranges.

That's apples compared to tennis rackets.

What the fuck are you mumbling about ,Comrade? You agree we should have done nothing about Pearl Harbor because the mainland wasn't attacked? Killing 2700 Americans was not cause to retaliate?

IOU rep!
You are a fucking idiot. I guess we should have just said thank you to Japan for Pearl Harbor.

That's not just apples compared to oranges.

That's apples compared to tennis rackets.

What the fuck are you mumbling about ,Comrade? You agree we should have done nothing about Pearl Harbor because the mainland wasn't attacked? Killing 2700 Americans was not cause to retaliate?

Of course it was. That's why Republicans should have kept their eye on Bin Laden, not let him get away to go live in a villa in Pakistan and not invade Iraq for their oil which went to the Chinese anyway.
Why did we invade Iraq?


Even if you're able to forgive bush and his cronies for putting us so deeply in debt that it will take generations to dig us out, the wanton and needless killing and maiming of so many Americans and others is just unforgivable.

Especially since vets ow have to keep fighting for every little crumb they get.

seems to me the republicans were only echoing the same cries made by the Clinton administration before them. seems to me the democrats were in agreement with the decision to go to war and continued to vote to fund the war as it progressed.

Bush let Bin Laden go. Did they end up on the same side? Considering the damage both did to the country, it could be.
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Why did we invade Iraq?


Even if you're able to forgive bush and his cronies for putting us so deeply in debt that it will take generations to dig us out, the wanton and needless killing and maiming of so many Americans and others is just unforgivable.

Especially since vets ow have to keep fighting for every little crumb they get.

seems to me the republicans were only echoing the same cries made by the Clinton administration before them. seems to me the democrats were in agreement with the decision to go to war and continued to vote to fund the war as it progressed.

Bush let Bin Laden go. Did they end up on the same side? Considering the damage both did to the country, it could be.

The title of this thread is not 'why did Bush let bin Laden go.' The title of this thread is 'Why did my friends die in Iraq.'

The answer is simple: Because they volunteered to go. That's why. No other statement answers the question, nutcase.
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seems to me the republicans were only echoing the same cries made by the Clinton administration before them. seems to me the democrats were in agreement with the decision to go to war and continued to vote to fund the war as it progressed.

Bush let Bin Laden go. Did they end up on the same side? Considering the damage both did to the country, it could be.

The title of this thread is not 'why did Bush let bin Laden go.' The title of this thread is 'Why did my friends die in Iraq.'

The answer is simple: Because they volunteered to go. That's why. No other statement answers the question, nutcase.

And why did they volunteer to go?

85% said the U.S. mission is mainly "to retaliate for Saddam's role in the 9-11 attacks

Zogby: Troops think Iraq was retaliation for 9/11

Now where on earth would they get such an idea? From Democrats?
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You all know I'm a 22+ years vet. So, this may come as a surprise - I totally agree with Ron Paul that we have no business involving ourselves in the internal conflicts of other counties. We were wrong to get involved in Vietnam and could've avoided it if only we'd treated Ho Chi Minh correcting during WII. We have no business in Kosovo, Croatia, Iraq, and Afghanistan. We certainly have no business getting involved in Africa - which out Bumbler-in-Chief is getting us into.

I also believe we should stop all foreign military aid. If countries want to obtain our military equipment, let them pay for them out of their own funds.

Spend all that money to defend our own borders and use it to deal with many of the problems we face here in the USA.

You all know I'm a 22+ years vet. So, this may come as a surprise - I totally agree with Ron Paul that we have no business involving ourselves in the internal conflicts of other counties. We were wrong to get involved in Vietnam and could've avoided it if only we'd treated Ho Chi Minh correcting during WII. We have no business in Kosovo, Croatia, Iraq, and Afghanistan. We certainly have no business getting involved in Africa - which out Bumbler-in-Chief is getting us into.

I also believe we should stop all foreign military aid. If countries want to obtain our military equipment, let them pay for them out of their own funds.

Spend all that money to defend our own borders and use it to deal with many of the problems we face here in the USA.

I'm a vet as well and I agree with your thoughts on it to.

We (you, me, our families and particularly the friends and brothers we lost) pay the highest price for these wars.

I'm afraid libertarianism only works with what you can control domestically. International relations is not a libertarian strong suit. The vacuum created would destroy the United States as a Super Power!
The official reason that 36% of democrats in congress agreed to was that we invaded Iraq to enforce UN sanctions against Saddam and president Bush gave Iraq about a year to comply. You could make a case that more Americans were killed because the democrat party undermined the mission with hateful propaganda with ads like "betray-us" and treasonous statements like "the war is lost" from the democrat senate majority leader as well as the crazy anti-war demonstrations that disappeared after Hussein was elected. For some perspective, about 6,000 Marines were killed in a single month taking a shitty little island that we could have bypassed four months before the Japanese surrender. Harry Truman sent Troops to Korea with nothing but an (illegal?) executive order and we lost 50,000 Troops in three years during the bungled mission. LBJ thought he had a better idea and he bailed out of Vietnam just when Americans needed leadership.

Garbage! They could have limited the parameters of the funding. they did not! That gave him complete authority.
Every single death, American and otherwise, in Iraq was "in vain".

The US does not fight for freedom.

We go into third world countries, devastate them beyond any hope of recovery and then give them money forever.

And yet you think Big Ears is better than W. Why?

I have no idea who you're talking about but it was George Bush who sent our people to their deaths and to be maimed for nothing at all. It was George Bush who put us into debt and all but bankrupted us.

The worthless little asshole didn't even get the oil he was really after.

No, the Democrats created a bill that would prevent US based oil companies from drilling in Iraq. Now the Chinese and the British drill there as Iraq has no significant firms of their own.
Everyone who died in Iraq was a volunteer. Given that fact, all that old 70s rhetoric just doesn't work. I have worked with veterans of all wars since WWII. The younger veterans simply don't have the bitterness toward the government that the draftees of the 60s and 70s had.

Vietnam got cranked up when JFK was going to pull out because LBJ had a financial interest in that war. He made millions off it. You libs got issues with a war? Take that one on.

Correct. All of us who served in Iraq in combat arms are overwhelmingly conservative. Liberals become administrative clerks, supply clerks, or go in to comm. We knew what we were getting in to and it was our pleasure to do it.

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