Why did Romney hide Sankaty from the public?


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
WASHINGTON (AP) — For nearly 15 years, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's financial portfolio has included an offshore company that remained invisible to voters as his political star rose.

Based in Bermuda, Sankaty High Yield Asset Investors Ltd. was not listed on any of Romney's state or federal financial reports. The company is among several Romney holdings that have not been fully disclosed, including one that recently posted a $1.9 million earning — suggesting he could be wealthier than the nearly $250 million estimated by his campaign.

Romney's undisclosed offshore assets, including Sankaty co. in Bermuda, hint at greater wealth - CBS News
It is not against the law for him to do those things, and romney lives up to the law. Morals and truth are an entirely different matter, and since the law does not require them Mitt and his sheeple do not need to use them. Of course, they feel obama should have to go beyond anything the white guy has to do, and obama has released his financial records which means he is more honest and moral than Romney, but since money is the only concern of republicans, and greed is hampered by morality the immoral greedy right has no purpose in what is right. The only thing they care about is what makes them money. offshore, unreported businesses which might be a conflict of interest are probably going to be profitable with the president of the US backing them.
But the question remains...

Why did Romney hide Sankaty from the public?
I find it hard to believe that you think it was 'hidden', it's existence and use are listed in SEC documents going back 15 years. From your link, which you obviously didn't read...
Romney's use of Sankaty as his partnership stake in Bain deals is documented in several U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission reports between 1998 and 2000. The company controlled 50,000 shares of Global-Tech Appliances Inc., a Chinese appliance firm that Bain briefly invested in. Sankaty was also used to manage 385,000 shares in the 1999 takeover of Domino's, as well as the $75 million investment into the Stericycle waste disposal firm and a $150 million investment in the US LEC telecommunication firm.

Keep trying Chris, someday you might actually have an 'A' game...
Suspicious that it was transferred to Ann Romney's name before he started to run.

Huh?? You should follow Chris to the reading comprehension class...
Sankaty was transferred to a trust owned by Romney's wife, Ann, one day before he was sworn in as Massachusetts governor in 2003, according to Bermuda records obtained by The Associated Press.
Chris is just taking his marching orders from David Axlerod. Chris is a good little useful tool

Axelrod: Romney is the “most secretive candidate” since Richard Nixon

The American people don’t know. This is the most secretive candidate we’ve seen since, frankly, since Richard Nixon. … He believes in keeping the public in the dark. … The question is, exactly what did he pay, and I think that he — there’s only one way to answer that question. If you don’t have anything to hide, why not just release that information? And Gov. Romney really doesn’t have a good answer for that.

the rest
Axelrod: Romney is the “most secretive candidate” since Richard Nixon « Hot Air
Chris is just taking his marching orders from David Axlerod. Chris is a good little useful tool

Axelrod: Romney is the “most secretive candidate” since Richard Nixon

The American people don’t know. This is the most secretive candidate we’ve seen since, frankly, since Richard Nixon. … He believes in keeping the public in the dark. … The question is, exactly what did he pay, and I think that he — there’s only one way to answer that question. If you don’t have anything to hide, why not just release that information? And Gov. Romney really doesn’t have a good answer for that.

the rest
Axelrod: Romney is the “most secretive candidate” since Richard Nixon « Hot Air

Hey David, tell that to your boss, dude!!
Romney transferred Sankaty to his wife on the day before he took office in Mass.

What difference does it make if Romney has 5 Million, or 500 Million? Either way you Libtards have followed your master Oblamo down the path of arbitrary hatred of all wealthy Republicans... Of course hypocritically giving a pass to ALL Liberal 1% ers who attend $36,000/ plate Oblamo fundraisers. Hypocrites acting hypocritically... No surprise there.
Romney transferred Sankaty to his wife on the day before he took office in Mass.


What business is it of yours ?

Do you masturbate twice a day or three times a day ?

It5 wouldn't be like knowing about the people you are going to vote for who serve you in government is any business of yours.

Do you not think about what you are saying, or are you not capable of thinking?
Romney transferred Sankaty to his wife on the day before he took office in Mass.


What business is it of yours ?

Do you masturbate twice a day or three times a day ?

It5 wouldn't be like knowing about the people you are going to vote for who serve you in government is any business of yours.

Do you not think about what you are saying, or are you not capable of thinking?

If there isn't enough out there on Romney to let you know about him, then you are more stupid than what your posts would imply. What Sissy-Chrissy is asking for is motive...the information is all there.....if you think you can discern motives (like you would believe anything he says anyway ?), then....well....next.

I know you don't think about what you post.
I love the repubtard response to this. Question everything about Obama but how dare you ask questions about the great Mittens.

For the repubtards around, this is an election of a person who will serve the highest position in our country for the next 4 years. it is an election that should beguin with an informed decision by the people voting. That should be about all candidates. there should be nothing people cannot ask and no part of their lives left private if they wish to serve. if they want privacy there is a simple solution for them and that is to do another job. Stop pretending like this is nazi germany and people should be shot for being traitors and questioning the candidates. If you would like to be in a country where you are not allowed to ask questions about people running feel free to move to any of the fascist dictatorships around the world. i hear North Korea is great if you don't want people questioning your glorious leader.
What business is it of yours ?

Do you masturbate twice a day or three times a day ?

It5 wouldn't be like knowing about the people you are going to vote for who serve you in government is any business of yours.

Do you not think about what you are saying, or are you not capable of thinking?

If there isn't enough out there on Romney to let you know about him, then you are more stupid than what your posts would imply. What Sissy-Chrissy is asking for is motive...the information is all there.....if you think you can discern motives (like you would believe anything he says anyway ?), then....well....next.

I know you don't think about what you post.

There should be nothing hidden. Sorry, but unlike you i do not blindly follow. Blind ignorance may be how you get by in life, but some of us prefer knowledge. Now be a good sheeple and go do something useful like grazing.
I love the repubtard response to this. Question everything about Obama but how dare you ask questions about the great Mittens.

Now we are just making things up to argue against. The information was never secret and Romney does not owe you an explanation. If you don't like it.....don't vote for him. Nobody got to question anything about Obama and he never came clean on his motives when it came to things like his beloved Reverend Wright. So...the Red Herring is now on the table stinking up the place and tearybun has the stench on her hands to show who put it there.

For the repubtards around, this is an election of a person who will serve the highest position in our country for the next 4 years. it is an election that should beguin with an informed decision by the people voting. That should be about all candidates. there should be nothing people cannot ask and no part of their lives left private if they wish to serve.

You gonna ask Barack how many times he and Michelle get it on and what positions they utilize ? How about Joe Biden...you gonna ask him if he can even get it up anymore ? What part of the private lives are off limits ? Whenever the question is asked about Michelle's previous job where she got paid so much......the answer is never what she did or an answer as to how they could retire the job after she left...instead people just scream "racist".

if they want privacy there is a simple solution for them and that is to do another job.

We hope to give B.O. another one real soon.

Stop pretending like this is nazi germany and people should be shot for being traitors and questioning the candidates. If you would like to be in a country where you are not allowed to ask questions about people running feel free to move to any of the fascist dictatorships around the world. i hear North Korea is great if you don't want people questioning your glorious leader.

Hyperbole much.

How old are you anyway ?

This has to be some of your best retard work yet.

Nobody said you couldn't ask.

But you get pissed when someone asks you what business is it of yours. Why don't you climb back in your crib and leave this to the adults.
Romney transferred Sankaty to his wife on the day before he took office in Mass.


What business is it of yours ?

Do you masturbate twice a day or three times a day ?

It5 wouldn't be like knowing about the people you are going to vote for who serve you in government is any business of yours.

Do you not think about what you are saying, or are you not capable of thinking?

Are you capable of writing a sentence normal people might be able to understand, you dope? It5 wouldn't be like knowing???? WTF is that supposed to mean you DOLT?
It5 wouldn't be like knowing about the people you are going to vote for who serve you in government is any business of yours.

Do you not think about what you are saying, or are you not capable of thinking?

If there isn't enough out there on Romney to let you know about him, then you are more stupid than what your posts would imply. What Sissy-Chrissy is asking for is motive...the information is all there.....if you think you can discern motives (like you would believe anything he says anyway ?), then....well....next.

I know you don't think about what you post.

There should be nothing hidden. Sorry, but unlike you i do not blindly follow. Blind ignorance may be how you get by in life, but some of us prefer knowledge. Now be a good sheeple and go do something useful like grazing.

Nothing was hidden, asswipe. That has been made clear.

Romney does not owe you an explanation as to why he makes financial moves anymore than B.O. owes you an explanation as to why his secretary makes less than a man in a comparable role.

Motives can't be tested for truthfulness and you bastards are lying when you even pretend to have a dispassionate interest in why any member of the GOP does anything.
I love the repubtard response to this. Question everything about Obama but how dare you ask questions about the great Mittens.

For the repubtards around, this is an election of a person who will serve the highest position in our country for the next 4 years. it is an election that should beguin with an informed decision by the people voting. That should be about all candidates. there should be nothing people cannot ask and no part of their lives left private if they wish to serve. if they want privacy there is a simple solution for them and that is to do another job. Stop pretending like this is nazi germany and people should be shot for being traitors and questioning the candidates. If you would like to be in a country where you are not allowed to ask questions about people running feel free to move to any of the fascist dictatorships around the world. i hear North Korea is great if you don't want people questioning your glorious leader.

Wow, just WOW!! I can only imagine the outrage you demonstrated when Barry-Boy locked up all of his records and told us all to go fuck ourselves, I'm sure you believe every word in this post applies to him too, right?

Erm, ehhh, not so much?

Fucking HACK!

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