Why did US government create mess in Iraq and the middle east?

be nice if rdean read the original post

The original post asked the question: Why did US government create mess in Iraq and the middle east?

I answered with the truth. You know Republicans knew nothing about Iraq or it's people when Bush invaded. And they didn't care. You know they didn't care.

The Taliban blew up 1700 year old statues. Because of ignorance and a refusal to have any interest in what destroying them would do to other people who revered them.

How is that different than Republicans? What they did to Iraq? Worse, 15 of the 16 terrorists were from Arabia.

what ancient statues did Republicans blow up?....
be nice if rdean read the original post

The original post asked the question: Why did US government create mess in Iraq and the middle east?

I answered with the truth. You know Republicans knew nothing about Iraq or it's people when Bush invaded. And they didn't care. You know they didn't care.

The Taliban blew up 1700 year old statues. Because of ignorance and a refusal to have any interest in what destroying them would do to other people who revered them.

How is that different than Republicans? What they did to Iraq? Worse, 15 of the 16 terrorists were from Arabia.
How do you live with yourself, supporting a president who armed al qaeda aligned islamist groups when those people and that ideology killed so many people on 9/11, 3000 of our people?

How can you stand by and support a president as the islamist groups he armed savage Iraq, a country we have screwed again and again?

The thing is, terrible individuals like you are just as bad as the neo-cons who supported the war in Iraq. It's like none of you have a conscience or think your immoral actions have consequences. Shame on you.

:lol:.....Dean would never question anything said or done by the Democrats......he is to worried about losing his colorful membership card....shit he probably paid a buck and a half for it....
Simple question, maybe someone can explain. not interested about blaming bush, Hillary or Obama they are clearly a team of con artists that follow orders.

There was money, lots of money to be made for dozens of industries in America.

Don't want to blame the usual suspects? Well, sorry but you didn't mention Dick Cheney, after all. And if anybody actually believes his interests in Halliburton (as well as other military-based corporations) were divested before 2003 then they are just plain too stupid to breathe and walk at the same time.

It was an easy choice for both the Dick and the Bush because neither had served much less gone to war. And all their kids are daughters.

The Dick got 4 deferments during Viet Nam and Bush got his picture taken in front of a Texas Air National Guard plane before he left base to go get drunk in Midland....again.

too stupid to breathe and walk at the same time. WOW..! you sure do fit that description 100%
Sorry, dupes and conspiracists, it WAS Bush who fucked everything he touched, including 9/11 and the stupidest wars ever, and the world economic depression that gives this jihad its fuel...thanks also to the mindless Pubs who've obstructed Obama at every step...
Simple question, maybe someone can explain. not interested about blaming bush, Hillary or Obama they are clearly a team of con artists that follow orders.

Here's my feeble take on Iraq.

Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait. As a result of the billionaire Arab Shieks (and their oil money) being in jeopardy, the United States put together a coalition of countries that had a vested interest in Saudi Oil and they ran Hussein back into Iraq.

The UN voted on sanctions against Hussein (to include a no fly zone) which Hussein immediately ignored. He attacked coalition planes with missiles on numerous occasions (in spite of warnings). At some point (I do NOT recall the date) - Saddam attempted to have George H W Bush assassinated and failed.

After a change in administration to Bush the younger, nothing changed. Hussein was warned repeatedly, by coalition members, the US and the UN, NOT to continue violations of the no fly zone - which he ignored. Around this time, it was brought to life that Hussein had used NBC weapons on his own people.

Finally, the attacks on the World Trade Center happened and the rest is history. Regardless of the fact that the attackers did not come from Iraq, Bush used Iraq as an excuse to invade that country after the world's Intelligence agencies (as well as the US CIA, DIA) briefed coalition forces as well as the UN and the Congress and advised them that Hussein's NBC capabilities could be used as weapons of mass destruction. Unknown to the majority of people involved, Hussein had already moved his chemical weapons into Syria for safe keeping.

Most of both Houses (Bipartisan) agreed that it was time to act and they did.

Thousands of young men and women were sent to war. Some of them did not come home. Some of them came home mortally wounded in battles to capture different cities. Thousands more were sent to Afghanistan in a feeble attempt to rout the Taliban and hunt down Osama Bin Laden. Many were killed or maimed and are STILL being killed and maimed today.

As a veteran of combat in Vietnam - and having endured "coming home" to a country that hated that war and the young men that fought there, I know what it feels like to NOT be the victor. I know EXACTLY what it is like to attack repeatedly to gain ground only to walk away from it.

To all these young men and women (regardless of party) who fought like warriors, and to those who, unfortunately never came home, and to those who left arms and legs in the sand in a fruitless waste of time, money and manpower - I SALUTE you! God Bless you, from the bottom of my heart. Those who have seen death at a young age in such gruesome ways in combat are the best the country has to offer and should never leave the battlefield without final victory.

To the politicians, both Republicans, Independents and Democrats who so callously sent these young men and women into harms way, only to tie their collective hands behind their backs (as in Vietnam) - rather than allow them to bring their enemy to it's knees - God Damn you. God Damn you to hell.

There. That's MY take. No politics, no bullshit.
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Simple question, maybe someone can explain. not interested about blaming bush, Hillary or Obama they are clearly a team of con artists that follow orders.

There was money, lots of money to be made for dozens of industries in America.

Don't want to blame the usual suspects? Well, sorry but you didn't mention Dick Cheney, after all. And if anybody actually believes his interests in Halliburton (as well as other military-based corporations) were divested before 2003 then they are just plain too stupid to breathe and walk at the same time.

It was an easy choice for both the Dick and the Bush because neither had served much less gone to war. And all their kids are daughters.

The Dick got 4 deferments during Viet Nam and Bush got his picture taken in front of a Texas Air National Guard plane before he left base to go get drunk in Midland....again.

You have not gone back far enough. Start in 1953 and start blaming each president since then.

28 Mordad coup- CIA and Mi5-, how about the Six Day War? history, read up on it.

Its obvious there were issues far before Bush, see Hostage Crisis and 1993 WTC bombings...for example.
Simple question, maybe someone can explain. not interested about blaming bush, Hillary or Obama they are clearly a team of con artists that follow orders.

Well, the Bush administration was convinced there would be no mess. They thought it would be easy, that we'd be greeted as liberators, that we'd win the "hearts and minds" of the Iraqi and Afghan people, that the oil profits would pay for everything, that Iraq's three ever-fighting sects would somehow greet our notion of democracy with open arms.

In the end, it was all about oil, which we didn't get any more of and which didn't pay for the war.

It was also about "stability in the region", but we lost on that count as well since the Middle East is so much more destabilized now than it was 12 years ago.
We should just disband the CIA for all the good they've done. Vietnam was the mortal enemy of China for 1500 years...Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 and was secular and stable.
be nice if rdean read the original post

The original post asked the question: Why did US government create mess in Iraq and the middle east?

I answered with the truth. You know Republicans knew nothing about Iraq or it's people when Bush invaded. And they didn't care. You know they didn't care.

The Taliban blew up 1700 year old statues. Because of ignorance and a refusal to have any interest in what destroying them would do to other people who revered them.

How is that different than Republicans? What they did to Iraq? Worse, 15 of the 16 terrorists were from Arabia.
How do you live with yourself, supporting a president who armed al qaeda aligned islamist groups when those people and that ideology killed so many people on 9/11, 3000 of our people?

How can you stand by and support a president as the islamist groups he armed savage Iraq, a country we have screwed again and again?

The thing is, terrible individuals like you are just as bad as the neo-cons who supported the war in Iraq. It's like none of you have a conscience or think your immoral actions have consequences. Shame on you.

What the fuck are you talking about. Obama never wanted to go into Iraq and he took out Bin Laden after Republicans let Bin Laden go. Obama was given a huge bucket of shit and Republicans have done everything they can to make sure he's stuck with that shit.

And look at Syria. Republicans screaming to arm the cannibals. Obama has wisely stepped back.
be nice if rdean read the original post

The original post asked the question: Why did US government create mess in Iraq and the middle east?

I answered with the truth. You know Republicans knew nothing about Iraq or it's people when Bush invaded. And they didn't care. You know they didn't care.

The Taliban blew up 1700 year old statues. Because of ignorance and a refusal to have any interest in what destroying them would do to other people who revered them.

How is that different than Republicans? What they did to Iraq? Worse, 15 of the 16 terrorists were from Arabia.

what ancient statues did Republicans blow up?....

Moron. They blew up Iraq.
Simple question, maybe someone can explain. not interested about blaming bush, Hillary or Obama they are clearly a team of con artists that follow orders.

There was money, lots of money to be made for dozens of industries in America.

Don't want to blame the usual suspects? Well, sorry but you didn't mention Dick Cheney, after all. And if anybody actually believes his interests in Halliburton (as well as other military-based corporations) were divested before 2003 then they are just plain too stupid to breathe and walk at the same time.

It was an easy choice for both the Dick and the Bush because neither had served much less gone to war. And all their kids are daughters.

The Dick got 4 deferments during Viet Nam and Bush got his picture taken in front of a Texas Air National Guard plane before he left base to go get drunk in Midland....again.

too stupid to breathe and walk at the same time. WOW..! you sure do fit that description 100%

Why? What did they say that was wrong?
Simple question, maybe someone can explain. not interested about blaming bush, Hillary or Obama they are clearly a team of con artists that follow orders.

Here's my feeble take on Iraq.

Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait. As a result of the billionaire Arab Shieks (and their oil money) being in jeopardy, the United States put together a coalition of countries that had a vested interest in Saudi Oil and they ran Hussein back into Iraq.

The UN voted on sanctions against Hussein (to include a no fly zone) which Hussein immediately ignored. He attacked coalition planes with missiles on numerous occasions (in spite of warnings). At some point (I do NOT recall the date) - Saddam attempted to have George H W Bush assassinated and failed.

After a change in administration to Bush the younger, nothing changed. Hussein was warned repeatedly, by coalition members, the US and the UN, NOT to continue violations of the no fly zone - which he ignored. Around this time, it was brought to life that Hussein had used NBC weapons on his own people.

Finally, the attacks on the World Trade Center happened and the rest is history. Regardless of the fact that the attackers did not come from Iraq, Bush used Iraq as an excuse to invade that country after the world's Intelligence agencies (as well as the US CIA, DIA) briefed coalition forces as well as the UN and the Congress and advised them that Hussein's NBC capabilities could be used as weapons of mass destruction. Unknown to the majority of people involved, Hussein had already moved his chemical weapons into Syria for safe keeping.

Most of both Houses (Bipartisan) agreed that it was time to act and they did.

Thousands of young men and women were sent to war. Some of them did not come home. Some of them came home mortally wounded in battles to capture different cities. Thousands more were sent to Afghanistan in a feeble attempt to rout the Taliban and hunt down Osama Bin Laden. Many were killed or maimed and are STILL being killed and maimed today.

As a veteran of combat in Vietnam - and having endured "coming home" to a country that hated that war and the young men that fought there, I know what it feels like to NOT be the victor. I know EXACTLY what it is like to attack repeatedly to gain ground only to walk away from it.

To all these young men and women (regardless of party) who fought like warriors, and to those who, unfortunately never came home, and to those who left arms and legs in the sand in a fruitless waste of time, money and manpower - I SALUTE you! God Bless you, from the bottom of my heart. Those who have seen death at a young age in such gruesome ways in combat are the best the country has to offer and should never leave the battlefield without final victory.

To the politicians, both Republicans, Independents and Democrats who so callously sent these young men and women into harms way, only to tie their collective hands behind their backs (as in Vietnam) - rather than allow them to bring their enemy to it's knees - God Damn you. God Damn you to hell.

There. That's MY take. No politics, no bullshit.

Nice "take", but not exactly what happened.

Saddam did indeed invade Kuwait. Bin Laden wanted to put together a coalition of Arab States to drive Saddam out of Kuwait. But countries like Saudi Arabia called on the US which has the biggest military on earth and because both countries had signed peace treaties and agreements. It was the duty of the US to drive Saddam from Kuwait. I never had a problem with it. And Bush Sr. was smart. He pushed Saddam back to the border and stopped. That way, we didn't have to pay to fix Iraq. See? When you sign agreements you have to honor them. It's your duty.

So what pissed off Bin Laden? He felt that it was sacrilege for infidels (US) to kill Muslims on Islamic Holy Lands. And he was pissed his Arab friends turned away from his help to ask for aid from the west. But the US did what it was supposed to do. So Bin Laden got pissed. That was his problem. And we he attacked, he deserved to be killed.

But the Republicans totally screwed that up.

The difference between Bush 1 and Bush 2. Bush 1 at barely 20 was a WWII fighter pilot who saw action. His life was as a public servant. He was an Officer, Head of the CIA, Vice President and President.

Bush 2 was in the champagne unit of the National Guard (called that because it was filled with the athletes and the children of the "elite"). He spent Vietnam passed out under a bar stool. A rich kid with the worse case of rich kid "I'm special so the rules don't apply to me" that I've ever seen since Mitt Romney.

When Bush 2 invaded Iraq, in one fell swoop, he ruined our foreign policy, added trillions to the deficit, got rid of the one country that kept Iran in check

I'm too tired to write any more, but at least that's the beginning of what happened. And why Bin Laden hated us. How do I know? He told us. Just like he told us he was going to attack before 9/11. It's required to give warning according to his religion.
The original post asked the question: Why did US government create mess in Iraq and the middle east?

I answered with the truth. You know Republicans knew nothing about Iraq or it's people when Bush invaded. And they didn't care. You know they didn't care.

The Taliban blew up 1700 year old statues. Because of ignorance and a refusal to have any interest in what destroying them would do to other people who revered them.

How is that different than Republicans? What they did to Iraq? Worse, 15 of the 16 terrorists were from Arabia.
How do you live with yourself, supporting a president who armed al qaeda aligned islamist groups when those people and that ideology killed so many people on 9/11, 3000 of our people?

How can you stand by and support a president as the islamist groups he armed savage Iraq, a country we have screwed again and again?

The thing is, terrible individuals like you are just as bad as the neo-cons who supported the war in Iraq. It's like none of you have a conscience or think your immoral actions have consequences. Shame on you.

What the fuck are you talking about. Obama never wanted to go into Iraq and he took out Bin Laden after Republicans let Bin Laden go. Obama was given a huge bucket of shit and Republicans have done everything they can to make sure he's stuck with that shit.

And look at Syria. Republicans screaming to arm the cannibals. Obama has wisely stepped back.

Not only are you a sick individual that supports Obama's war crimes in Syria, you lie about it. Obama's support of radical islamist has now come home to roost in the form of a failed Iraqi state.

CIA begins weapons delivery to Syrian rebels - The Washington Post

Syrian rebels seen firing U.S.-made weapons raises questions - TIME

US reportedly starts supplying Syrian rebels with anti-tank weapons ? RT USA

U.S., Britain suspend aid to north Syria after Islamists seize weapons store | Reuters

The Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria: Two Arab countries fall apart | The Economist

U.S. providing some lethal aid to Syrian rebels: opposition spokesman | Reuters

» Susan Rice Admits U.S. Giving Arms to Al-Qaeda in Syria Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

How do you live with supporting such a piece of shit arrogant neo-liberal with no regard for the consequences of his actions?

Really no difference between you an the neo-cons.Both of your lots are enemies of humanity.

May I ask why you are such a terrible person? Why do you support such evil people?
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Yes, America created the mess in the middle east. It's not like those sand rats have been slaughtering each other since 2000 years before the USA came to be.

So many STUPID fucking posters
Yes, America created the mess in the middle east. It's not like those sand rats have been slaughtering each other since 2000 years before the USA came to be.

So many STUPID fucking posters

Give me a list of wars the West wasn't involved in in the Middle East.

Whether the reaction was right or wrong, who knows, but that was the trigger.

It was the excuse. You've got a short memory or you're very young. Don't you remember the neo-cons grand plan for taking advantage of America being the only super power after the fall of the Soviet Union and projecting that American power around the globe? I posted this a couple days ago, don't know if you saw it or not. It's from an article by Eric Black before "shock and awe";

An influential group of foreign policy thinkers sees the possibly imminent overthrow of Saddam Hussein as just one early step in an ambitious blueprint to spread democracy throughout the world and eliminate threats to the United States.

Although they developed their thinking long before the Sept. 11 attacks, the strategists, often called neoconservatives or neocons, have increased their influence over the Bush administration since Sept. 11, many foreign policy analysts say.

Critics argue that the neocon ideas, including "regime change," are a recipe for perpetual war, because they would steer the United States into many confrontations.

There would be a long list of regimes to be changed.

But the neocons themselves and their supporters say that the United States has an unprecedented historical opportunity to reshape the world in ways that will make our country safer and the rest of the world freer. The neocons, who sometimes call themselves neo- Reaganites, say the key concept is not perpetual war but "moral clarity backed by military strength."

To the neo-cons 9/11 was the "Pearl Harbour" needed to move the American people towards war. I think some of them started planning the drum-beat while people were still flinging themselves off the Towers.

A lot of the neo-cons were highly influential in Bush's foreign policy;

Elliott Abrams, Richard L. Armitage, William J. Bennett, John Bolton, Francis Fukuyama, Robert Kagan, William Kristol, Richard Perle, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, R. James Woolsey, I. Lewis Libby, Dick Cheney, et. al.

The neo-con's imperialist dreams became the nightmare that is happening in real life in the Middle East right now.
Yes, America created the mess in the middle east. It's not like those sand rats have been slaughtering each other since 2000 years before the USA came to be.

So many STUPID fucking posters

Those rats have been fighting since the days of the Bible. Nothing new there. Now, they have all gotten a common "enemy" - the United States. We have been emboldening this "enemy" since the Shah of Iran was kicked out of Iran and exiled to the US.

We didn't have enough sense to understand that no standing Army has EVER defeated ANY army in Afghanistan. And, rather than turn our guys loose and "let slip the dogs of war", our politicians bungled this, yet again.

History turned the corner several years ago. There will be no stopping terrorism for countless generations - the radical Muslims will NOT stop until the West is destroyed. Here's the sad part....50 or perhaps 100 years from now, they will succeed.

It's common sense.
Simple question, maybe someone can explain. not interested about blaming bush, Hillary or Obama they are clearly a team of con artists that follow orders.

Here's my feeble take on Iraq.

Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait. As a result of the billionaire Arab Shieks (and their oil money) being in jeopardy, the United States put together a coalition of countries that had a vested interest in Saudi Oil and they ran Hussein back into Iraq.

The UN voted on sanctions against Hussein (to include a no fly zone) which Hussein immediately ignored. He attacked coalition planes with missiles on numerous occasions (in spite of warnings). At some point (I do NOT recall the date) - Saddam attempted to have George H W Bush assassinated and failed.

After a change in administration to Bush the younger, nothing changed. Hussein was warned repeatedly, by coalition members, the US and the UN, NOT to continue violations of the no fly zone - which he ignored. Around this time, it was brought to life that Hussein had used NBC weapons on his own people.

Finally, the attacks on the World Trade Center happened and the rest is history. Regardless of the fact that the attackers did not come from Iraq, Bush used Iraq as an excuse to invade that country after the world's Intelligence agencies (as well as the US CIA, DIA) briefed coalition forces as well as the UN and the Congress and advised them that Hussein's NBC capabilities could be used as weapons of mass destruction. Unknown to the majority of people involved, Hussein had already moved his chemical weapons into Syria for safe keeping.

Most of both Houses (Bipartisan) agreed that it was time to act and they did.

Thousands of young men and women were sent to war. Some of them did not come home. Some of them came home mortally wounded in battles to capture different cities. Thousands more were sent to Afghanistan in a feeble attempt to rout the Taliban and hunt down Osama Bin Laden. Many were killed or maimed and are STILL being killed and maimed today.

As a veteran of combat in Vietnam - and having endured "coming home" to a country that hated that war and the young men that fought there, I know what it feels like to NOT be the victor. I know EXACTLY what it is like to attack repeatedly to gain ground only to walk away from it.

To all these young men and women (regardless of party) who fought like warriors, and to those who, unfortunately never came home, and to those who left arms and legs in the sand in a fruitless waste of time, money and manpower - I SALUTE you! God Bless you, from the bottom of my heart. Those who have seen death at a young age in such gruesome ways in combat are the best the country has to offer and should never leave the battlefield without final victory.

To the politicians, both Republicans, Independents and Democrats who so callously sent these young men and women into harms way, only to tie their collective hands behind their backs (as in Vietnam) - rather than allow them to bring their enemy to it's knees - God Damn you. God Damn you to hell.

There. That's MY take. No politics, no bullshit.

no thanx from Dean or Franco....

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