Why didn't leadership address these issues before the first vote???

Democrats enjoy watching Republicans demonstrate how inept and disfunctional Republicans are

We told ya so
The first rule of politics...when your opponent is digging a hole for himself, keep handing him shovels.
Not going to be much of a show.

There's no argument to be had.

A good leader who put in the effort, worked to smooth differences and recognized and proactively sorted problems and issues would never find themselves in this situation.

Which is why McCarthy isn't the person to wield the gavel.

It's too accurate a summation...so it will be ignored.

They are emotionally invested now...logic is out the window.
I agree he is a weak leader, that's been weakened even more at this point.... And simply just a flip flopping weasel!

But is there any Republican that can garner 218 out of the 222 Republicans?? And how would you know if they wouldn't just be another weakling like McCarthy?

The Democrats didn't have the scrote to attempt it...now the Conservative are getting concessions and the progressives are sulking #forcethevote

Yep, they just fall in line and never question.
I agree he is a weak leader, that's been weakened even more at this point.... And simply just a flip flopping weasel!

But is there any Republican that can garner 218 out of the 222 Republicans?? And how would you know if they wouldn't just be another weakling like McCarthy?
Don't think so... I've said from the beginning that IMO we are saddled with McCarthy. 200 to 20 is just a chasm that is unbridgeable.

But, the Conservatives are using their leverage to win concessions, and that is about the best that could be hoped for.

Had the progressives in the House not gaslighted there constituents in the 2020 Speakership election, perhaps you could have had a floor vote on Medicare for All using the same tactic.

In fact, the left invented this strategy to force the vote on Medicare for All... But their leaders couldn't muster the intestinal fortitude to implement it.

There is little doubt in my mind that Democrat or Republican... the folks in Washington have little regards for what we their constituents want and are only concerned with their own agendas and keeping their snouts in the trough for as long as possible.
You'd think that good leadership would have had this all ironed out before the first vote was taken...

...which in itself underscores the very point of opposition to McCarthy as Speaker.

If as minority leader of the Republican Party McCarthy was unable to avoid the very situation we find ourselves in...then it follows and is completely obvious to all that the man isn't much of a leader...is he?
No business can be conducted until a Speaker has been elected
Don't think so... I've said from the beginning that IMO we are saddled with McCarthy. 200 to 20 is just a chasm that is unbridgeable.

But, the Conservatives are using their leverage to win concessions, and that is about the best that could be hoped for.

Had the progressives in the House not gaslighted there constituents in the 2020 Speakership election, perhaps you could have had a floor vote on Medicare for All using the same tactic.

In fact, the left invented this strategy to force the vote on Medicare for All... But their leaders couldn't muster the intestinal fortitude to implement it.

There is little doubt in my mind that Democrat or Republican... the folks in Washington have little regards for what we their constituents want and are only concerned with their own agendas and keeping their snouts in the trough for as long as possible.
I don't think any person would not want to keep a job like theirs, it's kind of natural to be that way.... But you would think that their way of keeping their prestigious jobs would be doing the best they can, for their Constituents to earn their votes? And I think some representatives do such.... I truly do not believe we can lump them all in to one basket of deplorableness!

The love of money is the root of all evil, according to the Bible.....and I'd bet ya, the love of power, comes in second.... Congress critters, tempted with both, daily....and no doubt, many cave to it!

But NOT all of them! Imo!

Yeah, Kevin might be Speaker if he gives away all of his power.... That's fine with me, if he has no power as Speaker.... :D

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