Why Do Blacks Love Cop Cars?

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Platinum Member
Oct 14, 2014
Could it be nostalgia? That first memorable ride to the booking station. The first car to roll up after their homeboy got shot? Because it's the only car that the owner can keep running while they walk into a convenience store? The world may never know.

But one thing is for sure blacks love them some cop cars. When they aren't busy riding in the back of one; they've got their gangsta lean on , rollin' through the hood in one of their very own! From the days of the Caprice, and the Crown Vic; straight on up to the present where Chargers, and Callengers are the must have hood ratmobile. While times and cars do change. Some things never do. Black folk love them some cop cars.
Could it be nostalgia? That first memorable ride to the booking station. The first car to roll up after their homeboy got shot? Because it's the only car that the owner can keep running while they walk into a convenience store? The world may never know.

But one thing is for sure blacks love them some cop cars. When they aren't busy riding in the back of one; they've got their gangsta lean on , rollin' through the hood in one of their very own! From the days of the Caprice, and the Crown Vic; straight on up to the present where Chargers, and Callengers are the must have hood ratmobile. While times and cars do change. Some things never do. Black folk love them some cop cars.
I think it may be the fact that it reminds them of what it must have been like back in the day before his dad raped his mother and his dad was arrested for GTA. Nostalgia man!
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