Why Do Democrats Fear a Forensic Audit in Pennsylvania?

They seem to be afraid something will be uncovered.

---Based on the above and other “anomalies and evidence,” including from a USPS whistleblower, as well as direct observation of the in-process Arizona audit, on 7 July, State Sen. Doug Mastriano (R) announced a full forensic audit in three counties in Pennsylvania---

Which county did Trump win in of the three?
where is the proof of cheating ?
There is no verifiable proof of cheating to the level that it cost Trump the election.

There is only wishful thinking that they must have cheated.

Big difference

In fact the same system that won trump the election was used when he lost.

Yet rules for audits and recounts are set by the state government. They have verified the election to be accurate. The republican governor has not said anything to contradict that fact.

Yet republicans hired someone who has been vocal about election fraud to find election fraud. He sets up his own rules. Instead of hiring someone with experience and neutral in the matter. They hire the one who believes it to be true. He has to come up with something. Yet what he finds is debunked and explained that he has no experience.

Its like hiring the victim to investigate a crime that was committed against the victim.

So, you offer no proof that there was no cheating, just announce that everyone's suspicions are wrong as if that closes the matter. And, because you announce that there was no cheating, you expect that there should be no independent investigation. And you expect to be taken seriously? Go away.
They seem to be afraid something will be uncovered.

---Based on the above and other “anomalies and evidence,” including from a USPS whistleblower, as well as direct observation of the in-process Arizona audit, on 7 July, State Sen. Doug Mastriano (R) announced a full forensic audit in three counties in Pennsylvania---

Did you oppose or support the investigation into Trumps collusion with russia? Just curious
Did you oppose or support the investigation into Trumps collusion with russia? Just curious
Why would there need to be an investigation? The media raised a stink about a meeting between his son and Russian officials, but that meeting was about adoption policy so there was nothing wrong with it.
Why would there need to be an investigation? The media raised a stink about a meeting between his son and Russian officials, but that meeting was about adoption policy so there was nothing wrong with it.
Is that a No, you didn’t support the investigation? Direct answers please, let’s not play the round about game
So, you offer no proof that there was no cheating, just announce that everyone's suspicions are wrong as if that closes the matter. And, because you announce that there was no cheating, you expect that there should be no independent investigation. And you expect to be taken seriously? Go away

Well actually I have posted the results of what one state found about 150 problems and found 4 confirmed instances of cheating and state is prosecuting the cases. The rest are still in review. Still that amount does not change the outcome. It also show that the state is not quick to point the finger until the have all the answers.

Yet seriously how can there be no cheating when example of cheating exist in every election. The difference is that I will also ask does it change the results. Your statement just say wants to ask if there is cheating and conclude that Trump won. Yet you obviously believe that it caused Trump the election. Thus you want an investigation.

Yet the states have done recounts. Still not enough for you because the results is not what you wanted.

So they want an audit led by a person who has stated publically that he believes the election was fraudulent.

That is the fox watching the hen house and that is not a audit.

So not only is he getting paid to do something that he believes, he really has no experience in elections. So he trying to find things that support his theories but has no idea if it really is something to be concerned about

If your going to have an audit or recount it should be done by people who are experienced in the mechanics of an election.

The Arizona audit is just a rubber stamp that is try to be used to defend Trump. There is no verifiable proof of anything that says Trump won the election.

The proof is that when a republican dared to challenge the presumption that Trump won, he is blocked from participating because he found something that goes against the reason for the audit . Which is to find a reason why Trump should have won?

Yet if you believe the public has a right to know then how can you support the Arizona republicans in blocking this information. How can you support an audit that is biased and so poorly conceived.

Recounts are done with both parties present and no party is barred. Federal and state officials can be there

A recount is, by definition, a count of every ballot with votes for the close contest. A ballot audit typically counts only a random sample of some of the ballots.

Thus basically people are counting on an audit which is a random sample of ballots and hanging their hats on that

Yet a recount results is ignored because it doesn't validate what they want to believe.
They seem to be afraid something will be uncovered.

---Based on the above and other “anomalies and evidence,” including from a USPS whistleblower, as well as direct observation of the in-process Arizona audit, on 7 July, State Sen. Doug Mastriano (R) announced a full forensic audit in three counties in Pennsylvania---

It's unfortunate that the trump Nazis project their own irrational thought processes onto progressives and anyone else with opposing views.

Understanding the violent nature of the trump Nazis, it can only be expected they will riot when the forensic audit(s) do not prove their wannabe führer's Big Lie, which could result in the deaths of many innocent bystanders.

The trump Nazis first proved themselves to be a danger to public safety in Charlottesville, VA.

I am a Democrat but I would personally love to see one. Provided that the scam audit in Arizona isn't used as a model.

We would need clear oversight, and a third party and control neither party would be allowed to make any decisions or have direct unsupervised access to any ballots voting machines or any thing else.

And the third party in charge has to be actually certified and trained in elections sudits. You know the complete opposite of the Cyber ninjas.
They're afraid of all the 'connected' people, all the way up to the AG, the Supreme court and the governor, who could face jail time. Pa. is the same as the other swing states that cheated. They're going to cover up their criminal trail.
Why Do Democrats Fear a Forensic Audit in Pennsylvania?
This is a lie – they don’t.

They have a perfectly appropriate and warranted concern that another Republican fraudit would be a waste of time, money, and resources, as is the case with the Arizona fraudit.
They seem to be afraid something will be uncovered.

---Based on the above and other “anomalies and evidence,” including from a USPS whistleblower, as well as direct observation of the in-process Arizona audit, on 7 July, State Sen. Doug Mastriano (R) announced a full forensic audit in three counties in Pennsylvania---

In right-wing fantasy, you are Always Right.
I am a Democrat but I would personally love to see one. Provided that the scam audit in Arizona isn't used as a model.

We would need clear oversight, and a third party and control neither party would be allowed to make any decisions or have direct unsupervised access to any ballots voting machines or any thing else.

And the third party in charge has to be actually certified and trained in elections sudits. You know the complete opposite of the Cyber ninjas.
If you and your democrat ilk had demanded that kind of oversight of the election
Itself then an audit would be moot.

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