Why do Democrats welcome the trash of the world rather than educated migrants with something to giv

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
It just doesn't make ANY sense.

Uneducated societal leeches vs educated and contributing.

It's a fucking no brainer.

The ONLY logical explanation is to expand their base no?
Dear Grampa Murked U
1. Political dynamics
It seems a combination of political bait to trigger Conservatives to look bad by responding in the very ways they want to "prove" their point how racist and xenophobic/classist Conservatives are as the "party of the rich against the poor."

2. Spiritual dynamics
And it's a spiritual conundrum, where on one hand, Liberals REJECT Christianity and demonize it, yet innately WANT that higher justice and social consciousness. It's like passive aggressive behavior. They reject it so badly, then turn around, and want to MANDATE CHRISTIAN CHARITY THROUGH GOVT instead of having churches practice it which they reject and avoid.

In "denial and projection" -- the MORE that liberals (in this case) REJECT conservatives as "representing an entire class" they BLAME OUTSIDE THEMSELVES, they end up OVERCOMPENSATING in other areas. Both groups end up BLAMING the other party as representing a class, so they stay DEADLOCKED. This isn't just external politics, but it's SPIRITUAL KARMA with both extremes rejecting and blaming the other.

This deadlock goes on as a SYMPTOM of a root problem that begs to be addressed to stop the bad symptoms.

So all this NEGATIVITY IN THE MEDIA is a form of begging the question. they say they don't want Christianity but then they try to rebuke Christians for not practicing it by caring for neighbors in need.

I think this is happening as a way to FORCE reconciliation and quit avoiding the issue of Christianity. If we don't practice it freely the way it's supposed to, it ends up causing these conflicts that get IMPOSED ON GOVT where it cannot be solved that way.

So the REAL issue they are begging for is to solve and prevent problems in the first place by what Christianity teaches from the beginning. it's a SPIRITUAL problem that requires SPIRITUAL solutions where everyone works on themselves first, then their relations, then their communities.

if we fail to fix problems this way ON OUR OWN,
THEN IT BECOMES these political conflicts projected onto GOVT.

So that's where all the yelling and screaming for a GOVT solution is coming from.

When we don't solve problems the RIGHT way, they stack up and create such
dangers to health, safety and rights/protections that they BECOME political problems.

That's the real message and lesson here.
And it's coming out backwards because we haven't addressed the spiritual causes and solutions. So it all gets projected externally onto politics and govt to solve.
Our PC culture has deemed that being strong is a weakness and being weak is a strength.
Reality seems that Emotion isnt logical. Emotion is a weakness.
It just doesn't make ANY sense.

Uneducated societal leeches vs educated and contributing.

It's a fucking no brainer.

The ONLY logical explanation is to expand their base no?
And you can control the peasants. And RINO's have money interests in them.
Why? They're able to push segregate them into groups and throw freebies to them in exchange for a vote. Essentially, keeping them in bondage.
The United States has prohibited entry of highly educated and skilled people fleeing genocide and murder because they are white South Africans. Fortunately these skilled whites have found welcome in Russia where 400 years of agriculture study is being rewarded with land and seed.

We only allow in uneducated blacks. The more savage the better.
"Why do Democrats welcome the trash of the world rather than educated migrants with something to giv"

I mean, if a person pays $30K to become educated as a draftsman, and then faces competition from people who were engineers back in the former soviet union, that's an actual beef.

If you just want to be lazy and see hard working, desperate people as a threat to your beer and firework budget, that is not a legitimate beef.
The United States has prohibited entry of highly educated and skilled people fleeing genocide and murder because they are white South Africans. Fortunately these skilled whites have found welcome in Russia where 400 years of agriculture study is being rewarded with land and seed.

We only allow in uneducated blacks. The more savage the better.
That's racist on our part. Hey Don Lemon, look at THIS!
Why do Democrats welcome the trash of the world rather than educated migrants with something to giv

mexican trash compliments rw dumbasses

why else ?
Democrats today are made up of guilt-ridden white apologists and minorities.

Added together, they are mostly anti-white, so it's not hard to see why they are ok with this invasion, as long as it's not white, they are ok with it being all third-world idiots.
Why? They're able to push segregate them into groups and throw freebies to them in exchange for a vote. Essentially, keeping them in bondage.

Isn't that the reason why Democrats have created the large Blue Plantation cities with segregated ghetto's. You know like Spanish Harlem, Black Harlem the Jewish section of Brooklyn, and the Black and Hispanic sections…. These are all encouraged by the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Left....
It just doesn't make ANY sense.

Uneducated societal leeches vs educated and contributing.

It's a fucking no brainer.

The ONLY logical explanation is to expand their base no?

It seems as though threads without links get shit-canned all the time by the ever-vigilant powers that be here.
So in order to save this thread….can you provide a link to Democrats stating they don’t want immigrants who are educated?
Glad no one at immigration spotted my wife. She has two BA's and a Master's and rhey made her a citizen.
It just doesn't make ANY sense.

Uneducated societal leeches vs educated and contributing.

It's a fucking no brainer.

The ONLY logical explanation is to expand their base no?

All policy: Foreign policy, economic policy, whatever policy... ...should be formulated to benefit America. So too should immigration policy. But liberals are too stupid to understand that

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