Why do Liberals Venerate Native American Mythology but Despise Christianity?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Is it an obsession with victimology or do they really believe that rocks and casinos have their own spirits? On the other hand, Christianity espouses many ideals that should be near and dear to Liberal's hearts, such as pacifism, paying taxes and feeding the poor. Native American tradition was to let the infirmed fend for themselves (while the able bodied were out killing and torturing members of different tribes), yet these "values" seem to be ignored. Why is that?
Brown people = good
White people = bad

Islam = good
Christianity = bad

Snowflake logic
Native America religions don't have crosses
Is it an obsession with victimology or do they really believe that rocks and casinos have their own spirits? On the other hand, Christianity espouses many ideals that should be near and dear to Liberal's hearts, such as pacifism, paying taxes and feeding the poor. Native American tradition was to let the infirmed fend for themselves (while the able bodied were out killing and torturing members of different tribes), yet these "values" seem to be ignored. Why is that?

Because they see Native Americans as victims of America, the country they hate. They claim to speak for them though the majority of them don't want anything to do with them.
Is it an obsession with victimology or do they really believe that rocks and casinos have their own spirits? On the other hand, Christianity espouses many ideals that should be near and dear to Liberal's hearts, such as pacifism, paying taxes and feeding the poor. Native American tradition was to let the infirmed fend for themselves (while the able bodied were out killing and torturing members of different tribes), yet these "values" seem to be ignored. Why is that?
Why do racist white Democrats try so hard to convince people of color, 'I'm one of you!'

'I was the 1st Black President'.
-- Bill Clinton

'I'm Native American.'
-- Elizabeth Warren


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