Why do people bitch & whine about the attack on the U.S.S. Liberty so much?

It's not a "transcript." It's a claim made by three people who claim that they read that statement in an IDF transcript.

Here is an exhaustive look at the USS Liberty incident:

The Zionist Fascist Traitor will endlessly lie, and does, and is still....
You cheer the deliberate murder of US Naval personnel by a foreign country.

What does that make YOU?
Accident. Things happen in War. Israel has been under constant attack since 1948.
I can't but notice you have nothing in return but ad hominems. Do you have any evidence to the contrary? No. All you have, is your big, fat mushroom mouth!
what he has is a comment on the source of your citation. I missed the
ad hominem other than your attempt at physiognomy insult
Accident. Things happen in War. Israel has been under constant attack since 1948.


Zionist Fascist Traitors claim it was an accident. It wasn't.

The #1 problem with America is Zionist Fascism. Has been since 1963.

Zionist Fascist Traitors claim it was an accident. It wasn't.

The #1 problem with America is Zionist Fascism. Has been since 1963.
Fascism. The favorite war cry of filthy Communists.
It has nothing to do with your argument that Israel did not shoot up the ship.

Good Lord, once again you are saying that I said something I never said.

How about you actually quote where I ever said that Israel did not attack the ship. Come on, I have been here for over 11 years. Try to find a single time where I ever said or implied that Israel did not attack the ship.

And if you can not provide a quote of my saying that, then I demand an apology and retraction. This is not the first time you have tried to say I said something that I never did, and I am sick and tired of your doing that. If you can not debate honestly without accusing people of saying things they never did, then at least I can call you out on it.

So come on, put up or shut up. Either apologize for trying to claim I said something I never did, or be gone.
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This is nothing but conjecture on your part.

"Well, if they wanted to sink it..."

C'mon! They came at the boat with jets, helicopters and a submarine. Fuck man, show me evidence this didn't happen!

lol and you believe with all that they failed cuz old rust bucket unarmed cargo vessels are super tough to sink ? You're doing a lot of meds.

Zionist Fascist Traitors claim it was an accident. It wasn't.

The #1 problem with America is Zionist Fascism. Has been since 1963.

what makes you say that? Jews in the U.S. have been loyal Democatic voters that whole time.
Fascism. The favorite war cry of filthy Communists.
About 80% of the early Communist leadership was Jewish. (1)

Were they "filthy" too?

(1). "Putin: First Soviet government was mostly Jewish"

EXCERPT "Russian President Vladimir Putin said that at least 80 percent of the members of the first Soviet government were Jewish.

“I thought about something just now: The decision to nationalize this library was made by the first Soviet government, whose composition was 80-85 percent Jewish,” Putin said June 13 during a visit to Moscow’s Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center." CONTINUED
Accident. Things happen in War. Israel has been under constant attack since 1948.

First of all, I feel that people can disagree on topics, events etc and still remain civil. Writing here is supposed to be fu

These are from an earlier comment I made to another individual who had been deceived by disloyal and dishonest individuals like A. Jay Cristol:

1. I wrote and supported that the initial attacks were from unmarked, Israeli French Mirage planes. Subsequent attacks with marked planes and torpedo boats were to leave no survivors and sink the ship.
Why did IDF initially attack the USS Liberty with unmarked planes except to deceive?

2. I've already shown where an ethical Israeli refused to fire on the Liberty because it was so clearly an American ship. (1)

3. I already provided at least 2 credible sources that show that IDF strafed lowered life rafts; (a war crime) further evidence that the Israelis wanted no survivors / eyewitnesses to yet another Israeli betrayal." (2)


Do you stilll believe the attack was accidental and, if so, why?


(1). "Israeli Pilot Speaks Up"

EXCERPT "Fifteen years after the attack, an Israeli pilot approached Liberty survivors and then held extensive interviews with former Congressman Paul N. (Pete) McCloskey about his role. According to this senior Israeli lead pilot, he recognized the Liberty as American immediately, so informed his headquarters, and was told to ignore the American flag and continue his attack. He refused to do so and returned to base, where he was arrested."CONTINUED

(2). "The Forgotten Sneak Attack"

EXCERPT "The life raft taken by the Israeli torpedo boat and the wheel of the torpedo boat that succeeded in hitting Liberty are on display at Israel’s National Maritime Museum in Haifa. In Israel, those who participated in the attack are celebrated as national heroes."CONTINUED
what makes you say that? Jews in the U.S. have been loyal Democatic voters that whole time.

The topic, as you know, is not the Democratic Party but Israel's deliberate attack on America's USS Liberty.

I believe that I've asked you 4 times to explain how the attack could have been an accident when:

1. IDF's initial attacks on the USS Liberty was done with unmarked planes.
Why would IDF do that except to deceive its victims and blame another country (i.e. Egypt)

2. An ethical Israeli pilot who refused to fire on such a clearly marked, American ship was arrested.

3. IDF members were given orders not only to sink the USS Liberty but to murder any survivors (another war crime).
They clearly intended to do so when they strafed lowered life rafts which were later hung in an Israeli museum as "war trophies".

Do you still believe that Israel's attack on the Liberty could possibly have been an accident based on these and countless other facts?

First of all, I feel that people can disagree on topics, events etc and still remain civil. Writing here is supposed to be fu

These are from an earlier comment I made to another individual who had been deceived by disloyal and dishonest individuals like A. Jay Cristol:

1. I wrote and supported that the initial attacks were from unmarked, Israeli French Mirage planes. Subsequent attacks with marked planes and torpedo boats were to leave no survivors and sink the ship.
Why did IDF initially attack the USS Liberty with unmarked planes except to deceive?

2. I've already shown where an ethical Israeli refused to fire on the Liberty because it was so clearly an American ship. (1)

3. I already provided at least 2 credible sources that show that IDF strafed lowered life rafts; (a war crime) further evidence that the Israelis wanted no survivors / eyewitnesses to yet another Israeli betrayal." (2)


Do you stilll believe the attack was accidental and, if so, why?


(1). "Israeli Pilot Speaks Up"

EXCERPT "Fifteen years after the attack, an Israeli pilot approached Liberty survivors and then held extensive interviews with former Congressman Paul N. (Pete) McCloskey about his role. According to this senior Israeli lead pilot, he recognized the Liberty as American immediately, so informed his headquarters, and was told to ignore the American flag and continue his attack. He refused to do so and returned to base, where he was arrested."CONTINUED

(2). "The Forgotten Sneak Attack"

EXCERPT "The life raft taken by the Israeli torpedo boat and the wheel of the torpedo boat that succeeded in hitting Liberty are on display at Israel’s National Maritime Museum in Haifa. In Israel, those who participated in the attack are celebrated as national heroes."CONTINUED
Not going to say one way or another. My Father immigrated here in 1949. From Jerusalem.
what makes you say that? Jews in the U.S. have been loyal Democatic voters that whole time.

As a general block, the more modern ones, yes. The more Orthodox tend to be staunch Republicans. But even the non-Orthodox have shown a strong independence streak, and will break away if they feel the party is not what they need.

Do not forget, a recent Jewish Democratic candidate for Vice President left the party in 2006. And was attacked viciously by the party for doing so.

And as you know I almost never actually delve into politics as in general I find it distasteful. But I can not help but wonder if some of the most recent developments by the President and his administration might not ultimately lose him the election. Because sanctioning Israel in a war they did not start and where the initial attackers still holds hundreds of civilian hostages is not going to sit well with a lot of people.

In general, as a block the Jews have always generally been the least "Party Faithful" group. In general they will tend to follow the most Liberal party. But they also have shown they got no problem giving that party a big middle finger and moving to the other party. And for decades now that has rankled many because the Democrats long seem to have been trying to walk on both sides of the fence at once.

And that is not just me saying that, the National Lampoon said that over 5 decades ago. And it is even more true today.

Here is an exhaustive look at the USS Liberty incident:

I hate to be the bear of sad tidings, but Cristol's claim that the US government conducted "ten official US investigations (including five congressional investigations)" of the attack on the USS Liberty is refuted by the US government. You can verify that for yourself at Ask For Copy of Attack Investigation.

There you will learn that your Congressional Delegation will be unable to provide you with any Congressional investigation of the attack on the USS Liberty, neither the Historians of the US House or US Senate can find any reference to a Congressional investigation of the attack on the USS Liberty and the Congressional Research Service is also unable to find any reference to a US government investigation of the attack on our ship.

If you're interested in reading a good recap of the attack on the USS Liberty, I recommend reading the War Crimes Report we filed with the Department of the Army on June 8, 2005.
They clearly intended to do so when they strafed lowered life rafts which were later hung in an Israeli museum as "war trophies".
You have actual unquestionable proof of this?
You have actual unquestionable proof of this?

I don't have "actual unquestionable proof" that the sun will set tonight but already I've provided enough proof to satisfy any rational reader.

The truth is there for those who want to see it.

Try Google if you don't believe me.
I don't have "actual unquestionable proof" that the sun will set tonight but already I've provided enough proof to satisfy any rational reader.

The truth is there for those who want to see it.

Try Google if you don't believe me.
Same to you
Good Lord, once again you are saying that I said something I never said.

How about you actually quote where I ever said that Israel did not attack the ship. Come on, I have been here for over 11 years. Try to find a single time where I ever said or implied that Israel did not attack the ship.

And if you can not provide a quote of my saying that, then I demand an apology and retraction. This is not the first time you have tried to say I said something that I never did, and I am sick and tired of your doing that. If you can not debate honestly without accusing people of saying things they never did, then at least I can call you out on it.

So come on, put up or shut up. Either apologize for trying to claim I said something I never did, or be gone.
Apologize for what? You go off on some bullshit tangent about the construction of Liberty ships which has nothing to do with whether Israel shot up the ship, then you say things like, "Well, if they wanted to sink it...", in the context of inferring the incident did not happen, WTF do you expect people to think.

Alright, I'll ask you point blank, what is your fucking point? Are you saying the incident didn't occur? Or that Israel didn't know it was an American vessel? State your fucking point, or shut your fucking mouth!

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