Why Do So Many White Americans Practically Hate Malcolm X?

you are getting increasingly desperate. YOU have introduced the idea that
"whites" in the USA do not recognize the horrors of slavery in USA history.
At no point have I denied it but you INSIST (for your own idiotic reasons) that
I have. You want to talk about "racism" but insist, FOR YOUR OWN
CONVENIENCE on declaring the parameters of that discussion-----so that it
can be ALL ABOUT YOU and no one else. Lets talk about the problems of
left handed short females--------THE REALLY OPPRESSED PEOPLE IN
THE USA. My hubby escaped from the shariah shit hole in which he was
born-----several members of his group died in the process------you want to talk
about that oppression which went on for more than 1000 years? In that case
the people who oppressed his community would be called "black" by you----
----well-----actually most arabs are caucasion. Tell a muslim that muhummad
was a BLACK, RAISIN HEAD, ABED and -------prepare for PAIN. BTW----
according to X new-speak-----my hubby is black too.

No, you have chosen to set the parameters and to divert from the OP. I've introduced no such idea. We are talking about what has been done in America. If you want to talk about ethnic or religious oppression in the ME there is a section for that.

Your post is stupid. Straight lunacy.

oh ----more than 500 posts----the conversation has strayed very far from the
utterly LUNATIC PROPOSITION that most USA "white" people HATE the late

It's not a lunatic proposition actually. Unfortunately for you, we blacks do actually talk to white people.

oh----I talk to both white and black people-------and somehow HATRED OF MALCOLM never came up except once-------from a very black person-----
regarding the hatred that Elijah Muhummad had for Malcolm (an inner circle
person) My black hubby is here------he was not born in the USA ----he does
not know who Malcolm X was. I have a few Mexican neighbors. Lately Mexicans are called "persons of color" -----I will ask them if they know
"MALCOLM X" I have relatives thru marriage in another country------I can
assure you------they never heard of Malcolm X either-----even the ones who are
NOW called "persons of color". The black person who told me what she knew about Malcolm and Elijah-----was born in the USA----a person who was close to
Ask your Mexican friends if they know who Gaspar Yanga is -- chances are, they may not know depending on where in the country they are from -- the main ones who would probably know are those black Mexicans -- the rest of the country may not, but that is by design.

So any thoughts about "why doesn't the world know about Malcolm" -- is also by design...

there are lots of "important" people that "the world does not know" Do you
think that most people living in Chicago know who Paul Ehrlich was? Most
probably know who Al Capone was
Of course------of the young people (ie under 50) who know about Malcolm X--
most "know" because of the movie
Here is a classic example of your racism hadit. This tale as you tell it, is a lie. And I was created by white racists but you repeat this ad nauseum like the other racists. We do not see the non racist whites here doing this.
What lie? Where do you think the Europeans got their slaves? Do you REALLY think they would go to all the trouble, expense, and loss of life to waltz down to Africa, fight wars against the native Africans, and haul millions of them off on slave ships? Seriously? And you think that's racist. Odd.

Okay, so what is your tale about how the Europeans so easily got so many African slaves if not from the locals?
Some blacks really believe that the Egyptians didn't have slaves, they had indentured servants LOL.
You do realized they call them indentured servants specifically to differentiate them from slaves right? The fact is that they had both but most whites are too stupid to understand the difference between slavery and chattel slavery.
You are wrong, most do know the difference. Some black posters refuse to believe there was chattel slavery in Egypt.
Your comment tells me you dont know the difference. There was no chattel slavery in Egypt. They didnt pretend people were not human like whites did.
they didnt pretend, they whipped slaves, I guess they considered that civil
"incorrect" in reference to what? My post made THREE POINTS-----one was that there were many forms of slavery in the history of Egypt. ----another was the
issue of "white" as YOU present as being THE "RACE" that promotes chattel slavery as opposed to your "race" that does not. and----then----the "race" of
the people of Egypt

Your entire post.

your answer is pathetic. Are you claiming that chattel slavery never existed
in Egypt?. Of what "race" are Egyptians? Are you claiming the NEW
"race" "person of color" as determined by putting a rag on one's head? Are
you claiming that in the course of world history----the only people which engaged
in chattel slavery have been what YOU call "whites"?

You really need to read your posts.

So there was chattel slavery in Egypt.

And Egyptians were white.

So whites were practicing chattel slavery in Egypt according to you..

yes----white Egyptians were practicing chattel slavery----black Africans were ALSO practicing chattel slavery. White Greeks also practiced chattel slavery.
White Romans too. -------chattel slavery was practiced by Babylonians of Mesopotamia too. Aztecs and Mayans too. "Yellow" Japs and Chinks did it too. Today there are chattel slaves in Mauritania-------generally blacks

There has been nothing recorded in world history as nasty as the so called transatlantic slave trade. OK? Egypt has nothing to do with this conversation. You will go back a million years to excuse white racism, but 150 yeas ago is too long ago for your dumb ass to face that you benefitted from while chattel slavery here. The infantile nature whites like you expose in these responses here shows a serious mental defect.
Nobody excused white racism. You seem to believe only whites had chattel slavery, which is incorrect. It doesn't matter how long ago it was, it still happened.
No, that's what you are doing. I'm saying that you do not employ the same principles with whites as you do with blacks. That's YOU I am talking about.

I've lived 57 years and I know there are plenty of whites who can't stand what X actually stood for. I know because I've talked to them. But you are here telling us how no whites hate him, which is untrue. You see, the unfortunate thing for you is the fact that blacks don't live isolated away from whites. You need to consider that when you start telling to us what whites don't do like we don't have contact with white people. I grew up in a town that was 90 percent white, went to a university that was at least 85 percent whites, not mention participation in sports on in my work career, so when I say things is it is not from a lack of knowledge of opinions given to me by whites.

Many whites do not have that kind of exposure to blacks.

Most whites live and operate in almost elusively white enclaves, w/little to no interaction w/blacks.

And if you're in the famed "middle America", you know "God's country" *eye roll*, it's quite likely that, as a white person, you've NO contact w/blacks at all, perhaps for years, other than what you choose to watch on TV.

Blacks don't have that privilege (there goes that pesky word again!). We interact w/whites pretty much daily.

I don't know about the North (are y'all segregated?), but in the South, white and black people interact on a daily basis.
So you took a handful of comments from a handful of anonymous internet keyboard jockeys and extrapolated that onto the entire white population. Do you realize how futile and foolish that is?

I don't see you saying that to whites when you guys start off on welfare. it's never a few blacks get welfare, it's all blacks. And all blacks are failures as you guys say the entire black community in America has failed, never just a few. Never just a few blacks commit crimes, it's the per capita black crime rate. You never apply the same standard to whites as you are doing here. Because you are a racist.

This is pointless because you continue to rant about "you guys", then insist I have to be a racist because of something "they" do. If you can't point to anything I have said that indicates I am a racist, just admit it. I know you can't.

This is why it is difficult to carry on a decent conversation with you about race and racial issues. You lump everyone into a big basket of "them". Isn't that what white racists do to black people?

Like I said, I don't subscribe to your fake individualism which only applies to whites. I haven't dumped anybody into any basket.

"You never apply the same standard to whites as you are doing here."

You don't enter white threads talking about false premises even when that's what's going on. Most of the time you join in with them just as you did here.

We can't carry on decent conversations because you guys practice behaviors when you get called on it like diverting and gaslighting. I'm damn near 60, I know racism when I see it.

So you're projecting and assuming anyone who disagrees with you on one issue is one of "them". Got it. Same thing white racists do. You're in lousy company.

No, that's what you are doing. I'm saying that you do not employ the same principles with whites as you do with blacks. That's YOU I am talking about.

I've lived 57 years and I know there are plenty of whites who can't stand what X actually stood for. I know because I've talked to them. But you are here telling us how no whites hate him, which is untrue. You see, the unfortunate thing for you is the fact that blacks don't live isolated away from whites. You need to consider that when you start telling to us what whites don't do like we don't have contact with white people. I grew up in a town that was 90 percent white, went to a university that was at least 85 percent whites, not mention participation in sports on in my work career, so when I say things is it is not from a lack of knowledge of opinions given to me by whites.

Many whites do not have that kind of exposure to blacks.

Why should I give white racists the dignity of any reply at all? They're hate filled bigots who wouldn't give a hoot what I said.

See, now you're falsely ascribing things to me that I did not say. The OP started with a question based on a blanket statement, that whites practically hate Malcolm X. I responded by saying that MOST white people don't care enough about X to hate him. Now you claim I said NO whites hate him. You said, correctly, that words mean things and I'm going to hold you to that. What is different between what I said and what you claim I said?

I'm not even accusing you of lying, I'm just accusing you of being in so much of a hurry and so certain you know what I think and say that you didn't bother to really read what I wrote.
What lie? Where do you think the Europeans got their slaves? Do you REALLY think they would go to all the trouble, expense, and loss of life to waltz down to Africa, fight wars against the native Africans, and haul millions of them off on slave ships? Seriously? And you think that's racist. Odd.

Okay, so what is your tale about how the Europeans so easily got so many African slaves if not from the locals?
Some blacks really believe that the Egyptians didn't have slaves, they had indentured servants LOL.
You do realized they call them indentured servants specifically to differentiate them from slaves right? The fact is that they had both but most whites are too stupid to understand the difference between slavery and chattel slavery.
You are wrong, most do know the difference. Some black posters refuse to believe there was chattel slavery in Egypt.
Your comment tells me you dont know the difference. There was no chattel slavery in Egypt. They didnt pretend people were not human like whites did.

BS---there were many forms of slavery in Egypt during its history----including CHATTEL SLAVERY. "white" has nothing to do with it-----for the record---
Egyptians is caucasions ---mostly
Too bad I cant take your word for it. Please show us.
What is it that he did that brings out the hatred of white people so?

He didn't kill anyone, he didn't steal from anyone, he didn't commit any crimes, in his life that he's known for as a Minister and thought-leader of his time.

All he did was speak the raw, unadulterated and unfiltered truth about the state of affairs in this country.

I suppose that's why so many whites couldn't stand him.

The truth shouldn't be an offense.

Going to have to disagree here. Most Americans (including many young black Americans) don’t have a clue who Malcom X even is.
I've never met a Black person young or old that doesnt know who Malcolm X is. Black kids are taught about Malcolm X and MLK before they can even talk.

What is it that he did that brings out the hatred of white people so?

He didn't kill anyone, he didn't steal from anyone, he didn't commit any crimes, in his life that he's known for as a Minister and thought-leader of his time.

All he did was speak the raw, unadulterated and unfiltered truth about the state of affairs in this country.

I suppose that's why so many whites couldn't stand him.

The truth shouldn't be an offense.

Going to have to disagree here. Most Americans (including many young black Americans) don’t have a clue who Malcom X even is.
I've never met a Black person young or old that doesnt know who Malcolm X is. Black kids are taught about Malcolm X and MLK before they can even talk.


Then we need y’all out here, and basically every other place in the US because people 20 and under both black and white have zero clue who Malcom X was beyond being able to ID his pic on a shirt or hat.
What is it that he did that brings out the hatred of white people so?

He didn't kill anyone, he didn't steal from anyone, he didn't commit any crimes, in his life that he's known for as a Minister and thought-leader of his time.

All he did was speak the raw, unadulterated and unfiltered truth about the state of affairs in this country.

I suppose that's why so many whites couldn't stand him.

The truth shouldn't be an offense.

Going to have to disagree here. Most Americans (including many young black Americans) don’t have a clue who Malcom X even is.
I've never met a Black person young or old that doesnt know who Malcolm X is. Black kids are taught about Malcolm X and MLK before they can even talk.


Then we need y’all out here, and basically every other place in the US because people 20 and under both black and white have zero clue who Malcom X was beyond being able to ID his pic on a shirt or hat.
That doesnt make sense. If you can ID someone by a pic then you obviously know something about the person be it only his name. He has become an icon at that point. If you mean they are not well versed on everything about him then that makes sense.

My kids actually did a project on him in school and they were surprised at the amount of kids from other races that knew about him.
What is it that he did that brings out the hatred of white people so?

He didn't kill anyone, he didn't steal from anyone, he didn't commit any crimes, in his life that he's known for as a Minister and thought-leader of his time.

All he did was speak the raw, unadulterated and unfiltered truth about the state of affairs in this country.

I suppose that's why so many whites couldn't stand him.

The truth shouldn't be an offense.

Going to have to disagree here. Most Americans (including many young black Americans) don’t have a clue who Malcom X even is.
I've never met a Black person young or old that doesnt know who Malcolm X is. Black kids are taught about Malcolm X and MLK before they can even talk.


Then we need y’all out here, and basically every other place in the US because people 20 and under both black and white have zero clue who Malcom X was beyond being able to ID his pic on a shirt or hat.
That doesnt make sense. If you can ID someone by a pic then you obviously know something about the person be it only his name. He has become an icon at that point. If you mean they are not well versed on everything about him then that makes sense.

My kids actually did a project on him in school and they were surprised at the amount of kids from other races that knew about him.

I admired the man. I feel he had allot wrong, and I toattaly get why he was the way he was with race, look at the times he lived in? He was a bad ass, no matter what color, like any man, he made it clear his family would not be messed with. Before all that, he proved that even though one seems type cast in to the life they are living, being a black dude in prison that you can rise above that and become something more. He could have been and should have been just another darky in the slammer. He said no, and rose above that. His excample in that regard transcends race. Think what he would have been if race never were an issue.
You know, had race never been an issue, would Malcom X have ever even existed in the same sense, or would he have been just another guy?
You know, had race never been an issue, would Malcom X have ever even existed in the same sense, or would he have been just another guy?
I would have to say no because the conditions that molded him would not have existed.

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What is it that he did that brings out the hatred of white people so?

We got around 560 responses to your question here. What's the word?

did you see an answer? I am still trying to remember if I ever encountered
a "white" person who said "I HATE MALCOLM X"--------

If the seeds of hate are planted, hate will surely grow. Perhaps that was the intention.

I don't care for blanket statements like ''white people'' this or that. Nor do I care for the same statements against blacks in the same blanket manner.

As I said elsewhere, we're all fighting against the same tyrant. We should be, anyway. But it's like talking to the wall trying to get that concept through to people if all they want to do is plant seeds for division.

Whites planted the seeds. You reap what you sow. The fact is white people have enacted racist laws and policies. Whether or not you like this being said, you're not the one these policies actually affect.. So as far as I'm concerned, since I have to live in and with the racist laws and policies, you not liking something said doesn't matter. Stop it from being done so it won't be said.

This claim of individualism in this discussion is a old, tired, weak and won out claim that leaves out specific realities that must be addressed. Whining about blanket statements after 242 years minimum of creating laws denying all non whites in a blanket manner is just not going to be something I myself will listen to.

Because some of us are fighting more than one tyrant.
The legion of comments I've received here on USMB over the years referring to "the person in [my] avatar" as a racist.

So you took a handful of comments from a handful of anonymous internet keyboard jockeys and extrapolated that onto the entire white population. Do you realize how futile and foolish that is?

I don't see you saying that to whites when you guys start off on welfare. it's never a few blacks get welfare, it's all blacks. And all blacks are failures as you guys say the entire black community in America has failed, never just a few. Never just a few blacks commit crimes, it's the per capita black crime rate. You never apply the same standard to whites as you are doing here. Because you are a racist.

This is pointless because you continue to rant about "you guys", then insist I have to be a racist because of something "they" do. If you can't point to anything I have said that indicates I am a racist, just admit it. I know you can't.

This is why it is difficult to carry on a decent conversation with you about race and racial issues. You lump everyone into a big basket of "them". Isn't that what white racists do to black people?

Like I said, I don't subscribe to your fake individualism which only applies to whites. I haven't dumped anybody into any basket.

"You never apply the same standard to whites as you are doing here."

You don't enter white threads talking about false premises even when that's what's going on. Most of the time you join in with them just as you did here.

We can't carry on decent conversations because you guys practice behaviors when you get called on it like diverting and gaslighting. I'm damn near 60, I know racism when I see it.

So you're projecting and assuming anyone who disagrees with you on one issue is one of "them". Got it. Same thing white racists do. You're in lousy company.

You know, had race never been an issue, would Malcom X have ever even existed in the same sense, or would he have been just another guy?

Well race was an issue. And if taxation without representation would never have been an issue would Washington have been just another guy? Or did you decide to ask that question trying to dismiss Malcolm X?.
What is it that he did that brings out the hatred of white people so?

He didn't kill anyone, he didn't steal from anyone, he didn't commit any crimes, in his life that he's known for as a Minister and thought-leader of his time.

All he did was speak the raw, unadulterated and unfiltered truth about the state of affairs in this country.

I suppose that's why so many whites couldn't stand him.

The truth shouldn't be an offense.

Going to have to disagree here. Most Americans (including many young black Americans) don’t have a clue who Malcom X even is.

You are wrong about that.

No, no I’m not at all. If I were right blacks would not be such a mess all these years after. At best, Malcom X is nothing more then an T-shirt covered in bling, and maybe a Spike Lee Joint.

You are wrong. See, the problem with whites such as yourself is you know nothing about the effects of public/private policy nor do you know the types of public/private policies imposed on black communities. You ignore the white backlash against any growth or improvement policies because you actively participate in the backlash. You just run your mouths about blacks being in a mess and you really don't know what the fuck you are talking about.
Your comment tells me you dont know the difference. There was no chattel slavery in Egypt. They didnt pretend people were not human like whites did.

BS---there were many forms of slavery in Egypt during its history----including CHATTEL SLAVERY. "white" has nothing to do with it-----for the record---
Egyptians is caucasions ---mostly

You are incorrect.

"incorrect" in reference to what? My post made THREE POINTS-----one was that there were many forms of slavery in the history of Egypt. ----another was the
issue of "white" as YOU present as being THE "RACE" that promotes chattel slavery as opposed to your "race" that does not. and----then----the "race" of
the people of Egypt

Your entire post.

your answer is pathetic. Are you claiming that chattel slavery never existed
in Egypt?. Of what "race" are Egyptians? Are you claiming the NEW
"race" "person of color" as determined by putting a rag on one's head? Are
you claiming that in the course of world history----the only people which engaged
in chattel slavery have been what YOU call "whites"?
Pee Off
You are incorrect.

"incorrect" in reference to what? My post made THREE POINTS-----one was that there were many forms of slavery in the history of Egypt. ----another was the
issue of "white" as YOU present as being THE "RACE" that promotes chattel slavery as opposed to your "race" that does not. and----then----the "race" of
the people of Egypt

Your entire post.

your answer is pathetic. Are you claiming that chattel slavery never existed
in Egypt?. Of what "race" are Egyptians? Are you claiming the NEW
"race" "person of color" as determined by putting a rag on one's head? Are
you claiming that in the course of world history----the only people which engaged
in chattel slavery have been what YOU call "whites"?

You really need to read your posts.

So there was chattel slavery in Egypt.

And Egyptians were white.

So whites were practicing chattel slavery in Egypt according to you..

yes----white Egyptians were practicing chattel slavery----black Africans were ALSO practicing chattel slavery. White Greeks also practiced chattel slavery.
White Romans too. -------chattel slavery was practiced by Babylonians of Mesopotamia too. Aztecs and Mayans too. "Yellow" Japs and Chinks did it too. Today there are chattel slaves in Mauritania-------generally blacks
The worst were the Jews who in relatively modern times were the chief owners of SLAVE SHIPS,,,during the Triangle of Trade,and profiting immensely from the miserable human trade
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So you took a handful of comments from a handful of anonymous internet keyboard jockeys and extrapolated that onto the entire white population. Do you realize how futile and foolish that is?

I don't see you saying that to whites when you guys start off on welfare. it's never a few blacks get welfare, it's all blacks. And all blacks are failures as you guys say the entire black community in America has failed, never just a few. Never just a few blacks commit crimes, it's the per capita black crime rate. You never apply the same standard to whites as you are doing here. Because you are a racist.

This is pointless because you continue to rant about "you guys", then insist I have to be a racist because of something "they" do. If you can't point to anything I have said that indicates I am a racist, just admit it. I know you can't.

This is why it is difficult to carry on a decent conversation with you about race and racial issues. You lump everyone into a big basket of "them". Isn't that what white racists do to black people?

Like I said, I don't subscribe to your fake individualism which only applies to whites. I haven't dumped anybody into any basket.

"You never apply the same standard to whites as you are doing here."

You don't enter white threads talking about false premises even when that's what's going on. Most of the time you join in with them just as you did here.

We can't carry on decent conversations because you guys practice behaviors when you get called on it like diverting and gaslighting. I'm damn near 60, I know racism when I see it.

So you're projecting and assuming anyone who disagrees with you on one issue is one of "them". Got it. Same thing white racists do. You're in lousy company.


Then stop projecting other people's attitudes onto me. I reject your lazy group identity politics. There still have been presented nothing I've written that is racist. All I hear is a bunch of "you guys" crap which means nothing.

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