Why do some states oppose sports betting and gaming?


Gold Member
Apr 23, 2011
Freedom and liberty.....they day. But gambling or sports betting no way. What are the reasons for such nonsense?
Freedom and liberty.....they day. But gambling or sports betting no way. What are the reasons for such nonsense?
No idea... especially when they allow betting on The Powerball and Mega Millions, which just so happens to be up to $515M.
Freedom and liberty.....they day. But gambling or sports betting no way. What are the reasons for such nonsense?

A lot of it is lip-service to the religious right. The specter of Atlantic City and the corruption that was baked in looms as well.

Personally, I think it's one of the dumbest things we do as a nation. If you want to go...go. If you don't want to go...don't. As long as they aren't doing anything immoral, illegal, or dangerous...roll the dice!
Christianity is against gambling? Why? I'm a lifelong Christian and see nothing to be concerned about
Freedom and liberty.....they day. But gambling or sports betting no way. What are the reasons for such nonsense?

People engage in gambling in every state, regardless of its legal status. Legalizing it opens the state up to regulating and overseeing the gambling industry. Operators and patrons seek to fix outcomes and cheat each other all of the time. Loaded dice, marked cards, point shaving, you name it.

Its just a lot easier to outlaw the enterprise, and allow those involved to take their own risks rather than have gaming cops and lawyers investigating crooks cheating each other.

Further, legalizing the activity does make it more popular and does attract more people to lose their money this way. Takes money out of people's budget that could be used for other commercial activities more helpful to the economy.
No idea... especially when they allow betting on The Powerball and Mega Millions, which just so happens to be up to $515M.

I've long thought it unacceptable, that the states should themselves be in the gambling business, while forbidding private interests from also being in that business.

Either gambling is a legitimate form of commerce, or it is not.

If it is, then there's no legitimate reason for the states to prohibit private companies from being in it, nor to unduly burden them with excess regulations.

If it is not, then the state has no more legitimate right to be involved in it than any private interest. If anything, government has less right to be involved in this than private businesses.
im more worried about prostitution being illegal :cool:

If hoeing was legal, it would create a whole host of other problems, in the area of tax collection. Ask any pimp you know, they'll tell you how their hoes try to cheat them all of the time and hold out money. Its a constant battle.
Gambling has been around sport since roman times. Doesnt make it right.I must have the choice of 40 online bookies here, None of them pay UK taxes.They dominate our tv advertising, they fleece the vulnerable and stupid and they cheapen our national life.

I enjoy a day at the races and if I am stuck at home I will have a few quid on some horses to while away the time. But I can take it or leave it. Some cant.
Of course it takes money out of people's pickets that is the goal of capitalism....to get other people's money. There is no moral argument against it other than you don't want the jobs it creates.
Of course it takes money out of people's pickets that is the goal of capitalism....to get other people's money. There is no moral argument against it other than you don't want the jobs it creates.

It really doesn't create jobs, as it destroys jobs in other parts of the economy. The money people waste on gambling can't be used in other pursuits.
So you want to control how people spend their money?

Not me, au contraire.

If someone wants to waste their money gambling, that's their own affair.

But the problem with legalizing the activity is that it puts the government right in the middle of arguments where gamblers and bookmakers are trying to cheat eat other. This is the kind of dispute that the government and the people don't need to be involved in.

If there was a CLEAN legalization of gambling, where there was no regulation or special taxes, and the government swore to stay out of the disputes which invariably happen, I'd be in favor of it. However, I am just as cool with the idea of making it technically illegal but not to enforce the law. Just make it impossible for the government to get involved at all.
Because most humans are weak ass beings easily manipulated and enticed. So as these gaming interest addict the weak minded and take their money that state will need to provide for these dumbass beings and their offspring. Some states to not want to fund peoples gaming addiction by the need to support them and their dependents as they give their money to the gambling entities.
Freedom and liberty.....they day. But gambling or sports betting no way. What are the reasons for such nonsense?

A lot of it is lip-service to the religious right. The specter of Atlantic City and the corruption that was baked in looms as well.

Personally, I think it's one of the dumbest things we do as a nation. If you want to go...go. If you don't want to go...don't. As long as they aren't doing anything immoral, illegal, or dangerous...roll the dice!

True. Now if only you could generalize your temporary support of individual freedom to the endless big government making our choices for us polices that you and your party support
Uhm I don't know maybe just maybe beccause of the black Sox? Pete Rose?

You want government to take care of us! There may be cheating with gambling, outlaw it all! All hail benevolent government! OMG that's so naïve. Government is going to protect us. Feel behind your ears, it's still wet, isn't it? LOL
im more worried about prostitution being illegal :cool:

Let's eliminate all morality laws. That government is going to force us all to be moral is as stupid an idea as it sounds. When I think of words I associate with government, "moral" isn't on the list, not anywhere

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