Why Do We Have This Thread?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Is it not demeaning to Black people to devote a separate thread to discussing what is wrong with them and why other people allegedly don't like them? Does this not perpetuate the dysfunctional philosophy of victimization? Why not devote separate threads to every other group with a perceived gripe? Will it ever end?
Not as long as you have cowardly white people,who are afraid of their shadow.
Is it not demeaning to Black people to devote a separate thread to discussing what is wrong with them and why other people allegedly don't like them? Does this not perpetuate the dysfunctional philosophy of victimization? Why not devote separate threads to every other group with a perceived gripe? Will it ever end?

Black is the only race?

I guess when you hear the word race you think of blacks.

That says a lot about you.
I don't think you understand the difference between a thread and a board.

maybe not, but he does recognize the impetus of minstrelsy when he sees it, even if he doesn't quite articulate it. Or is this part of USMB NOT overrun by those who wish to define others the way THEY experience them, even if only in their impinged little minds?
Not as long as you have cowardly white people,who are afraid of their shadow.

Gee, are they worse than cowardly negroes afraid of their shadows AND can't speak proper English, think school is a place to show off and act cool, slaughter one another at will, and procreate bastards at a rate of 70+%?
Is it not demeaning to Black people to devote a separate thread to discussing what is wrong with them and why other people allegedly don't like them? Does this not perpetuate the dysfunctional philosophy of victimization? Why not devote separate threads to every other group with a perceived gripe? Will it ever end?

It is essential that there is a thread that discusses racism and its affects truthfully. Besides it's the only way white racists can speak their mind without catching a beat down. :lol:
Is it not demeaning to Black people to devote a separate thread to discussing what is wrong with them and why other people allegedly don't like them? Does this not perpetuate the dysfunctional philosophy of victimization? Why not devote separate threads to every other group with a perceived gripe? Will it ever end?

My friend, racism is BIG business. Just ask Jesse and Al. It has kept them in scratch their whole lives.
Is it not demeaning to Black people to devote a separate thread to discussing what is wrong with them and why other people allegedly don't like them? Does this not perpetuate the dysfunctional philosophy of victimization? Why not devote separate threads to every other group with a perceived gripe? Will it ever end?

It is essential that there is a thread that discusses racism and its affects truthfully.

It's too bad that you are so averse to being veridical.
Is it not demeaning to Black people to devote a separate thread to discussing what is wrong with them and why other people allegedly don't like them? Does this not perpetuate the dysfunctional philosophy of victimization? Why not devote separate threads to every other group with a perceived gripe? Will it ever end?

While I like your sentiments, in all fairness, this forum is titled "Race Relations" and is not confined to discussions solely about "the Blacks". Though it sure does seem the most of the angst is directed towards "the blacks", in many ignorant, ignorant, and hateful manifestations, usually initiated by a bunch of useless morons who have their own deficiencies and shortcomings, so they like to take the hate they really have for themselves and directed towards "the Blacks". In some perverse way, it makes those pieces of shit feel better. Go figure! :lol:
I don't think you understand the difference between a thread and a board.

maybe not, but he does recognize the impetus of minstrelsy when he sees it, even if he doesn't quite articulate it. Or is this part of USMB NOT overrun by those who wish to define others the way THEY experience them, even if only in their impinged little minds?

Good points. But the words that you are using far exceed the comprehension level of who they were directed towards.
Is it not demeaning to Black people to devote a separate thread to discussing what is wrong with them and why other people allegedly don't like them? Does this not perpetuate the dysfunctional philosophy of victimization? Why not devote separate threads to every other group with a perceived gripe? Will it ever end?

Black is the only race?

I guess when you hear the word race you think of blacks.

That says a lot about you.

Let me simplify:

1. Black seems to be the only race discussed in this sub-forum.

2. When I hear the word race I think of NASCAR.

3. I realize that this is a highly emotional issue, but the ad hominem attacks are getting old.

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