Why Do We Have This Thread?

Is it not demeaning to Black people to devote a separate thread to discussing what is wrong with them and why other people allegedly don't like them? Does this not perpetuate the dysfunctional philosophy of victimization? Why not devote separate threads to every other group with a perceived gripe? Will it ever end?

Black is the only race?

I guess when you hear the word race you think of blacks.

That says a lot about you.

Let me simplify:

1. Black seems to be the only race discussed in this sub-forum.

2. When I hear the word race I think of NASCAR.

3. I realize that this is a highly emotional issue, but the ad hominem attacks are getting old.

See post 10. There are certain players who won't a monopoly on the term. Blame them.
Black is the only race?

I guess when you hear the word race you think of blacks.

That says a lot about you.

Let me simplify:

1. Black seems to be the only race discussed in this sub-forum.

2. When I hear the word race I think of NASCAR.

3. I realize that this is a highly emotional issue, but the ad hominem attacks are getting old.

See post 10. There are certain players who won't a monopoly on the term. Blame them.

Except that none of them are posting this same crap everyday. Its only those living in fear that constantly are attacking. Except they wont do it in real life.
Not as long as you have cowardly white people,who are afraid of their shadow.

I fear no man!!!!

Yeah right, Rambo. An anonymous message board where real names are not used, made up locations are called home, and one is typing away in the safety of cyber space is a great place to claim to be "fearless".

You are one brave dude.
Not as long as you have cowardly white people,who are afraid of their shadow.

The knockout game is not a game for singles. It is a game in which a gang of young black hoodlums competes to see who can knock out an older non white.

Flash mobs are mobs of many blacks who loot convenience stores where one or two unarmed cashiers are working.
Is it not demeaning to Black people to devote a separate thread to discussing what is wrong with them and why other people allegedly don't like them? Does this not perpetuate the dysfunctional philosophy of victimization? Why not devote separate threads to every other group with a perceived gripe? Will it ever end?

In the United States there are too many taboos against criticizing blacks. There needs to be a place where one can discuss black stupidity, black crime, black illegitimacy, and the ways blacks negatively effect white lives in the United States. Whites would be better off if there were no blacks in the U.S. Blacks would be lost without us. They could not possibly maintain this country.
Is it not demeaning to Black people to devote a separate thread to discussing what is wrong with them and why other people allegedly don't like them? Does this not perpetuate the dysfunctional philosophy of victimization? Why not devote separate threads to every other group with a perceived gripe? Will it ever end?

It is essential that there is a thread that discusses racism and its affects truthfully. Besides it's the only way white racists can speak their mind without catching a beat down. :lol:

Quite right. One of the awful consequences of racism is that it makes it impossible for people to know the difference between 'affects' and 'effects'.

But let's make it equal opportunity and let black, brown and every other vareity of racists speak their mind. Why should white racists get priority?
Is it not demeaning to Black people to devote a separate thread to discussing what is wrong with them and why other people allegedly don't like them? Does this not perpetuate the dysfunctional philosophy of victimization? Why not devote separate threads to every other group with a perceived gripe? Will it ever end?

Black is the only race?

I guess when you hear the word race you think of blacks.

That says a lot about you.

Let me simplify:

1. Black seems to be the only race discussed in this sub-forum.

2. When I hear the word race I think of NASCAR.

3. I realize that this is a highly emotional issue, but the ad hominem attacks are getting old.

Did you get your feelings hurt?

If you can't run with the big dogs then keep your puppy ass on the porch.

Is it not demeaning to Black people to devote a separate thread to discussing what is wrong with them and why other people allegedly don't like them? Does this not perpetuate the dysfunctional philosophy of victimization? Why not devote separate threads to every other group with a perceived gripe? Will it ever end?

It is essential that there is a thread that discusses racism and its affects truthfully. Besides it's the only way white racists can speak their mind without catching a beat down. :lol:

A race relations/racism thread lets any color racist speak their mind.
Is it not demeaning to Black people to devote a separate thread to discussing what is wrong with them and why other people allegedly don't like them? Does this not perpetuate the dysfunctional philosophy of victimization? Why not devote separate threads to every other group with a perceived gripe? Will it ever end?

Black is the only race?

I guess when you hear the word race you think of blacks.

That says a lot about you.

Let me simplify:

1. Black seems to be the only race discussed in this sub-forum.

2. When I hear the word race I think of NASCAR.

3. I realize that this is a highly emotional issue, but the ad hominem attacks are getting old.

Then start a non-black race thread.
Why is there even a ENTIRE board about...about race issues anyway? I thought we were "post racial". Yeah, right. Umm.
Is it not demeaning to Black people to devote a separate thread to discussing what is wrong with them and why other people allegedly don't like them? Does this not perpetuate the dysfunctional philosophy of victimization? Why not devote separate threads to every other group with a perceived gripe? Will it ever end?

The room is RACE relations, lad, not Negroids specifically.

FWIW YOU are also a member of a "race"

Racist white people (like you?) are demeaning to us White race, in my never humble opinion.
The only thing wrong with Black people are white people.

How is that possible Huey? Unless there are certain black people who exist soley for the purpose of living in an obsessed state over the white population. To those I would say, "get a life".
Why is there even a ENTIRE board about...about race issues anyway? I thought we were "post racial". Yeah, right. Umm.

There isn't. It's a forum on the board.

obama has done his best to see that we aren't. Quite disappointing. You'd think that the first bi-racial president would be the ideal person to help shrink? make better? a black/white divide. Too bad he took the divisive route. Then again, that's his nature with things in general, not just races. For a guy who is vocal about 'teachable moments' he completely (intentionally?) missed his.
...In the United States there are too many taboos against criticizing blacks. There needs to be a place where one can discuss black stupidity, black crime, black illegitimacy, and the ways blacks negatively effect white lives in the United States. Whites would be better off if there were no blacks in the U.S. Blacks would be lost without us. They could not possibly maintain this country.

your pathetic post wreaks of insecurity and racism.
Its a place for Tank, Jackson, Sunshine, Misty, & around 10 other racist rw posters to vent their toxic rw racist rants. :)
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