Why do you think beck's rally was a neagtive thing?

What was the biggest reason Beck's rally was bad for America?

  • It was meant to bring Americans together, and that's bad.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It supported the children of fallen veterans, and that's bad.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It was about returning to founding principles, and that's bad.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It advocated tolerance and love for God, and that's bad.

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • It had military veterans as speakers, and that's bad.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It advocated the importance of charity and kindness, and that's bad

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It advocated liberty, and that's bad.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • All of the Above.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I support Beck's message at this rally.

    Votes: 11 91.7%
  • I didn't watch the rally, but nothing Beck could say can be good because I am an ignorant moron.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Those aren't leading questions at all. :rolleyes:

Your troll power is weakening. Better go find some goats.
so if the answers to the poll arent accurate to your presonal stance, please elaborate instead of ad hominems.
Sounds like one of those Democrat polls. One of those "scared of Beck" Democrat polls.
I am genuinely concerned about the state of America. I do not see how worshiping and following Beck is going to help things and I expect it to make things worse.

I have not watched any shots of the rally but how many blacks were there? Hispanics? Muslims? They are all part of America as well as white folks.

Do only white folks have honor?
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I am genuinely concerned about the state of America. I do not see how worshiping and following Beck is going to help things and I expect it to make things worse.

so what part of his message today was a bad thing? Be specific.
I am genuinely concerned about the state of America. I do not see how worshiping and following Beck is going to help things and I expect it to make things worse.

so what part of his message today was a bad thing? Be specific.

The part where he opened his mouth was the worst part.

Ok, so maybe you should look up the definition for the word "specific"?

It means to cite or quote the source material to back up a belief. You believe beck has a bad message at this rally, what did he say that backs up your claim? If the answer is not in the poll responses, please elaborate. Thank you.

Really, how about you try answering the question instead? What did beck say that was bad for america at today's rally?

Glenn Beck and the rest of you sheep think America has lost her honor, why? I'm very curious as to what honor you are restoring and what honor was supposedly lost in the first place.

Really, how about you try answering the question instead? What did beck say that was bad for america at today's rally?

Glenn Beck and the rest of you sheep think America has lost her honor, why? I'm very curious as to what honor you are restoring and what honor was supposedly lost in the first place.

can i get an exact quote on that please?
so what part of his message today was a bad thing? Be specific.

The part where he opened his mouth was the worst part.

Ok, so maybe you should look up the definition for the word "specific"?

It means to cite or quote the source material to back up a belief. You believe beck has a bad message at this rally, what did he say that backs up your claim? If the answer is not in the poll responses, please elaborate. Thank you.

I have passed my judgement on Beck.

Does one have to eat poison to know it is bad for you?

I did not watch any of Becks performance, and a performance is what it is, to know I am not interested in what he is spinning up.

I had much more important things to do such as take a nap.

the wording of your poll indicates clearly to me just how fair and balanced you are. NOT!
can i get an exact quote on that please?

An exact quote on what Skippy? This is nothing but a troll thread and you're avoiding answering my questions. What honor is needing to be restored and when was it lost in the first place?
I don't think Beck can bring America together. When he stops spewing hate, I will listen to him.
can i get an exact quote on that please?

An exact quote on what Skippy? This is nothing but a troll thread and you're avoiding answering my questions. What honor is needing to be restored and when was it lost in the first place?

so what did beck say at today's rally that backs up your statement that you believe beck believes america has no honor?

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