Why does Biden exempt people from the vaccine mandates?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Can anyone tell me?
Bullshit...businesses with over 100 employees are exempt.

Congress and the judicial branch can not be mandated by the Executive.
Bullshit. Just like the mask mandates and superspreader events, Democrats are exempt for not only following the mandate but from being criticized for it by the media.

BTW. Businesses with 100 employees or more are required to get their employees vaxxed or to test the unvaxxed weekly.

Yet, the filth of the southern continents are permitted to enter the US without any medical screening whatsoever.
Bidencrap exempts some from the poison jab because he is a hypocrat.

Also....because he doesn't want some of his people to be hurt by the vaccine.....and in the case of the illegal hordes, he needs their votes so he wants them alive and not dead.
Bullshit...businesses with over 100 employees are exempt.

Congress and the judicial branch can not be mandated by the Executive.
Ok, if true, why are those receiving welfare in various forms exempt considering that is one of the least vaccinated groups?

Biden’s COVID-19 Action Plan, which can be found on the White House website, states the executive order requires “all federal executive branch workers to be vaccinated.” White House staff are employees within the executive branch, meaning they are subject to the COVID-19 vaccine mandate outlined in Biden’s executive order, aside from exceptions required by law. There is no option for weekly testing in the executive order.

CDC and FDA employees are also considered part of the executive branch and, thus, are subject to the executive order, as both agencies fall under the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). An Office of Management and Budget official confirmed in an email to Check Your Fact that the CDC and FDA are subject to the mandate.

Congressional staffers, on the other hand, are not subject to Biden’s Sept. 9 executive order due to the separation of powers among the federal government’s three branches, according to Newsweek. The two bodies of Congress and their staff are part of the legislative branch.

While Biden’s executive order does not apply to Pfizer and Moderna, it’s likely the two pharmaceutical companies will be subject to the president’s mandate for employers with 100 or more employees to require their workers to either get vaccinated or submit to weekly testing. Pfizer had, according to Reuters, about 29,400 U.S.-based employees at the end of 2020, and Moderna had about 1,500 employees at the end of March, according to a press release. The mandate for companies will come in the form of an upcoming emergency temporary standard (ETS) from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), according to the White House’s COVID-19 Action Plan.

It’s also worth noting that both companies had already announced COVID-19 vaccination-related policies for their U.S.-based employees prior to Biden announcing the future ETS from OSHA. Pfizer, for instance, announced Aug. 4 that it would start requiring its U.S. employees and contractors to get vaccinated or undergo weekly testing for the virus, CNBC reported. Pfizer spokesperson Pam Eisele told Check Your Fact via email Wednesday that the company is “requiring all U.S. colleagues and contractors to be fully vaccinated unless approved for a medical or religious accommodation from vaccination.”

On Aug. 20, Moderna said in press release that it would “require COVID-19 vaccination for all workers in the United States, effective October 1, 2021” and that “requests for medical or religious exemptions will be considered on an individual basis.” (RELATED: Image Claims Christine Grady Is The Acting Head Of The FDA)

The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services announced that, starting in October, the U.S. will require new immigrants to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 as part of its immigration medical examinations, which those seeking lawful permanent residence must undergo, The New York Times reported.

Ok, if true, why are those receiving welfare in various forms exempt considering that is one of the least vaccinated groups?

Your OPINION article is WRONG on postal employees, they are not exempt from the businesses with over 100 mandate through OSHA...

The mandates so far are through being an employee.... Federal employee, employee for large business, employee of the executive branch, employees of hospitals, nursing homes etc....

Welfare recipients are not employees.... There are no employers to administer covid tests weekly if they refuse vaccination etc etc etc...

White house staff
CDC employees
FDA employees
USPS employees
NIAID employees
Pfizer employees
Moderna employees

All ARE MANDATED to be vaccinated

That leaves your FAKE NEWS meme with only three exceptions to mandates

illegal immigrants

The other 7 on your fake internet meme are not exempt from vaccinations.

You should fact check things like this, BEFORE posting the fake news, fueling division!

Are you this blonde?

Every organization EXCEPT the ones listed are being required. They are NOT being exempted.
The ones on the list ARE REQUIRED to be vaccinated with just 3 exceptions from Biden's mandate...on the meme list.

Congressional Branch
judicial branch
Illegal employees

ALL OTHERS ON THIS MEME LIST, are part of his mandates.

YOU believe in FAKE NEWS!

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