Why does Germany have the same number of tanks as Switzerland?


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
There you go again, stating FACTS (as opposed to libtard BS about how Trump is bullying our NATO "allies").:th_thgoodpost:
Perhaps we need to kick Germany out of NATO.

(West) Germany was originally a bulwark against further Soviet expansion into Europe. Then it became a trip wire for a Soviet invasion. Then it became the economic cornerstone for the EU. Now it is an aging state trying to sell luxury cars to the US while placating the Russians. It would not surprise me if it officially declares it neutrality ala Sweden and Switzerland. Good riddance if it does.
The rearming of germany or increasing it's military force is not popular with many segments of German society, if only because of it's negative connections to it's past history. It is a politcally sensitive subject. But here is an interesting article about this country's attempt to integrate other European forces into it's own
Germany Is Quietly Building a European Army Under Its Command
Both Germany and Switzerland have about 250 tanks. Additionally, if you count reserves, Switzerland (239,250) has more military personnel than Germany (207,650). Germany has almost 10 times the population of Switzerland. Perhaps we need to kick Germany out of NATO. That country has gone insane.

List of main battle tanks by country - Wikipedia

List of countries by number of military and paramilitary personnel - Wikipedia

You must be completely ignorant of history. Perhaps you should go back to school and you could answer your own question.

After starting two world wars in the span of 25 years, the Allies determined that Germany should not be reunited, and should never be allowed to re-arm. I just about spit my coffee at my screen when I read that Dumb Donald was demanding that a re-united Germany re-arm itself.
Whatever you do don’t piss off the Krauts. We don’t need them trying to take over the world again.
This is why. Like Japan, they got so defeated (twice, in the case of Germany) that they have given up war.

Works for me.
You must be completely ignorant of history. Perhaps you should go back to school and you could answer your own question.

After starting two world wars in the span of 25 years, the Allies determined that Germany should not be reunited, and should never be allowed to re-arm. I just about spit my coffee at my screen when I read that Dumb Donald was demanding that a re-united Germany re-arm itself.
Wasn't my favorite of his ideas, either. . . .
You must be completely ignorant of history. Perhaps you should go back to school and you could answer your own question.

After starting two world wars in the span of 25 years, the Allies determined that Germany should not be reunited, and should never be allowed to re-arm. I just about spit my coffee at my screen when I read that Dumb Donald was demanding that a re-united Germany re-arm itself.

LOL at saying that Germany should be forever militarily deficient because of the NAZIs 80 years ago.
You must be completely ignorant of history. Perhaps you should go back to school and you could answer your own question.

After starting two world wars in the span of 25 years, the Allies determined that Germany should not be reunited, and should never be allowed to re-arm. I just about spit my coffee at my screen when I read that Dumb Donald was demanding that a re-united Germany re-arm itself.

Except that it was the Allies that started WWI.
First the Russians ordered the Serb Secret Service to assassinate Archduke Ferdinand and his wife, and then the French invaded Bavaria.
The Germans were innocent victims in WWI.

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