"Why does it take a catastrophe like this in order for America to hear our cry?


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014

A Baltimore protester challenged a journalist on how the American media has reported on the unrest in the city by asking why peaceful demonstrations against the death of Freddie Gray have been largely ignored in the press.

MSNBC anchor Thomas Roberts was reporting from the scene of the violent riots sparked by Gray's funeral. The 25-year-old died of a spinal injury he sustained while in police custody.

During his live segment, he approached a Baltimore resident, who gave her name as Danielle, and asked why she was at the rally. Danielle said demonstrators were gathering to support the Gray family and to “let America know that we do want justice”

Baltimore protester challenges US media about coverage of riots over Freddie Gray death - Americas - World - The Independent
I was watching Fox and other stations last night reporting on this. The other stations reported a festival atmosphere. They talked about what the different leaders where saying. Talked about most of the arrested being adults and a whole host of things.
Over on Fox, they must have mentioned progressives a dozen times. Blamed Obama for everything. Said it was all ominous and how the attacks could start any minute. It really seemed like Fox was trying to instigate violence.
Bingo. This is the context the "what's the point of burning and looting your own neighborhood" crowd don't get.

A Baltimore protester challenged a journalist on how the American media has reported on the unrest in the city by asking why peaceful demonstrations against the death of Freddie Gray have been largely ignored in the press.

MSNBC anchor Thomas Roberts was reporting from the scene of the violent riots sparked by Gray's funeral. The 25-year-old died of a spinal injury he sustained while in police custody.

During his live segment, he approached a Baltimore resident, who gave her name as Danielle, and asked why she was at the rally. Danielle said demonstrators were gathering to support the Gray family and to “let America know that we do want justice”

Baltimore protester challenges US media about coverage of riots over Freddie Gray death - Americas - World - The Independent

Because the democrats are happy with the status quo and the republicans have no politically feasible way of addressing your problems.
I was watching Fox and other stations last night reporting on this. The other stations reported a festival atmosphere. They talked about what the different leaders where saying. Talked about most of the arrested being adults and a whole host of things.
Over on Fox, they must have mentioned progressives a dozen times. Blamed Obama for everything. Said it was all ominous and how the attacks could start any minute. It really seemed like Fox was trying to instigate violence.

That's just Fox Noise being Fox Noise. It senses the rocket fuel that gives it ratings and slups on it like a baby bottle. That rocket fuel being, of course, Scary Black People. Falls right in with the tradition of Jeremiah Wright/ACORN/Van Jones/hip hop barbecue/"knockout game" ad nauseum.
Your inability to stop commiting crimes that get you in trouble isn't America's fault. What a worthless backwards people.

We don't owe you assholes shit.
There is a great deal of responsibility that needs to be assumed by all sides. There is no liberty without responsibility. The black community cannot have one without the other, and American society cannot, either.
There is a great deal of responsibility that needs to be assumed by all sides. There is no liberty without responsibility. The black community cannot have one without the other, and American society cannot, either.

I have no problem with increasing educational funding, more funding for infrastructure and more police, but the black community has got to get in control of their crime rate.

If they can't..Nothing is going to be solved.
Alinsky lives. Do sane progs think that Fox coverage supports violence when the community agitators hate and despise Fox and apparently never watch the network? Is it alleged by progs that independent media fair and balanced coverage of riots is a reason to escalate violence? The world is upside down to liberals.
Oh well, she should go whine to the people who rioted. she was part of the reason they were there. so too damn bad.
There is a great deal of responsibility that needs to be assumed by all sides. There is no liberty without responsibility. The black community cannot have one without the other, and American society cannot, either.

Errr, what is my or even American societies' responsibility in this?
There is a great deal of responsibility that needs to be assumed by all sides. There is no liberty without responsibility. The black community cannot have one without the other, and American society cannot, either.
American society? The fact is this the kind of shit that happens in liberal hellholes. The violence, joblessness, lack of discipline, fatherless kids, mothers with 6 children from separate fathers living off of "societies" money. Put blame where it belongs.

A Baltimore protester challenged a journalist on how the American media has reported on the unrest in the city by asking why peaceful demonstrations against the death of Freddie Gray have been largely ignored in the press.

MSNBC anchor Thomas Roberts was reporting from the scene of the violent riots sparked by Gray's funeral. The 25-year-old died of a spinal injury he sustained while in police custody.

During his live segment, he approached a Baltimore resident, who gave her name as Danielle, and asked why she was at the rally. Danielle said demonstrators were gathering to support the Gray family and to “let America know that we do want justice”

Baltimore protester challenges US media about coverage of riots over Freddie Gray death - Americas - World - The Independent
What's it gonna take? Yesterday they were saying violence isnt why companies dont move to black communities. Why? Because you dont invest in your own communities. And you dont have any political power. Why? Not enough of you vote.

This is just one thing blacks do to themselves. You can't blame whites for you not voting.

If only protesters voted. They might get something done.
There is a great deal of responsibility that needs to be assumed by all sides. There is no liberty without responsibility. The black community cannot have one without the other, and American society cannot, either.
American society? The fact is this the kind of shit that happens in liberal hellholes. The violence, joblessness, lack of discipline, fatherless kids, mothers with 6 children from separate fathers living off of "societies" money. Put blame where it belongs.

Are you saying they wouldnt be poor if they voted for conservatives?

Are you surprised rich people in conservative neighborhoods dont riot? Dummy.
"Hey boss... we have 30 people walking down a street..10 or so are carrying signs...2 blocks away we have 300 police officers under attack...144 burning cars..and about 30 buildings on fire...WHICH ONE SHOULD WE COVER???


A Baltimore protester challenged a journalist on how the American media has reported on the unrest in the city by asking why peaceful demonstrations against the death of Freddie Gray have been largely ignored in the press.

MSNBC anchor Thomas Roberts was reporting from the scene of the violent riots sparked by Gray's funeral. The 25-year-old died of a spinal injury he sustained while in police custody.

During his live segment, he approached a Baltimore resident, who gave her name as Danielle, and asked why she was at the rally. Danielle said demonstrators were gathering to support the Gray family and to “let America know that we do want justice”

Baltimore protester challenges US media about coverage of riots over Freddie Gray death - Americas - World - The Independent
What's it gonna take? Yesterday they were saying violence isnt why companies dont move to black communities. Why? Because you dont invest in your own communities. And you dont have any political power. Why? Not enough of you vote.

This is just one thing blacks do to themselves. You can't blame whites for you not voting.

If only protesters voted. They might get something done.
Maybe they should come up with a "bonus food stamps for voting" campaign.
There is a great deal of responsibility that needs to be assumed by all sides. There is no liberty without responsibility. The black community cannot have one without the other, and American society cannot, either.
American society? The fact is this the kind of shit that happens in liberal hellholes. The violence, joblessness, lack of discipline, fatherless kids, mothers with 6 children from separate fathers living off of "societies" money. Put blame where it belongs.
Are you saying they wouldnt be poor if they voted for conservatives?

Are you surprised rich people in conservative neighborhoods dont riot? Dummy.
I'm the dummy and you leapt to incorrect conclusions and ran your clueless cyber mouth? AND to you this kind of shit happening in liberal sewers is all just a mere coincidence? Who ties your shoes for you?
What's it gonna take? Yesterday they were saying violence isnt why companies dont move to black communities. Why? Because you dont invest in your own communities. And you dont have any political power. Why? Not enough of you vote.

This is just one thing blacks do to themselves. You can't blame whites for you not voting.

If only protesters voted. They might get something done.

Blacks own the city. They have total control, you simpleton. YOU go invest your money there if you feel like taking the gamble. Many Koreans did and lost but maybe they'll leave your place alone, because you're so special and all.
I was watching Fox and other stations last night reporting on this. The other stations reported a festival atmosphere. They talked about what the different leaders where saying. Talked about most of the arrested being adults and a whole host of things.
Over on Fox, they must have mentioned progressives a dozen times. Blamed Obama for everything. Said it was all ominous and how the attacks could start any minute. It really seemed like Fox was trying to instigate violence.

You left out the part that Fox was also talking about those same issues.
They have had interviews with the leaders and the people out on the street.
They had an interview with the Mom who got her son out of there.
Did any of the other stations have an interview with her?
Baltimore Is a Democrat Problem, Not America’s Problem

The Associated Press
by John Nolte28 Apr 20152383

Contrary to the emotional blackmail some leftists are attempting to peddle, Baltimore is not America’s problem or shame. That failed city is solely and completely a Democrat problem. Like many failed cities, Detroit comes to mind, and every city besieged recently by rioting, Democrats and their union pals have had carte blanche to inflict their ideas and policies on Baltimore since 1967, the last time there was a Republican Mayor.

In 2012, after four years of his own failed policies, President Obama won a whopping 87.4% of the Baltimore City vote. Democrats run the city of Baltimore, the unions, the schools, and, yes, the police force. Since 1969, there have been only two Republican governors of the State of Maryland.

Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD)
Liberty Score
Voting Record

Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD)
has represented Baltimore in the U.S. Congress for more than thirty years. As I write this, despite his objectively disastrous reign, the Democrat-infested mainstream media is treating the Democrat like a local folk hero, not the obvious and glaring failure he really is.
Every single member of the Baltimore city council is a Democrat.

Liberalism and all the toxic government dependence and cronyism and union corruption and failed schools that comes along with it, has run amok in Baltimore for a half-century, and that is Baltimore’s problem. It is the free people of Baltimore who elect and then re-elect those who institute policies that have so spectacularly failed that once-great city. It is the free people of Baltimore who elected Mayor Room-To-Destroy.

You can call the arson and looting and violence we are seeing on our television screens, rioting. That’s one way to describe the chaos. Another way to describe it is Democrat infighting. This is blue-on-blue violence. The thugs using the suspicious death of Freddie Gray (at the hands of a Democrat-led police department) to justify the looting that updates their home entertainment systems, are Democrats protesting Democrat leaders and Democrat policies in a Democrat-run city.

Poverty has nothing to do with it. This madness and chaos and anarchy is a Democrat-driven culture that starts at the top with a racially-divisive White House heartbreakingly effective at ginning up hate and violence.

Where I currently reside here in Watauga County, North Carolina, the poverty level is 31.3%. Median income is only $34,293. In both of those areas we are much worse off than Baltimore, that has a poverty rate of only 23.8% and a median income of $41,385.

Despite all that, we don’t riot here in Watauga County. Thankfully, we have not been poisoned by the same left-wing culture that is rotting Baltimore, and so many other cities like it, from the inside out. We get along remarkably well. We are neighbors. We are people who help out one another. We take pride in our community, and are grateful for what we do have. We are far from perfect, but we work out our many differences in civilized ways. Solutions are our goal, not cronyism, narcissistic victimhood, and the blaming of others.

all of it here:

Baltimore Is a Democrat Problem Not America s Problem - Breitbart

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