Why does the Left hate Jews?

They just want jews out of their group, so they are offending them on purpose. They couldnt care less about palestine.

Who does? The Left?
They just want jews out of their group, so they are offending them on purpose. They couldnt care less about palestine.

Who does? The Left?
Yes, the Left. Apparently a large group of gentiles in British Labour want them out.

Gentiles in the Labour Party want them out? What's that supposed to mean?

So called Gentiles in the Labour Party want Jeremy Corbyn and Ken Livingstone out. Who also happen to be "gentiles".

Its blurred.
In the light of what us happening in the UK Labour Party.

Why the Left Hates Jews, by Kevin D. Williamson, National Review

Considering that most Jews in the United States are what would be called 'the Left'- why do you imagine that the Left hates the Jews?

The article explains it. That's why I posted it.

You posted a link. To article. Which I am not going to bother to read just to find out why you made your claim- since you couldn't even be bothered to summarize your claim.

I am just pointing out the absurdity of the claim.

Considering that most Jews in the United States are what would be called 'the Left'- why do you imagine that the Left hates the Jews?
I'm as left as they come and I don't hate Jews. I know MANY Jewish liberals.

That's what they all say.

Left in the USA is nothing like the Left in the UK and Europe.

Then maybe you should be posting this nonsense on a European forum.

The whole mess started about Israel. The Israeli ambassador got involved.

Who are you to say what constitutes nonsense? And would it be any less of a nonsense to you were it posted in the European section?

No, it would not be any less nonsense if it were posted on any forum.

National Review...LOL!
I'm as left as they come and I don't hate Jews. I know MANY Jewish liberals.

That's what they all say.

Left in the USA is nothing like the Left in the UK and Europe.

Then maybe you should be posting this nonsense on a European forum.

The whole mess started about Israel. The Israeli ambassador got involved.

Who are you to say what constitutes nonsense? And would it be any less of a nonsense to you were it posted in the European section?

No, it would not be any less nonsense if it were posted on any forum.

National Review...LOL!

No need to bother yourself with it then?
Lets just face facts: a number of people (and one particular minority of the UK population almost entirely) believe allowing Jews to have their own country on land formerly conquered by Jihad in the name of Islam is a “mistake” that must be reversed.

Those who hold this position try, euphemistically, to call this “anti-Zionism”. However they don’t give a DAMN about any other indigenous people who have a chance of getting their land back, they only care about Jews reversing Jihad. The salient points are “Jews” and Islamic Jihadi conquests. Jews rejected and continue to reject Islam. And not only have they survived, finally in 1948 they turned around and fought back out from under the yoke of dhimmitudinal slavery.

I'm as left as they come and I don't hate Jews. I know MANY Jewish liberals.

That's what they all say.

Left in the USA is nothing like the Left in the UK and Europe.

Then maybe you should be posting this nonsense on a European forum.

The whole mess started about Israel. The Israeli ambassador got involved.

Who are you to say what constitutes nonsense? And would it be any less of a nonsense to you were it posted in the European section?

No, it would not be any less nonsense if it were posted on any forum.

National Review...LOL!

No need to bother yourself with it then?

I agree.

Cya later.
That's what they all say.

Left in the USA is nothing like the Left in the UK and Europe.

Then maybe you should be posting this nonsense on a European forum.

The whole mess started about Israel. The Israeli ambassador got involved.

Who are you to say what constitutes nonsense? And would it be any less of a nonsense to you were it posted in the European section?

No, it would not be any less nonsense if it were posted on any forum.

National Review...LOL!

No need to bother yourself with it then?

I agree.

Cya later.

I'd rather not.
In the light of what us happening in the UK Labour Party.

Why the Left Hates Jews, by Kevin D. Williamson, National Review
Left hand? Left turns? Could you try to elaborate what left is and where?

Opposite to right. Duh.
Ah an intellectual eh?

You don't want to discuss anything, I take it?
In the light of what us happening in the UK Labour Party.

Why the Left Hates Jews, by Kevin D. Williamson, National Review
Left hand? Left turns? Could you try to elaborate what left is and where?

Opposite to right. Duh.
Ah an intellectual eh?

You don't want to discuss anything, I take it?

You're trolling.
Left hand? Left turns? Could you try to elaborate what left is and where?

Opposite to right. Duh.
Ah an intellectual eh?

You don't want to discuss anything, I take it?

You're trolling.
You're spamming, the story and you are both spamming a false idiom, that the left hates Jews, yet you and the story failed to establish that all leftist hate Jews...The story states two folks as saying something I guess could be a racial slur.....But two people do not represent and entire political ideology...
Opposite to right. Duh.
Ah an intellectual eh?

You don't want to discuss anything, I take it?

You're trolling.
You're spamming, the story and you are both spamming a false idiom, that the left hates Jews, yet you and the story failed to establish that all leftist hate Jews...The story states two folks as saying something I guess could be a racial slur.....But two people do not represent and entire political ideology...

Ah an intellectual eh?

You don't want to discuss anything, I take it?

You're trolling.
You're spamming, the story and you are both spamming a false idiom, that the left hates Jews, yet you and the story failed to establish that all leftist hate Jews...The story states two folks as saying something I guess could be a racial slur.....But two people do not represent and entire political ideology...

You don't want to discuss anything, I take it?

You're trolling.
You're spamming, the story and you are both spamming a false idiom, that the left hates Jews, yet you and the story failed to establish that all leftist hate Jews...The story states two folks as saying something I guess could be a racial slur.....But two people do not represent and entire political ideology...


You're obviously enjoying this nonsense.

The Left doesn't "hate Jews." American Jews vote Democratic by more than three to one. That stupid "why do leftist hate..." trick question went out of style over ten years ago.

What the left does hate is war, prison camps, ghettoes, bombing hospitals, invasions, and special rights based on race or religion. American Jews hate these things, even Jewish Republicans hate these things. A majority of Israelis hate these things.

The far-right Likud Party of Netanyahu puts the American left and American Jews in a tough spot because over the past twenty years, Israel under the leadership of Likud has been condemned around the world and in the United Nations for doing all of those things.

Israel, once our partner and close ally, has openly defied our shared commitment to a two-state solution for Palestine and violated our agreement to stop its illegal settlements. Netanyahu has attempted to manipulate our domestic politics in a way without precedent and his government has publicly scorned and criticized our President and his Secretary of State.

Does Likud speak for all Jews? Of course not! It is a kosher TEA Party armed with high tech weapons at American taxpayer expense and embarked on a search for lebensraum in Eretz Israel while committing war crimes in the Gaza ghetto it has created.

The real question isn't why the Left hates Jews, it is why the Right applauds the worst crimes committed by Jews since the diaspora. Likud is a shonda on us all.
There are any number of incredibly ignorant people here who know nothing at all about British politics.

All they know is that they belong to he tribe called "left", and know it's time to circle the wagons.
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