The Left doesn't "hate Jews." American Jews vote Democratic by more than three to one. That stupid "why do leftist hate..." trick question went out of style over ten years ago.
What the left does hate is war, prison camps, ghettoes, bombing hospitals, invasions, and special rights based on race or religion. American Jews hate these things, even Jewish Republicans hate these things. A majority of Israelis hate these things.
The far-right Likud Party of Netanyahu puts the American left and American Jews in a tough spot because over the past twenty years, Israel under the leadership of Likud has been condemned around the world and in the United Nations for doing all of those things.
Israel, once our partner and close ally, has openly defied our shared commitment to a two-state solution for Palestine and violated our agreement to stop its illegal settlements. Netanyahu has attempted to manipulate our domestic politics in a way without precedent and his government has publicly scorned and criticized our President and his Secretary of State.
Does Likud speak for all Jews? Of course not! It is a kosher TEA Party armed with high tech weapons at American taxpayer expense and embarked on a search for lebensraum in Eretz Israel while committing war crimes in the Gaza ghetto it has created.
The real question isn't why the Left hates Jews, it is why the Right applauds the worst crimes committed by Jews since the diaspora. Likud is a shonda on us all.