Why does the presidential election even still matter anymore?

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
The year before the election the parties basically select their most viable candidate and try to destroy the other party's candidate through mudslinging and any possible discovered or manufactured scandal in their career history. Both candidates are confirmed through a pilgrimage to the all holy party donors whose endorsement can decide the election before it even happens. The race then begins in earnest with both candidates moving to convince a dozen or so states to vote for them since all of the other states' votes are decided based on party lines before either speaks a word. The whole thing is basically just a game of shifting positions as necessary while decrying the opponent as an untrustworthy bastard for shifting positions all the time. The people then go to the polls. Democratic operatives move to ensure that as many illegal immigrants, convicted felons, and people who have been dead since 1983 vote as often as they can without getting caught. Republican operatives then subvert the voting systems to change as many of those Democratic votes to Republican ones as possible without getting caught. The electoral college then holds the actual election since their votes are the only ones that really matter at all. Their votes are then used to rubber stamp the final decision of the wealthy private donors from before the race proper, with the whole rest of the election essentially being a meaningless spectacle designed to make the process look more complex than "the one who convinces the most money that he's a safe bet wins".
The year before the election the parties basically select their most viable candidate and try to destroy the other party's candidate through mudslinging and any possible discovered or manufactured scandal in their career history. Both candidates are confirmed through a pilgrimage to the all holy party donors whose endorsement can decide the election before it even happens. The race then begins in earnest with both candidates moving to convince a dozen or so states to vote for them since all of the other states' votes are decided based on party lines before either speaks a word. The whole thing is basically just a game of shifting positions as necessary while decrying the opponent as an untrustworthy bastard for shifting positions all the time. The people then go to the polls. Democratic operatives move to ensure that as many illegal immigrants, convicted felons, and people who have been dead since 1983 vote as often as they can without getting caught. Republican operatives then subvert the voting systems to change as many of those Democratic votes to Republican ones as possible without getting caught. The electoral college then holds the actual election since their votes are the only ones that really matter at all. Their votes are then used to rubber stamp the final decision of the wealthy private donors from before the race proper, with the whole rest of the election essentially being a meaningless spectacle designed to make the process look more complex than "the one who convinces the most money that he's a safe bet wins".
Very true. Yet, voters rush to the polls as if they're really doing something. Election after election, they continue to elect or re-elect a professional politician to run this country, never looking back over relative recent history to see what they do once elected to office. Voters take great pride in voting for the ones that the rich, the powerful, and the influential place on the ballots. Yet, voter think and believe that they themselves have decided who gets elected to office. Voters do not realize that it's all a game, a cruel game played against this nation and her citizens.

And what's worse, after election day, voters spend the next four years complaining and beating down the one elected. Voters actually aid and abet the crooks that have, and are, destroying this once great nation. We hear excuses such as, "the lesser of two evils", "that party promotes Liberal ideals", "your party is a war monger", "what, you want taxes raised?", and other lame excuses for their vote. Voters never stop to think that all professional politicians are the same. Once elected to office, they exert their will, and not the will of the people. We have taxation without fair, equal, and just representation.

I've hear voters say, "if you don't like the system, move to country "X", or to country "Y", or "this is America, love it or leave it". But, you rarely hear voters say, "I made a mistake playing their game". Rarely will you hear voters say that "The Washington Brotherhood" is anti-America, or that professional politicians are all about egos, self-service, power, greed, and climbing the political ladder at all cost. Instead, voters defend one side or the other, slam the other side at every opportunity, and firmly believe that the obvious ruin of this once great nation is caused by "only" one party.

Voters never ask themselves how we got to the point of ruin that we're seeing and experiencing at present. They don't realize that what happens in Washington politics is a collective effort of both parties and the White House. Deals are made, favors are paid, and plans are constantly in place to run for office again, and again, and again. It's never about what's best for this nation and her citizens, rather it's all about how each can achieve longevity in politics. I've said many times in the past that "Blind Patriotism" is a terrible affliction, and many are afflicted. Voters say that they're patriotic and love this country, yet show otherwise come election day.

"The Washington Brotherhood" has become an entity unto itself, answerable to no one except itself. Everyone in Washington politics, including the president, is playing the same game. They cater to their financial supporters, engineer legislation and policy around favoritism, and make every effort to please the ones that enabled them to obtain high political office. In addition, as noted over the years, they are constantly creating ties so that they are set once they leave office. It's rare to hear of any professional politician ending their political career poor, broke, and destitute. They become very wealthy serving in government. And, their wealth is not from their service salaries. But, try to tell most voters these things and see what reaction you get.

If voters were to write-in a candidate instead of playing professional politicians' game, it would eventually send a very strong message that we, the citizens, have had enough of "The Selling of America". But, in my opinion, we're going to have to hit the proverbial "rock bottom" in order to open the eyes of the voting public. We have way too many die hard Republicans, Democrats, and others that honestly believe that party politics works for the good of this once great nation. They never stop to realize that political division plays right into the hands of those hell-bent on our destruction. As long as professional politicians can keep us divided, they win, we lose. The worse fear of any professional politicians is a united citizenry.

In addition, we hear many voters say, "I'm not going to waste my vote by voting for "other", never realizing that they are doing just that, wasting their vote, by playing the game set in motion by party politics. We, the general public, have become instruments and means that enable professional politicians to carry out their anti-America agendas. We see it in daily headlines, experience it on Main Street America, and pay the price through lost freedom, lost privacy, and vanishing opportunities to be self-supporting and prosperous. Wake up voters, your children and grand children are depending on you.
Voting in presidential elections is largely meaningless. The oligarchy that controls the nation will not allow the people a real choice.

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