Why Does the Right Embrace Ignorance as a Virtue?


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2010
I found a great article that casts some light on the puzzling, reality-denying, seemingly insane behavior of so many of the rightwingnut AGW denier cultists who post on this forum. It could have been written with them in mind. It perfectly describes their rejection of science and evidence, as well as logic and rationality, in the service of their political/economic ideologies.

Why Does the Right Embrace Ignorance as a Virtue?
Dismissing facts and science has become a staple of conservative ideology.

By Amanda Marcotte
June 11, 2014
Spouting off about stuff you know nothing about is traditionally considered unwise. But as the Republican war on science intensifies, ignorance has started to become not only less of a handicap, but a point of pride. In the face of expertise and facts, being belligerently ignorant—and offended that anyone dare suggest ignorance is less desirable than knowledge—has become the go-to position for many conservative politicians and pundits. Sadly, it’s a strategy that’s working, making it harder every day for liberals to argue the value of evidence and reason over wishful thinking and unblinking prejudice. ... But for modern Republicans, being downright proud of their ignorance has become a badge of honor, a way to demonstrate loyalty to the right-wing cause while also sticking it to those liberal pinheads who think there’s some kind of value in knowing what they're talking about before offering an opinion.

The thing is, shameless lying and ignorance work surprisingly well as debate tactics. It’s hard to argue with someone who not only has signaled that he doesn’t care what the truth is but is downright proud of how little he actually knows. Such a person is not amenable to being educated. Once the pretense of really caring one way or another about what is right and what is wrong has been abandoned, all avenue of discourse is shut down. The problem here is that someone who is not only so catastrophically wrong but downright proud of being an ignoramus is not going to actually bother to listen to an explanation like that. That’s why the wall of ignorance is such a powerful rhetorical tool. When you have nothing but contempt for the facts, attempts to educate you will only make your pride in your own ignorance grow stronger. The more you try to educate the proudly ignorant, the dumber they get. At the end of the day, the problem is one of identity. The conservative identity is one of being opposed to everything liberal, to the point of despising anything even associated with liberalism. As liberalism has increasingly been aligned with the values of empiricism and reason, the incentives for conservatives to reject empiricism and reason multiply. To be a “conservative” increasingly means taking a contemptuous view of reality. And so the proudly ignorant grow more belligerent, day after day.
I don't get it. Will you include pictures, please?

The Republican Party hasn't had a single idea that benefited the majority of Americans since before Reagan.

They've embraced anti intellectualism as a virtue for 40+ years, why do you think less than 10% of scientists self ID as Conservative/GOPers?
I don't get it. Will you include pictures, please?

The Republican Party hasn't had a single idea that benefited the majority of Americans since before Reagan.

They've embraced anti intellectualism as a virtue for 40+ years, why do you think less than 10% of scientists self ID as Conservative/GOPers?

Obama and the Democrats have been in power for six years now. The wealthy have got wealthier, the percentage of people who qualify as poor has grown to the highest level in 40 years, energy costs have been the highest in over a decade for six continuous years, more people need public assistance than ever before and you think the Repubs are to blame?:cuckoo:
I don't get it. Will you include pictures, please?

The Republican Party hasn't had a single idea that benefited the majority of Americans since before Reagan.

They've embraced anti intellectualism as a virtue for 40+ years, why do you think less than 10% of scientists self ID as Conservative/GOPers?

Obama and the Democrats have been in power for six years now. The wealthy have got wealthier, the percentage of people who qualify as poor has grown to the highest level in 40 years, energy costs have been the highest in over a decade for six continuous years, more people need public assistance than ever before and you think the Repubs are to blame?:cuckoo:

Oh, the width and depth of the hole the Bush/GOP recession put US into doesn't matter, just that we aren't completely back on track where Clinton had US before the GOP took over?

BTW, Less than 6 years, Obama came into office Jan 20th 2009 AS THE ECONOMY HAD TUMBLED 9%+ THE PREVIOUS QUARTER AND LOSING 700,0000+ JOBS A MONTH :eusa_angel:

In 8 years Bush lost 673,000+ PRIVATE sector jobs, took US from Clinton surpluses to crushing debt, AS the GOP has worked against EVERYTHING that might help US? I know, more UNFUNDED tax cuts while we go to war? Perhaps give US UNFUNDED Medicare expansion (Part D) that costs as much this decade as Obamacares does (CBO), which is 100%+ funded?

BTW, 5+ million private sector jobs under Obama, gas prices are where they were in July 2008, SLOWLY digging out of the Bush hole, WHILE the GOP refuses to get out and push

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
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i don't get it. Will you include pictures, please?

the republican party hasn't had a single idea that benefited the majority of americans since before reagan.

They've embraced anti intellectualism as a virtue for 40+ years, why do you think less than 10% of scientists self id as conservative/gopers?

The Republican Party hasn't had a single idea that benefited the majority of Americans since before Reagan.

They've embraced anti intellectualism as a virtue for 40+ years, why do you think less than 10% of scientists self ID as Conservative/GOPers?

Obama and the Democrats have been in power for six years now. The wealthy have got wealthier, the percentage of people who qualify as poor has grown to the highest level in 40 years, energy costs have been the highest in over a decade for six continuous years, more people need public assistance than ever before and you think the Repubs are to blame?:cuckoo:

Oh, the width and depth of the hole the Bush/GOP recession put US into doesn't matter, just that we aren't completely back on track where Clinton had US before the GOP took over?

BTW, Less than 6 years, Obama came into office Jan 20th 2009 AS THE ECONOMY HAD TUMBLED 9%+ THE PREVIOUS QUARTER AND LOSING 700,0000+ JOBS A MONTH :eusa_angel:

In 8 years Bush lost 673,000+ PRIVATE sector jobs, took US from Clinton surpluses to crushing debt, AS the GOP has worked against EVERYTHING that might help US? I know, more UNFUNDED tax cuts while we go to war? Perhaps give US UNFUNDED Medicare expansion (Part D) that costs as much this decade as Obamacares does (CBO), which is 100%+ funded?

BTW, 5+ million private sector jobs under Obama, gas prices are where they were in July 2008, SLOWLY digging out of the Bush hole, WHILE the GOP refuses to get out and push

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

That's a very elementary analysis from a very elementary mind.
I found a great article that casts some light on the puzzling, reality-denying, seemingly insane behavior of so many of the rightwingnut AGW denier cultists who post on this forum. It could have been written with them in mind. It perfectly describes their rejection of science and evidence, as well as logic and rationality, in the service of their political/economic ideologies.

Why Does the Right Embrace Ignorance as a Virtue?
Dismissing facts and science has become a staple of conservative ideology.

By Amanda Marcotte
June 11, 2014
Spouting off about stuff you know nothing about is traditionally considered unwise. But as the Republican war on science intensifies, ignorance has started to become not only less of a handicap, but a point of pride. In the face of expertise and facts, being belligerently ignorant—and offended that anyone dare suggest ignorance is less desirable than knowledge—has become the go-to position for many conservative politicians and pundits. Sadly, it’s a strategy that’s working, making it harder every day for liberals to argue the value of evidence and reason over wishful thinking and unblinking prejudice. ... But for modern Republicans, being downright proud of their ignorance has become a badge of honor, a way to demonstrate loyalty to the right-wing cause while also sticking it to those liberal pinheads who think there’s some kind of value in knowing what they're talking about before offering an opinion.

The thing is, shameless lying and ignorance work surprisingly well as debate tactics. It’s hard to argue with someone who not only has signaled that he doesn’t care what the truth is but is downright proud of how little he actually knows. Such a person is not amenable to being educated. Once the pretense of really caring one way or another about what is right and what is wrong has been abandoned, all avenue of discourse is shut down. The problem here is that someone who is not only so catastrophically wrong but downright proud of being an ignoramus is not going to actually bother to listen to an explanation like that. That’s why the wall of ignorance is such a powerful rhetorical tool. When you have nothing but contempt for the facts, attempts to educate you will only make your pride in your own ignorance grow stronger. The more you try to educate the proudly ignorant, the dumber they get. At the end of the day, the problem is one of identity. The conservative identity is one of being opposed to everything liberal, to the point of despising anything even associated with liberalism. As liberalism has increasingly been aligned with the values of empiricism and reason, the incentives for conservatives to reject empiricism and reason multiply. To be a “conservative” increasingly means taking a contemptuous view of reality. And so the proudly ignorant grow more belligerent, day after day.

The rich and the clever have been working on gaining whatever advantage they can over the years.

Not surprizingly.... As it turns out it has been demonstrated that winning is everything. It is an added bonus to find candidates to back that are also ignorant and take pride in being so.

Business contributes much of the expense of running a campaign. These contributions come at a price. These contributors expect advantage in congress for their money. It is much easier to get ignorant candidates to do the bidding of their contributors than intelligent curious candidates that might balk on performing "favors" without scrutiny.

Karl Rove and Dick Army are especially adept at discovering new candidates that are especially willing to trade votes with no conscience of the consequences.
Well the far left had to post something to show that what is in the OP is really about them.

Then again programmed talking points from the far left is nothing new,

See one far left post seen them all.
Obama and the Democrats have been in power for six years now. The wealthy have got wealthier, the percentage of people who qualify as poor has grown to the highest level in 40 years, energy costs have been the highest in over a decade for six continuous years, more people need public assistance than ever before and you think the Repubs are to blame?:cuckoo:

Oh, the width and depth of the hole the Bush/GOP recession put US into doesn't matter, just that we aren't completely back on track where Clinton had US before the GOP took over?

BTW, Less than 6 years, Obama came into office Jan 20th 2009 AS THE ECONOMY HAD TUMBLED 9%+ THE PREVIOUS QUARTER AND LOSING 700,0000+ JOBS A MONTH :eusa_angel:

In 8 years Bush lost 673,000+ PRIVATE sector jobs, took US from Clinton surpluses to crushing debt, AS the GOP has worked against EVERYTHING that might help US? I know, more UNFUNDED tax cuts while we go to war? Perhaps give US UNFUNDED Medicare expansion (Part D) that costs as much this decade as Obamacares does (CBO), which is 100%+ funded?

BTW, 5+ million private sector jobs under Obama, gas prices are where they were in July 2008, SLOWLY digging out of the Bush hole, WHILE the GOP refuses to get out and push

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

That's a very elementary analysis from a very elementary mind.

Good rebuttal *shaking head*

Conservatives are mostly dumb, simple minded and with zero honesty today

Good rebuttal *shaking head*

Conservatives are mostly dumb, simple minded and with zero honesty today

Interesting response. Based on your elementary rantings above I had the impression you were a so-called "liberal."

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