Why don't Democratic politicians in the top 1% voluntarily pay more?


Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009
Seems a little odd to me. They say they want to pay more, they could afford more financially, the treasury would happily take their checks, but they won't pay.

Why is that?

While they're on their quest to raise taxes, they could just pay more while they're at it, anybody hazard a guess as to why they don't?

Why do they have to be forced to do something they supposedly want to do?
Why don't you STFU and realize that playing the "poor little rich folk" card isn't working anymore.
Seems a little odd to me. They say they want to pay more, they could afford more financially, the treasury would happily take their checks, but they won't pay.

Why is that?

While they're on their quest to raise taxes, they could just pay more while they're at it, anybody hazard a guess as to why they don't?

Why do they have to be forced to do something they supposedly want to do?

Ask a stupid question.:cuckoo:
Why don't you STFU and realize that playing the "poor little rich folk" card isn't working anymore.

Please direct me to anything I've ever said that even remotely resembles what you just described.

Thanks in advance.
Why didn't Eisenhower pay more privately? HE taxed top earners at over 90%!!!

Obviously he should have been paying a lot more privately too, right?
Why didn't Eisenhower pay more privately? HE taxed top earners at over 90%!!!

Obviously he should have been paying a lot more privately too, right?

Not if the laws he wanted were put in place, that wouldn't be necessary as he's already being taxed.

They want to pay more+they can pay more+those being paid will take their money=they don't pay

The only way the above equation would work out is if there's a lie somewhere in the left side of the equation. Either they don't want to pay more, or they can't pay more, or the Treasury is unwilling to accept funds.
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I think the answer to your question has to be based on the assumption that what you are talking about is Democrat's desire to reform the tax code. Within that context the discussion is not about what individuals might wish to do, its about what the tax law compels all of us as US taxpayers to do. So the question about why any individual or any group of individuals might want or not want to do something voluntarily is really moot. The question is what will the nation do about taxes and it will be a national solution that gets us out of the debt we are in now. There is no question that it must be paid, its a question of who will pay it or to be more correct, who will pay which portion of it. Many of us think that those who have taken the most out of our nation should put the most back in - some believe otherwise.
Why didn't Eisenhower pay more privately? HE taxed top earners at over 90%!!!

Obviously he should have been paying a lot more privately too, right?

The more times you repeat this bullshit, does not make it suddenly become truth....

Y'know.. I wonder WHY you only post that tidbit and not the EFFECTIVE tax rate during that time??... along with what was considered income, what was deductible, etc.... hmmmmmmmmmmmmm??

maybe because it does not help advance your bullshit stance??
I think the answer to your question has to be based on the assumption that what you are talking about is Democrat's desire to reform the tax code. Within that context the discussion is not about what individuals might wish to do, its about what the tax law compels all of us as US taxpayers to do. So the question about why any individual or any group of individuals might want or not want to do something voluntarily is really moot. The question is what will the nation do about taxes and it will be a national solution that gets us out of the debt we are in now. There is no question that it must be paid, its a question of who will pay it or to be more correct, who will pay which portion of it. Many of us think that those who have taken the most out of our nation should put the most back in - some believe otherwise.

But...........................they can voluntarily pay more.

I brought up the point you made right in my OP, that while they're working to raise taxes on the rich like supposedly they want to do, they could pay more on their own during that time.

You're asleep, now your support of Obama makes more sense.

Pssssst wake up, it's because your heroes don't actually want to raise taxes on the rich. Go by their actions (continuing the Bush tax cuts) not their words.
I'm sure that Nancy could contribute a few bucks.

Let's review... She has:

Earned income: $223,000 (Pelosi was speaker in 2010)
Assets: Home and vineyard in St. Helena, Calif., $5 million-$25 million; townhome in Norden, Calif., $1 million-$5 million; real estate in Napa, Calif., $500,000-$1 million.

Major sources of unearned income: Rent from Napa real estate, $15,000-$50,000.

Major liabilities: Mortgage on home and vineyard in St. Helena, $1 million-$5 million; mortgage on home in Norden, $500,000-$1 million; mortgage on Napa property, $250,000-$500,000

Her husband, Paul, has commercial property in San Francisco valued between $5-$25m, he's a limited partner in a real estate co valued between $5-$25m, limited partner in Sacramento Mountain Lions valued between $5-$25m, his 20 investments in the Lions total between $2.6 and $5.2m, he made between $1-$5m in capital gains from Apple shares sale, and a modest $100,000-$1 from the sale of property in CA.
If they really wanted to help they wouldn't bother with being taxed more as public servants, they would support serious pay decreases. None of them want to cut the size, scope or spending in government. None of them.

My yacht, the Scaramouch, has thrice the square footage of the average American household and I avoided playing taxes and docking fee on it
Why don't all those people who want to give millionaires a bigger tax break just send them money directly?

Dumb threads get dumb responses.
Seems a little odd to me. They say they want to pay more, they could afford more financially, the treasury would happily take their checks, but they won't pay.

Why is that?

While they're on their quest to raise taxes, they could just pay more while they're at it, anybody hazard a guess as to why they don't?

Why do they have to be forced to do something they supposedly want to do?

Because class warfare needs to have one side forced.
Why don't all those people who want to give millionaires a bigger tax break just send them money directly?

Dumb threads get dumb responses.

I want to give less to the treasury, I want you to give less to the treasury, I want rich and poor to give less to the treasury.

Don't have a choice though.

Those who say they want to give more can, but don't. Why is that?
Why don't all those people who want to give millionaires a bigger tax break just send them money directly?

Dumb threads get dumb responses.

I want to give less to the treasury, I want you to give less to the treasury, I want rich and poor to give less to the treasury.

Don't have a choice though.

Those who say they want to give more can, but don't. Why is that?

Because it takes a collective effort to make a difference. One person acting alone is purely symbolic and will have no meaningful impact. But you knew that already, right?
Why don't all those people who want to give millionaires a bigger tax break just send them money directly?

Dumb threads get dumb responses.

I want to give less to the treasury, I want you to give less to the treasury, I want rich and poor to give less to the treasury.

Don't have a choice though.

Those who say they want to give more can, but don't. Why is that?

Because it takes a collective effort to make a difference. One person acting alone is purely symbolic and will have no meaningful impact. But you knew that already, right?

Yes I knew that already, that's why all democrats who are rich and say they want their taxes raised should get together and pay more.

Would really show everyone that their actions match their words, and they aren't just pandering to people who aren't rich.

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