Why don’t republicans seem to understand the consequences of tax cuts?

Get a new schtick, Simp.

FY 2021$4.05 trillion
FY 2020$3.42 trillion
FY 2019$3.46 trillion
FY 2018$3.33 trillion
FY 2017$3.32 trillion
FY 2016$3.27 trillion
FY 2015$3.25 trillion
FY 2014$3.02 trillion
FY 2013$2.78 trillion
FY 2012$2.45 trillion
FY 2011$2.30 trillion
FY 2010$2.16 trillion
FY 2009$2.11 trillion
FY 2008$2.52 trillion
FY 2007$2.57 trillion
FY 2006$2.41 trillion
FY 2005$2.15 trillion
FY 2004$1.88 trillion
FY 2003$1.78 trillion
FY 2002$1.85 trillion
FY 2001$1.99 trillion

Once again you give us a meaningless set of numbers with no context because you're too stupid to know what they mean. Notice how revenues went DOWN in 2002, AFTER Bush cut taxes, and went down even further in 2003 after a further tax cut to boost the economy in the wake of 9/11.

How about revenue increases due to population increases and increased economic activity due to the spending increases that always accompany a Republican tax cut??? More people working, and higher levels of income due to higher salaries.

Revenues increased after Trump cut taxes because of the 10% repatriation tax on all of the money corporations have been holding in offshore accounts since W was in office.

Tax cuts don't increase revenues or create jobs. The evidence is overwhelming, but that has never stopped you from believing Republicans lies before, because that's what stupid FuckBois do.

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It’s a pretty basic concept. If spending is not adequately cut and taxes are cut (something republicans do), this means that there is less revenue to pay for spending. If bewilders me how republicans think you can cut taxes and think it doesn’t have consequences. We know it has consequences because the deficit blew up under Trump.

Oh and news flash: trickle down economics is not a real thing. Why would corporations bother investing in labor when it is easier for them to just keep the huge amount of money they save from tax cuts? After all their profits are already at an all time high.

If you can't cut spending, you must raise revenue. And the best way to do that is raise taxes on the rich and force them to pay their fair share.
Once again you give us a meaningless set of numbers with no context because you're too stupid to know what they mean. Notice how revenues went DOWN in 2002, AFTER Bush cut taxes, and went down even further in 2003 after a further tax cut to boost the economy in the wake of 9/11.

How about revenue increases due to population increases and increased economic activity due to the spending increases that always accompany a Republican tax cut??? More people working, and higher levels of income due to higher salaries.

Revenues increased after Trump cut taxes because of the 10% repatriation tax on all of the money corporations have been holding in offshore accounts since W was in office.

Tax cuts don't increase revenues or create jobs. The evidence is overwhelming, but that has never stopped you from believing Republicans lies before, because that's what stupid FuckBois do.

Revenues increased after Trump cut taxes because of the 10% repatriation tax on all of the money corporations have been holding in offshore accounts

Good lord you are a complete idiot.

Look at the blue line that shows INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAXES PAID. It has nothing to do with your dumbass repatriation bullshit, Simp.

Once again you give us a meaningless set of numbers with no context because you're too stupid to know what they mean. Notice how revenues went DOWN in 2002, AFTER Bush cut taxes, and went down even further in 2003 after a further tax cut to boost the economy in the wake of 9/11.

How about revenue increases due to population increases and increased economic activity due to the spending increases that always accompany a Republican tax cut??? More people working, and higher levels of income due to higher salaries.

Revenues increased after Trump cut taxes because of the 10% repatriation tax on all of the money corporations have been holding in offshore accounts since W was in office.

Tax cuts don't increase revenues or create jobs. The evidence is overwhelming, but that has never stopped you from believing Republicans lies before, because that's what stupid FuckBois do.

Notice how revenues went DOWN in 2002, AFTER Bush cut taxes, and went down even further in 2003 after a further tax cut to boost the economy i

Another moron who doesn't know when all the provisions of the tax cuts kicked in. HINT: Some didn't until 2010.

You are a clueless dolt on all topics.
Hey Stupid, learn to read.

The OP claimed revenues went down after the Trump across the board tax cuts. I have proven that to be a complete lie. Grow a brain.

And while your at it, STFU about America and fix your own shithole country that locks people up and seizes their property for voicing an opinion not approved by your Cuck PM.

Look at the stupid FuckBoi trying to cover up his lies and stupidity with insults and abuse. You've been proven to be lying over and over and over again, yet you cling to your bullshit like a terrier with a rat. Just like you cling to Trump the Loser. Birds of feather, guess.

As soon as you're proven wrong, you try to move the goal posts. You've been posting here long enough to know all of your little reindeer games FuckBoi.

I guess the London School of Economics is just "Left wing spin and lies too".

I have little patience for liars or fools, and you're both. Nobody but an idiot of working age is posting 40 times a day on a public message board for free, and no employer would tolerate you wasting their time in this way. You're not contributing to any discussions, you're just promoting lies and policies which are destroying the nation.

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